Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?

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Database Management System (DBMS)

1. ___________ refers to the basic facts and entities, such as names and numbers.

  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Input
  4. Output

Correct answer: (B)

2. Information is processed from ___________

  1. Output
  2. Data
  3. Memory
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)

3. MIS stands for:

  1. Management Information Server
  2. Management Information Service
  3. Management Information System
  4. Master Information System

Correct answer: (C)
Management Information System

4. Which is the false statement:

  1. A database is ordered collection of data.
  2. A database is systematic compilation of records in a computer.
  3. DBMS manages the database
  4. Data helps in making decisions.

Correct answer: (D)
Data helps in making decisions.

5. Which is the data model

  1. Relational
  2. Object-Relational
  3. Network
  4. All of these

Correct answer: (D)
All of these

6. Which is not the feature of database:

  1. Data redundancy
  2. Independence
  3. Flexibility
  4. Data Integrity

Correct answer: (A)
Data redundancy

7. Which is the type of data independence:

  1. Physical data independence
  2. Logical data independence
  3. Both
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)

8. Which is the feature of database:

  1. Query Language
  2. Multi user access
  3. Data Dictionary
  4. All of these

Correct answer: (B)
Multi user access

9. Which is the database language:

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. SQL
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)

10. Which person is responsible for overall activities for database:

  1. Database designer
  2. Database analyst
  3. Database Administrator
  4. Database manager

Correct answer: (C)
Database Administrator

Latest DBMS MCQ Objective Questions

DBMS MCQ Question 1:

“Structure of database” is known as _______.

  1. Attribute
  2. Entity
  3. Schema
  4. All

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Schema

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The correct answer is Schema

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points:

  • database schema is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire database. It defines how the data is organized and how the relations among them are associated. It formulates all the constraints that are to be applied to the data.
  • database schema defines its entities and the relationship among them. It contains a descriptive detail of the database, which can be depicted by means of schema diagrams. It’s the database designers who design the schema to help programmers understand the database and make it useful.
  • A database schema can be divided broadly into two categories −
    • Physical Database Schema − This schema pertains to the actual storage of data and its form of storage like files, indices, etc. It defines how the data will be stored in secondary storage.
    • Logical Database Schema − This schema defines all the logical constraints that need to be applied to the data stored. It defines tables, views, and integrity constraints.

DBMS MCQ Question 2:

Baud rate belongs to:

  1. Computer speed
  2. Data transfer
  3. Computer weight
  4. Network speed
  5. None of the above

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Data transfer

The correct answer is Data transfer.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • A number associated with the speed of knowledge transmission during a system.
  • The speed indicates the number of electrical oscillations per second that happens within a knowledge transmission.
  • The upper the baud, the more bits per second that are transferred.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Important Points

  • Processor speed indicates how your computer runs and is measured in megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz).
  • Comcast recommends a minimum of 800 MHz for Mac computers and 1.5 GHz for PCs using Windows.
  • Memory or RAM is space for storing your computer uses to store and skim data.

DBMS MCQ Question 3:

Which of the following commands is the one that should be used to remove the values from the relation?

  1. Delete from teaches
  2. Drop table teaches

  3. Delete from teaches where Id =’ Null’
  4. Remove table teaches

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Delete from teaches

TB Solution: The Correct option is to Delete from Command. To delete the table's entries, Use the Delete from table command.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Important Points

Delete from teaches: Delete from teaches command is used To delete the table's entries, Use the Delete from table command.

Drop table teaches: This option is Incorrect because A table definition, including all of the associated data, indexes, triggers, constraints, and permission specifications, can be deleted using the SQL DROP TABLE statement.

Delete from teaches where Id =’ Null’: This option is Incorrect because Delete from teaches command is used To delete the table's entries, Use the Delete from table command.

Remove table teaches: This option is Incorrect because Delete from teaches command is used To delete the table's entries, Use the Delete from table command.

DBMS MCQ Question 4:

A set of one or more features used in combination to uniquely identify a record is known as _____.

  1. Primary Key
  2. Super key
  3. Foreign key
  4. Candidate key

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Super key

 The correct answer is Super key

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

A foreign key establishes a connection between two relations. The superset of all the keys in a relationship is referred to as a super key. To identify tuples in a relation, a candidate key is utilized.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Important Points

Primary Key: The column or columns that each row in a table uses to uniquely identify itself is known as the primary key.

Super key: An attribute (or combination of attributes) called a "Super Key" is used to identify each attribute in a relationship to a particular way.

Although all candidate keys cannot be super keys, the opposite is true.

Foreign key: A field (or group of fields) in one table that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table is known as a FOREIGN KEY.

Candidate Key: A candidate key is a single key or a collection of keys that collectively and specifically identify rows in a database.

DBMS MCQ Question 5:

Identify Which is a function of the Data Base Management System?

  1. Storing data
  2. Providing multi-user access control
  3. Data Integrity
  4. All of the above

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : All of the above

The correct answer is All of the above.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

Enables authorized users to access, update, store, or modify data. It is simple to obtain the data and carry out the necessary activities because the data is kept in table format. Additionally, unnecessary and duplicate data are removed.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Important Points

Storing data: This category includes memory that is available to the CPU immediately. Since they are all located on the motherboard or CPU chipset, the CPU has direct access to the internal memory (registers), quick memory (cache), and main memory (RAM).

Providing multi-user access control: Another crucial DBMS function is multiuser access control.

The DBMS uses sophisticated algorithms to ensure that several users can access the database concurrently without compromising the integrity of the database in order to provide data integrity and data consistency.

Data Integrity: In a database, data integrity refers to the accuracy, consistency, and comprehensiveness of the data.

The three integrity requirements listed below are used to enforce data integrity: Entity integrity is a concept that is connected to primary keys.

Top DBMS MCQ Objective Questions

In MS-DOS, which command displays all the files having the same name but different extensions?

  1. Dir filename.*
  2. Dir filename.ext
  3. Dir *.sys
  4. Dir *.ext

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Dir filename.*

The correct answer is Dir filename.*

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • In MS-DOS, the Dir filename.* command displays all the files having the same name but different extensions.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • * is a wild card character that stands for any character.
    • When we specify a filename.* it means that the filename should be the same but the extension can be any.
    • Dir filename.ext, this shows the specified file with the specified extension.
    • Dir *.sys lists all the files with system extensions.
    • Dir *.ext lists all the files with a specified extension.

Which of the following is used to manage Data Base ?

  1. Operating System
  2. Compiler
  3. DBMS
  4. None of the above

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : DBMS

The correct answer is DBMS.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • A Database is an organized collection of data so that it can be easily accessed and managed.
  • DBMS stands for Database Management System.
  • A Database Management System (DBMS) is software designed to store, retrieve, define, and manage data in a database.
  • Database Management System removes redundancy and Integrity.
  • Database Management System reduces Application Development Time.
  • DBMS follows the concepts of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (normally shortened as ACID).
  • DBMS supports a multi-user environment and allows them to access and manipulate data in parallel. 
  • Types of DBMS Systems are:
    • Hierarchical Database
    • Network Database
    • Relational Database
    • Object-Oriented Database
  • The three-schema architecture of DBMS:

  • Some popular DBMS systems:
    • MySQL
    • Microsoft Access
    • Oracle
    • LibreOffice Base
    • Microsoft SQL Server

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Important Points 

  • In 1960, Charles Bachman designed the first DBMS system.
  • In 1970, Codd introduced IBM'S Information Management System (IMS)
  • In 1976, Peter Chen coined and defined the Entity-relationship model also know as the ER model.
  • In 1991, Microsoft ships MS Access, a personal DBMS and that displaces all other personal DBMS products.


Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information 

  • Operating System
    • ​An operating system acts as an intermediary between the user of a computer and computer hardware.
    • Operating systems were first developed in the late 1950s to manage tape storage.
    • The General Motors Research Lab implemented the first OS in the early 1950s for their IBM 701.
    • Operating System allows disk access and file systems Device drivers Networking Security.
    • Operating System Handling I/O operations.
    • Operating System has error detection and handling technic.
    • An Operating System is concerned with the allocation of resources and services, such as memory, processors, devices, and information. 
    • The Kernel is the central component of a computer operating system.
  • ​Compiler
    • The compiler translates source code written in a high-level language into a set of machine-language.
    • Compilers are very large programs, with error-checking and other abilities.
    • The object code is machine code that the processor can perform one instruction at a time.
    • The first Autocode and compiler in the modern sense were developed by Alick Glennie in 1952.
    • John W. Backus at IBM introduced the first commercially available compiler, in 1957.

Which of the following is NOT an example of DBMS?

  1. SQL Server
  2. MySQL
  3. Microsoft Outlook
  4. Microsoft Access

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Microsoft Outlook

The correct answer is Microsoft Outlook.

  • Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. 
  • MySQL Database Service is a fully managed database service to deploy cloud-native applications. 
  • Microsoft Outlook is the email service provided by Microsoft.
    • Hence this is the answer.
  • Microsoft Access is the only application software you need to create apps, utilise databases and store data in SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL.

The _______ is a simple query language used for accessing, handling and managing data in a relational database.

  1. ISO
  2. DDL
  3. DML
  4. SQL

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : SQL

 The correct answer SQL.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
  • It is a standardized programming language that's used to manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data in them.
  • SQL became the de facto standard programming language for relational databases after they emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  • SQL is regularly used not only by database administrators but also by developers writing data integration scripts and data analysts looking to set up and run analytical queries.
  • The uses of SQL include modifying database table and index structures; adding, updating, and deleting rows of data; and retrieving subsets of information from within a database for transaction processing and analytics applications.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • SQL is widely popular because it offers the following advantages -
    • Allows users to access data in the relational database management systems.
    • Allows users to describe the data.
    • Allows users to define the data in a database and manipulate that data.
    • Allows embedding within other languages using SQL modules, libraries & pre-compilers.
    • Allows users to create and drop databases and tables.
    • Allows users to create a view, stored procedure, functions in a database.
    • Allows users to set permissions on tables, procedures, and views.

A collection of interrelated files and a set of programs that allow users to access and modify these files is known as ______________.

  1. System management
  2. Data analytic system
  3. Database management system
  4. Data files

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Database management system

The correct answer is Database management system.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • A Database Management System (DBMS) is software designed to store, modify, and manage data in a database.
    • Examples of DBMS are SQL Server, My SQL, Oracle, MS Access, File Maker, Bigtable.
  • A database is a data structure that stores organized information.
  • The telephone directory is a good example of a database.

In C Programming a function can return:

  1. Double value
  2. Single value
  3. As many as values
  4. No value

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Single value

The correct answer is Single value.


A function in C can be called either with arguments or without arguments.

  • Always, Only one value can be returned from a function.
  • If you try to return more than one value from a function, only one value will be returned that appears at the rightmost place of the return statement.
  • For example, if you use “return a,b,c” in your function, value for c only will be returned, and values a, b won’t be returned to the program.

“Structure of database” is known as _______.

  1. Attribute
  2. Entity
  3. Schema
  4. All
  5. None of these

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Schema

The correct answer is Schema

  • database schema is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire database. It defines how the data is organized and how the relations among them are associated. It formulates all the constraints that are to be applied to the data.
  • database schema defines its entities and the relationship among them. It contains a descriptive detail of the database, which can be depicted by means of schema diagrams. It’s the database designers who design the schema to help programmers understand the database and make it useful.
  • A database schema can be divided broadly into two categories −
    • Physical Database Schema − This schema pertains to the actual storage of data and its form of storage like files, indices, etc. It defines how the data will be stored in secondary storage.
    • Logical Database Schema − This schema defines all the logical constraints that need to be applied to the data stored. It defines tables, views, and integrity constraints.

______ is an advanced discipline that teaches students how to analyse and find patterns in large amounts of data.

  1. Computer science
  2. Data science
  3. Computer programming
  4. Software development

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Data science

The correct answer is Data Science.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • Data science is an advanced discipline that teaches students how to analyze and find patterns in large amounts of data.
    • Data science is a process in which the goal is to make better choices.
    • To make better choices, data should be collected to properly analyze the situation.
    • Once the situation has been analyzed, then data scientists can make decisions to improve various outcomes.
    • Data science is a field of applied mathematics and statistics that provides useful information based on large amounts of complex data or big data.
    • Data science, or data-driven science, combines aspects of different fields with the aid of computation to interpret reams of data for decision-making purposes.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • Computer science is the study of computers and computing as well as their theoretical and practical applications.
    • Computer science applies the principles of mathematics, engineering, and logic to a plethora of functions, including algorithm formulation, software, and hardware development, and artificial intelligence.
  • Computer programming is the process of performing a particular computation (or more generally, accomplishing a specific computing result), usually by designing/building an executable computer program.
    • Programming involves tasks such as analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms' accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms (usually in a chosen programming language, commonly referred to as coding).
  • Software development is the process of conceiving, specifying, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and bug fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications, frameworks, or other software components.
    • Software development involves writing and maintaining the source code but in a broader sense.
    • It includes all processes from the conception of the desired software through to the final manifestation of the software, typically in a planned and structured process.
    • Software development also includes research, new development, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance, or any other activities that result in software products.

______ constraint ensures that no two 'rows' have same value in specified column / columns

  1. All option are wrong
  2. Check
  3. Unique
  4. Default

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Unique



The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.


The UNIQUE constraint ensures that no two 'rows' have the same value in specified column/columns.


The DEFAULT constraint is used to provide a default value for a column.

Therefore correct answer Option 2 

The Correct order of SQL expression is

  1. Select, group by, where, having
  2. Select, having, group by, where
  3. Select, having, where, group by
  4. Select, where, group by, having

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Select, where, group by, having

The correct answer is Select, where, group by, having.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

Six Operations to Order: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY. Because the database executes query components in a specific order,

SELECT select_list [ INTO new_table ]  [ FROM table_source ]

[ WHERE search_condition ]

[ GROUP BY group_by_expression ]

[ HAVING search_condition ]

[ ORDER BY order_expression [ ASC | DESC ] ]

Hence Option 4 is correct

53 in 2's complement form is?

  1. 1001011
  2. 001011
  3. 001010
  4. 011010

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : 001011

The correct answer is 001011.


The binary equivalent for 53 is 110101

The 1's complement of the given binary digit will be:

110101 → 001010

Adding 1 to the above, we get the 2's complement as:

001010 → 001011

Hence the correct answer is Option 2

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

1's complement of Binary: 1's complement of a Binary number is defined by the value obtained by inverting all the bit, i.e, 0 as 1 and 1 as 0.

2's complement of Binary: It is the sum of 1's complement of Binary number and 1 to the least significant bit (LSB).

∴ 2's complement = 1's complement + 1 (LSB)

In MS-DOS, only filenames and extensions are to be displayed in wide format, which command you'll use?

  1. Dir/w
  2. Dir/a
  3. Dir/s
  4. Dir/b

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Dir/w

The correct answer is Dir/w.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • The dir command displays information about files and directories, and how much disk space is available.
  • By default, it displays the name, size, and last modification time of every file in the current directory.
  • The Dir/w command uses a wide list format, displaying file/folder names only, with multiple names on every line.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

The Dir commands


Displays only file with the specified file attributes. Attributes is a series of letters, each representing an attribute


Uses bare format (no heading information or summary, only the information itself).


Display a thousand separators in file sizes (e.g., a comma after every third digit), which is the default setting. Use /-C to disable the display of the separator.


Same as wide (/W), but files are sorted by column, rather than by row.


Uses lowercase in the output.


"New long-list" format, which displays file names on the far right.


Sort the list of files by SortOrder, a series of letters representing sort criteria.

N: By name (alphabetic).
S: By size (smallest first).
E: By extension (alphabetic).
D: By date/time (oldest first).
G: Group directories first.
-: Prefix to reverse order.


Pauses after each screenful of information.


Display the owner of the file.


Display alternate data streams of the file.


Displays files recursively, traversing any subdirectories.


Specify the time field displayed and used for sorting. TimeField may be any of the following letters.

C: Creation time.
A: Last access time.
W: Last write time.


Uses wide list format, displaying file/folder names only, with multiple names on every line.


Display years with four digits, e.g., 2018 instead of 18.

A backup is a ____________ against data loss.

  1. Security
  2. Countermeasure
  3. Threat
  4. Software

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Countermeasure

The correct answer is countermeasure.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • Backup is the copying of physical or virtual files or databases to a secondary location for protection in case of equipment failure.
  • Backup is use to create a copy of data that can be recovered in the event of a primary data failure 
  • Primary data failures can be the result of hardware or software failure, data corruption, or a human-caused event, such as a malicious attack (virus or malware), or accidental deletion of data.
  • The back is countermeasure for data loss as data can be restore from the use of it.
  • Recovery from a backup typically involves restoring the data to the original location, or to an alternate location where it can be used in place of the lost or damaged data.
  • Backup and recovery testing examines an organization's practices and technologies for data security and data replication.
  • The objective is to guarantee quick and dependable information recovery in need of emerging. 
  • The process of retrieving backed-up data files is known as file restoration.

An application system analyst is concerned about all of the database at the ______ level.

  1. Logical
  2. Internal
  3. Physical
  4. All options are wrong

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Logical

There are mainly three levels of database

  • Internal Level
  • Conceptual Level
  • External level

Internal Level

It is also called the Physical Level. It defines the physical storage structure of the database

Conceptual Level

It is also called Logical Level describes the Database structure of the whole database for the community of users. It Defines all database entities, their attributes, and their relationships It also takes care of Security and integrity information. Application System Analyst is concerned about the Logical level

External Level:

It is also known as View Level. It describes the part of the database in which a specific user is interested 

Developing database and maintaining standards and controls for an organization’s databases is called

  1. End user database
  2. Hypermedia database
  3. Data resource management
  4. Database administration

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Database administration


Database administration is an important function in any organization that is dependent on one or more databases.

The primary role of database administration is to ensure maximum uptime for the database so that it is always available when needed. This will typically involve proactive periodic monitoring and troubleshooting. 

The primary data administrative tasks are listed below,

  • Loading databases
  • Database backup and recovery
  • Database backout
  • Monitoring databases
  • Tuning databases
  • Modifying databases
  • Converting database types

FTP stands for

  1. File  Translate Protocol
  2. File Transit Protocol
  3. File Tying Protocol
  4. File Transfer Protocol

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : File Transfer Protocol

The correct answer is File Transfer Protocol.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • File Transfer Protocol:
    • The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer network.
    • FTP is built on a client–server model architecture using separate control and data connections between the client and the server.
    • FTP users may authenticate themselves with a clear-text sign-in protocol, normally in the form of a username and password, but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it.
    • For secure transmission that protects the username and password, and encrypts the content, FTP is often secured with SSL/TLS (FTPS) or replaced with SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • FTP may run in active or passive mode, which determines how the data connection is established.
  • This sense of "mode" is different from that of the MODE command in the FTP protocol, and corresponds to the PORT/PASV/EPSV commands instead.
  • In both cases, the client creates a TCP control connection from a random, usually an unprivileged, port N to the FTP server command port 21.
  • In active mode, the client starts listening for incoming data connections from the server on port M.
  • It sends the FTP command PORT M to inform the server on which port it is listening.
  • The server then initiates a data channel to the client from its port 20, the FTP server data port.
  • In situations where the client is behind a firewall and unable to accept incoming TCP connections, passive mode may be used.
  • In this mode, the client uses the control connection to send a PASV command to the server and then receives a server IP address and server port number from the server, which the client then uses to open a data connection from an arbitrary client port to the server IP address and server port number received.
  • Both modes were updated in September 1998 to support IPv6.
  • Further changes were introduced to the passive mode at that time, updating it to extended passive mode.

To collect information and store them in computer in more than one interlinked files is called  _________.

  1. data cleaner
  2. data managing
  3. data logging
  4. data storing

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : data managing


Data Managing

Data management is the process of collecting, organizing, protecting, and storing an organization's data so it can be analyzed for decisions making. As organizations create and consume data at unprecedented rates, data management solutions become essential for making sense of the vast quantities of data. The goal of data management is to help people, organizations, and connected things, optimize the use of data within the bounds of policy and regulation so that they can make decisions and take actions that maximize the benefit to the organization

Therefore Option 2 is correct

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

Data Logging 

Data logging is a collection of data over time. It is often used in scientific experiments and can monitor a process using sensors linked to a computer. Most data logging can be done automatically

Data Cleaner

Data cleaning is the process of detecting and correcting corrupt or inaccurate records from a record set, table, or database and refers to identifying incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, or irrelevant parts of the data and then replacing, modifying, or deleting the dirty or coarse data.

Data Storing

Data storage refers to the use of recording media to retain data using computers or other devices. The most prevalent forms of data storage are file storage, block storage, and object storage, with each being ideal for different purposes.

Which of the following is an advantage of view in databases? 

  1. Data security
  2. Hiding of complex queries
  3. Derived columns
  4. All of the above

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : All of the above

The Correct Answer is "All of the above".

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Important Points

Advantages of views :

  • Security
    • Each user can be given permission to access the database only through a small set of views that contain the specific data the user is authorized to see, thus restricting the user's access to stored data.
  • Query Simplicity
    • A view can draw data from several different tables and present it as a single table, turning multi-table queries into single-table queries against the view.
  • Structural simplicity
    • Views can give a user a "personalized" view of the database structure, presenting the database as a set of virtual tables that make sense for that user.
  • Consistency
    • A view can present a consistent, unchanged image of the structure of the database, even if the underlying source tables are split, restructured, or renamed.
  • Data Integrity
    • If data is accessed and entered through a view, the DBMS can automatically check the data to ensure that it meets the specified integrity constraints.
  • Logical data independence.
    •  The view can make the application and database tables to a certain extent independent. If there is no view, the application must be based on a table. With the view, the program can be established in view of above, to view the program with a database table to be separated.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • Disadvantages of views :
  • Performance
    • Views create the appearance of a table, but the DBMS must still translate queries against the view into queries against the underlying source tables. If the view is defined by a complex, multi-table query then simple queries on the views may take considerable time.
  • Update restrictions
    • When a user tries to update rows of a view, the DBMS must translate the request into an update on rows of the underlying source tables. This is possible for simple views, but more complex views are often restricted to read-only.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • View is the simple subset of the table which is stored logically in a database means a view is a virtual table in the database whose contents are defined by a query. 
  • To the database user, the view appears just like a real table, with a set of named columns and rows of data. SQL creates the illusion of the view by giving the view a name as a table name and storing the definition of the view in the database.

Which of the following word is associated with database?

  1. PHP
  2. Oracle
  3. Algorithm
  4. Assembly
  5. Java

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Oracle

The correct answer is Oracle.

  • Oracle is associated with the database.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • A database refers to the organized collection of structured data stored electronically in a device.
  • It allows us to access, manage, and find relevant information frequently.
  • A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS).
  • Oracle database is a relational database management system.
  • It is also called OracleDB, or simply Oracle.
  • It is produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.
  • It was created in 1977 by Lawrence Ellison.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • PHP
    • PHP is a recursive acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor.
    • PHP is a server-side scripting language that is embedded in HTML.
    • It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites.
  • Algorithm
    • An algorithm is a set of well-defined instructions to solve a particular problem.
    • It takes a set of inputs and produces the desired output.
  • Assembly
    • Assembly language is a type of low-level computer programming language consisting mostly of symbolic equivalents of a particular computer’s machine language.
    • Computers produced by different manufacturers have different machine languages and require different assemblers and assembly languages.
  • Java
    • Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995.
    • It is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented programming language designed for having lesser implementation dependencies.

In a Database Management System (DBMS) which of the following is True of an Index?

  1. It is a data structure that improves speed of retrieving data
  2. It is created to enable faster data insert and update operations
  3. There can be only one index in a table
  4. None of the above

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : It is a data structure that improves speed of retrieving data

The correct answer is It is a data structure that improves the speed of retrieving data.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Key Points

  • Indexing is used to optimize the performance of a database by minimizing the number of disk accesses required when a query is processed.
    • The index is a type of data structure.
    • It is used to locate and access the data in a database table quickly.

Which of the following is a feature of DBMS Mcq?
Additional Information

  • Indexing is a data structure technique that allows you to quickly retrieve records from a database file.
    • An Index is a small table having only two columns.
    • The first column comprises a copy of the primary or candidate key of a table.
    • The second column contains a set of pointers for holding the address of the disk block where that specific key-value is stored.

What are the features of DBMS?

Features Of DataBase Management Systems (DBMS):.
Minimum Redundancy and Duplication. ... .
Reduced amount of space and money spent on storage. ... .
Data Organization. ... .
Customization of the Database. ... .
Data Retrieval. ... .
Usage Of Query Languages. ... .
Multi User Access. ... .
Data Integrity is Maintained..

Which of the following is not a feature of DBMS?

The feature which is not of DBMS among the above-given options is utilities for performance analysis and logging. Whereas, other features such as maintenance of accuracy of the data, successful modifications of data, and recovery mechanism are features of the DBMS.

What feature is a DBMS advantage Mcq?

Question 5 Explanation: DBMS allows sharing of data.

Which of the following is not an example of DBMS Mcq?

The correct answer is Microsoft Outlook. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.