arab là gì - Nghĩa của từ arab

arab có nghĩa là

Arab= Arabian. Arabic is their main language and alot of arabs also speak other languages. Arabic can be spoken in diffrent "accents" and alot of words are diffrent from one country to another but it's all the same language. For example in the UK we say "Biscuit" in the USA they say "Cookie". Thats just a small example but yeah it's kinda like that a Iraqi might not understand everything a egyptian would say because of their accent.

Anyone who comes from the middle east and north Africa, alot of whom leave all around the world, but orginate from there.

Most of the population is Muslim but you can also get other relgions among Arabs e.g. Christians, Jews and some are ethicists but this is rare.


Warning, not all arabs are suicide bombers!

Seriously like no more than 100 that are alive today are planning to blow something up, and probablly won't anyway.

arab có nghĩa là

Here is a definition for those full of hatery towards Arabs. These are the facts: Arabs are the people who discover algorithmics [all computer science is based on algorithmics], first to perform a surgery on patient, invented the number zero, invented astronomy and cartography [maps], etc etc etc. While you could find 10000 books [on paper] in the libraries of Baghdad in the 7th century, you would be happy to find 5 books in europe [Arabs introduced the paper to europe]. Read about their history and then you will never say a thing about Arabs.


Avicen, Averros, Beh Khaldoun, Ghazali, etc etc are some of the names that marked Arab civilization, a civilization that lasted 8 centuries. When Arabs were writing math and astronomy formulas, your primitive ancestors were wondering around in european forrests killing each other.

arab có nghĩa là

A word used to describe people from the Middle East. It is often used wrongly in describing Muslims.


There over 1 billion Muslims in the world and the majority are not Arab.

arab có nghĩa là

1] A convenient scapegoat for north-americans to blame when their greed exceeds their capacity for reason.

2] A generic term in which the average american cracker can safely express their intolerance.


"Hey man, I dont want those Consult time line living in my neighborhood."

2005 - Arabs
1940 - Niggers
1890 - Micks, Wops, Dago's

arab có nghĩa là

People that suffer greatly from lower class, ignorant idiots who don't know shit about what they are saying. There are many different arabic cultures as there are so many arabic contries. Theres a very small minoroty of arabs that are terrorists and the ones that are terrorists only want to harm the USA because the USA's government has harmed the arab world. I am not arabic myself, if anything I should hate arabs for how they have affected my home country Iran. If it weren't for them the country would be peaceful. Arabs aren't quite as cool as persians.


Arabs suffer from ignorant people.

arab có nghĩa là

A beautiful people originating in the middle east. Known for their contributions to civilization, science, literature and more. In addition to being smart and beautiful Arabs are known for their courage. A people greatly misunderstood in the United States.


I have alot of friends who are Arab..good people.

arab có nghĩa là

According to the 2004 census, Arab Americans are the most educated minority group in the US: 71% hold bachelor degrees or above and 32% hold graduate degrees. 21% hold PhD’s. Arab Americans are the founders of some 400 major national firms, and CEOs of more than 635 national companies, many of them among the Fortune 2,500 companies. Arabs total contribution to the US economy is estimated at more than $750 billion


without arabs the american economy would crumble.

arab có nghĩa là

Guys, PLEASE, PLEASE, stop being so racist to these people.
I live in the middle east and i have ALOT of arab friends, and they are GOOD PEOPLE. Most of them speak english so i was able to interact with them easily. They are NORMAL people, just like Americans, or people from Britain, or people from Canada, or WHATEVER. They laugh, they joke, they socialize, they go to school, they have jobs [ and let me add that most of them do their jobs WELL], they are NOT terrorists, and just cuz someone is arab, doesnt mean theyre not a good person. Yeah, some people have done bad stuff, like murder, or suicide, or robbery, but every country has that. EVERY SINGLE ONE, OK? Andd I know when you all think of arabs, you picture someone in ur head, wearing some sort of rag on their head, waving a stick in the air and screaming " F$[#$ AMERICA!" I dont blame you. This is what all the [FAKE] news reports say about them, but have u actually met, or spoken to, an average arab? Probably not. So stop judging them, please. Theyre nice people.


" Hey, why were ya speakin to him? He's a freaking arab."
" So?"
" Theyre terrorists!!"
" Nah, hes a nice guy."
" But he's arab"
" Doesnt mean he's a bad person."
" Well... ok"

arab có nghĩa là

One of Soulja Boy's frends he stars in alot of soulja boys songs


Ima pass to arab, hey soulja boy, yo u hear tht nu shit wit arab?

arab có nghĩa là

Soulja Boy's Bitch. A Nigga who looks very soft.


Hey I Always See A Gay Lookin Guy With Soulja Boy and he only speaks 1.2% of the time

Thats Arab

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