Bài tập ving to v lớp 10 nâng cao

Bài tập tiếng Anh về To V và V-ing là tài liệu hữu ích, được biên soạn theo chương trình mới của Bộ GD& ĐT. Các bài tập giúp học sinh củng cố kiến thức đã học trong chương trình, đồng thời cung cấp một số phần nâng cao phù hợp với đối tượng học sinh khá giỏi.

Bài tập về To V và V-ing bao gồm lý thuyết kèm theo các dạng bài tập tự luyện. Hi vọng thông qua tài liệu này các bạn học sinh nắm vững kiến thức ngữ pháp này để nhanh chóng giải được các bài tập tiếng Anh. Bên cạnh đó các bạn xem thêm một số dạng bài tập như: bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh, Bài tập về mệnh đề trong tiếng Anh.

Bài tập tiếng Anh về To V và V-ing

Exercise 1: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc sau đây thành dạng To V hoặc Ving

1. Nam suggested ________ [talk] the children to school yesterday.

2. They decided _________ [play] tennis with us last night.

3. Mary helped me ________ [repair] this fan and _______ [clean] the house.

4. We offer ________ [make] a plan.

5. We required them ________ [be] on time.

6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him _______ [go] here alone.

7. Before ________ [go] to bed, my mother turned off the lights.

8. Minh is interested in ________ [listen] to music before _____ [go] to bed.

9. This robber admitted ______ [steal] the red mobile phone last week.

10. Shyn spends a lot of money ________ [repair] her car.

11. It took me 2 hours _______ [buy] the clothes and shoes.

12. Do you have any money ________ [pay] for the hat?

13. Would you like ________ [visit] my grandparents in Paris?

14. Don’t waste her time ___________[complain] about her salary.

15. That questions need ___________ [reply].

16. Viet is used to ________ [cry] when he faces his difficulties.

17. It’s time they stopped ______ [work] here.

18. Will she remember _______ [collect] his suit from the dry – cleaners or shall I do it?

19. Jim forgot ________ [send] this message last night.

20. Hung stopped ______ [eat] meat yesterday.

Exercise 2: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu dưới [nếu có]

1. Yesterday, Minh didn’t want to coming to the theater with them because he had already seen the film.

Advise, attempt, commence, begin, allow, cease, continue, dread, forget, hate, intend, leave, like, love, mean, permit, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, study, try, can’t bear, recommend, need, want, require.

Stop V-ing: dừng làm gì [dừng hẳn]

Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì


- Stop smoking: dừng hút thuốc.

- Stop to smoke: dừng lại để hút thuốc

Remember/forget/regret to V: nhớ/quên/tiếc sẽ phải làm gì [ở hiện tại – tương lai]

Remember/forget/regret V-ing: nhớ/quên/tiếc đã làm gì [ở quá khứ]


- Remember to send this letter [Hãy nhớ gửi bức thư này].

- Don’t forget to buy flowers [Đừng quên mua hoa nhé].

- I regret to inform you that the train was cancelled [Tôi rất tiếc phải báo tin – cho anh rằng chuyến tàu đã bị hủy].

- I paid her $2. I still remember that. I still remember paying her $2. [Tôi nhớ đã trả cô ấy 2 đô la rồi].

- She will never forget meeting the Queen. [Cô ấy không bao giờ quên lần gặp nữ hoàng].

- He regrets leaving school early. It is the biggest mistake in his life. [Anh ấy hối tiếc vì đã bỏ học quá sớm].

Try to V: cố gắng làm gì

Try V-ing: thử làm gì


- I try to pass the exam. [Tôi cố gắng vượt qua kỳ thi].

- You should try unlocking the door with this key. [Bạn nên thử mở cửa với chiếc khóa này].

Like V-ing: Thích làm gì vì nó thú vị, hay, cuốn hút, làm để thường thức.

Like to do: làm việc đó vì nó là tốt và cần thiết


- I like watching TV.

- I want to have this job. I like to learn English.

Prefer V-ing to V-ing: thích làm gì hơn hơn làm gì

Prefer + to V + rather than [V]: thích làm gì hơn hơn làm gì


- I prefer driving to traveling by train.

- I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.

Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.

Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.


- He doesn’t mean to prevent you from doing that. [Anh ấy không có ý ngăn cản bạn làm việc đó.]

- This sign means not going into. [Biển báo này có ý nghĩa là không được đi vào trong.]

Need to V: cần làm gì

Need V-ing: cần được làm gì [= need to be done]


- I need to go to school today.

- Your hair needs cutting. [= your hair needs to be cut]

Used to V: đã từng/thường làm gì trong quá khứ [bây giờ không làm nữa]

Be/Get used to V-ing: quen với việc gì [ở hiện tại]


- I used to get up early when I was young. [Tôi thường dậy sớm khi còn trẻ]

- I’m used to getting up early. [Tôi quen với việc dậy sớm rồi]

Advise/allow/permit/recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/cho phép/ đề nghị ai làm gì.

Advise/allow/permit/recommend + V-ing: khuyên/cho phép, đề nghị làm gì.


- He advised me to apply at once.

- He advised applying at once.

- They don’t allow us to park here.

- They don’t allow parking here.

See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V-ing: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến 1 phần của hành động.

See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chứng kiến toàn bộ hành động.


- I see him passing my house everyday.

- She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising.

- We saw him leave the house.

- I heard him make arrangements for his journey.

Sau đây là một số bài tập luyện tập cách sử dụng Ving và to-V Vn.Doc biên soạn và sưu tập


  1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1. I can’t imagine Peter _____ [go] by bike.

2. He agreed _____ [buy] a new car.

3. The question is easy _____ [answer].

4. The man asked me how _____ [get] to the airport.

5. I look forward to _____ [see] you at the weekend.

6. Are you thinking of _____ [visit] London?

7. We decided _____ [run] through the forest.

8. The teacher expected Sarah _____ [study] hard.

9. She doesn’t mind _____ [work] the night shift.

10. I learned _____ [ride] the bike at the age of 5.

II. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund

1. When i’m tired. I enjoy ________ TV. It’s relaxing. [watch]

2. It was a nice day, so we decided ________ for a walk. [go]

3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ________ for a walk? [go]

4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ________. [wait]

5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford __________ out very often. [go]

6. I wish that dog would stop ________. It’s driving me mad. [bark]

7. Our neighbour threatened __________ the police if we didn’t stop the noise. [call]

8. We were hungry, so i suggested _______ dinner early. [have]

9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ____________ the rain. [miss]

10. I’m still looking for a job, but i hope __________ something soon. [find]

III. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. She is good at [dance] ………………. .

2. He is crazy about [sing] ………………. .

3. I don't like [play] ………………. . cards.

4. They are afraid of [swim] ………………. in the sea.

5. You should give up [smoke] ……………….

IV. Multiple choice

1. I dream about …. [build] a big house.

  1. To build
  1. Build
  1. Building

2. I learned …… [ride] the bike at the age of 5

  1. To ride
  1. Riding
  1. Ride

3. She doesn't mind …. [work] the night shift.

  1. Working
  1. To work
  1. Work

4. The man asked me how …. [get] to the airport.

  1. To get
  1. Getting
  1. Get

5. I can't imagine Peter …. [go] by bike.

  1. To go
  1. going
  1. Went

6. He agreed …. [buy] a new car.

  1. To buy
  1. Buying
  1. Buy

7. The question is easy …. [answer].

  1. To answer
  1. Answer
  1. Answering

8. I look forward to …. [see] you at the weekend.

  1. See
  1. Seeing
  1. no see

9. The teacher expected …. Sarah [study] hard.

  1. To study
  1. Studying
  1. Study

10. I enjoy … [write] picture postcards.

  1. Writing
  1. To write
  1. Write
  1. Rewrite the sentences:

1. I like making crafts especially bracelet.

-> I enjoy..........................................................

2. Minh doesn't like making models because it is very boring.

-> Minh detests …………………………………

3. My brother likes making pottery because it is a creative activity.

-> My brother is hooked....................................

4. Ngoc hates sitting at the computer for too long.

-> Ngoc dislikes …………………………………

5. We enjoy doing gardening because it is very relaxing.

-> We are keen ……………………………………


  1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc

1 - going; 2 - to buy; 3 - to answer; 4 - to get; 5 - seeing;

6 - visiting; 7 - to run; 8 - to study; 9 - working; 10 - to ride

II. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund

1 - watching; 2 - to go; 3 - going;

4 - waiting; 5 - to go; 6 - barking;

7 - to call; 8 - having; 9 - missing; 10 - to find;

III. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Dancing

2. Singing

3. Playing

4. Swimming

5. Smoking

IV. Multiple choice

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B

6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A

  1. Rewrite the sentences:

1. I enjoy making crafts especially bracelet

2. Minh detests making models because it is very boring

3. My brother is hooked on making pottery because it is a creative activity

4. Ngoc dislikes sitting at the computer for too long.

5. We are keen on doing gardening because it is very relaxing.


Bài tập áp dụng dạng từ Ving và to-V

Exercise 1:

1. My father usually helps me_______ English.

  1. to learn b. lean c. learning d. both a and b

2. He was heard_______ shout.

  1. to b. of c. by d. at

3. This student expected_______ the first winner of the Grand Prix.

  1. be b. being c. to be d. will be

4. I told her_______ about her wedding; everything will straighten out.

  1. Don't worry b. not to worry c. no worry d. not worry

5. May I suggest you let_______

  1. Mary doing so b. Mary do so c. Mary does to d. Mary to do so

6. She_______ him when he called her.

  1. pretended not hear b. pretended she heard not
  1. pretended not to hear d. did not pretend hear

7. The doctor advised_______ late.

  1. me not staying up b. me not stay up c. me not to stay up d. I did not stay up

8. The school superintendent told me_______

  1. hurrying up b. to hurry up c. hurry up d. hurried up

9. "_______us face the enemies", shouted the soldiers.

  1. Make b. Let c. Leave d. Keep

10. Mr. Brown told the schoolgirls_______ in class.

  1. don't ear b. not to eat c. eat not d. not eat

11. I have heard Dang Thai Son_______ the piano.

  1. played b. plays c. play d. to play

12. The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching workshop _______ in Ho Chi Minh City.

  1. to be holding b. should hold c. to be held d. to hold

13. _______able to take part in the international math contest two years from now, Son works very hard in his math lass.

  1. In order to be b. Being c. Been d. So that he be

14. Try_______ so many mistakes.

  1. not to make b. not make c. to make not d. make not

15. Let me_______ from you soon.

  1. to hear b. hear c. hearing d. heard

16. John is too stupid_______ understand this.

  1. to b. not to c. to not d. for

17. The wind is_______ to blow the roof off.

  1. strong enough b. too strong c. quiet strong d. very strong

18. My father is _______ to stay up late.

  1. too tired b. enough tired c. tired enough d. so tired

19. John wanted me_______ him.

  1. to be helping b. help c. to help d. I help

20. I want_______ early tomorrow morning.

  1. to leave b. leaving c. me leave d. me leaving






















Exercise 2:

1. I hope_______

  1. to see you there b. seeing you there c. you to see there d. see you there

2. I taught_______

  1. how mending a shirt b. him how to mend a shirt
  1. how mend a shirt d. him how mend a shirt

3. I told_______

  1. Nam to come b. to come Nam c. to Nam come d. Nam come

4. My father has decided_______ a new house.

  1. find b. to find c. finding d. him find

5. Mother warned_______ the electric plug

  1. here not to touch b. her touching not c. her not touch d. not touch

6. Don't tell Tan because I don't want_______

  1. him to know b. know c. him know d. knowing

7. She explained_______

  1. how to make it b. me how to make it c. me to make it d. me make it

8. Miss Brown told Mary_______ down.

  1. sit b. to sit c. sitting d. sat

9. She told Mary_______ up hope.

  1. not give b. do not give c. not to give d. to give not

10. Michael Faraday wrote a litter to Sir Humphry Davy_______ for work.

  1. asked b. to ask c. so to ask d. in order to asking

11. Do you know_______ to play that game now?

  1. way b. what c. if d. how

12. She is very glad_______ see you again.

  1. in b. with c. to d. for

13. He noticed two thieves_______ out of a shop.

  1. to come b. are coming c. in coming d. come

14. When will he be allowed to go home? When will they_______?

  1. let him go b. let to go c. leave him to go d. leave him

15. The guide encouraged the tourists_______ the Prado Museum Madrid

  1. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. to visiting

16. Mow that were finished painting the house, there's nothing left_______

  1. done b. did c. to do d. for doing

17. The superintendent promised to tear down and_______ the fire damaged school building.

  1. rebuild b. to rebuild c. rebuilding d. to rebuilding

18. The mechanic needs_______ a new muffler on your car.

  1. to put b. putting c. to be put d. to putting

19. Our house needs_______

  1. to paint b. to be painting c. to be paint d. painting

20. Do you want _______ by the doctor?

  1. to examine b. to be examined c. being examined d. being to examine






















Exercise 3. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. They are used to [prepare] _______ new lessons.

2. By [work] _______ day and night , he succeeded in [ finish] _______ the job in time.

3. His doctor advised him [give] _______up [smoke]_______.

4. Please stop [talk]_______. We will stop [eat] _______lunch in ten minutes.

5. Stop [argue] _______and start [work] _______.

6. I like [think] _______carefully about things before [make] _______decision.

7. Ask him [come] _______in. Don't keep him [stand] _______at the door.

8. Did you succeed in [solve] _______the problem?

9. Don’t forget [lock]_______ the door before [go]_______ to bed.

10. Don’t try [persuade] _______ me . Nothing can make me [change]_______ my mind.

Exercise 4: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc sau đây thành dạng To V hoặc V-ing

1. Nam suggested ________ [talk] the children to school yesterday.

2. They decided _________ [play] tennis with us last night.

3. Mary helped me ________ [repair] this fan and _______ [clean] the house.

4. We offer ________ [make] a plan.

5. We required them ________ [be] on time.

6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him _______ [go] here alone.

7. Before ________ [go] to bed, my mother turned off the lights.

8. Minh is interested in ________ [listen] to music before _____ [go] to bed.

9. This robber admitted ______ [steal] the red mobile phone last week.

10. Shyn spends a lot of money ________ [repair] her car.

11. It took me 2 hours _______ [buy] the clothes and shoes.

12. Do you have any money ________ [pay] for the hat?

13. Would you like ________ [visit] my grandparents in Paris?

14. Don’t waste her time ___________[complain] about her salary.

15. That questions need ___________ [reply].

16. Viet is used to ________ [cry] when he faces his difficulties.

17. It’s time they stopped ______ [work] here.

18. Will she remember _______ [collect] his suit from the dry – cleaners or shall I do it?

19. Jim forgot ________ [send] this message last night.

20. Hung stopped ______ [eat] meat yesterday.

Exercise 5: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu dưới [nếu có]

1. Yesterday, Minh didn’t want to coming to the theater with them because he had already seen the film.

2. My brother used to running a lot but he doesn’t do it usually now.

3. They’re going to have a small party celebrating their house at 7 p.m tomorrow.

4. Wind tried to avoiding answering her questions last night.

5. Khanh don’t forget post that letter that his mother gave him this evening.

Exercise 6: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. It isn’t necessary to play football with my best friends today.

➔ You don’t ________________________________________.

2. “Why don’t we visit her parents next week?”

➔ You suggested ____________________________________.

3. Thanh spends 3 hours a day doing the homework.

➔ It takes …

➔ Thanh wastes …

4. Hanh said to him: “Remember to close all the window and turn off the lights before going out”.

➔ Hanh reminded ___________________________________________.

5. Linh told him: “Don’t forget to repair my bicycle”.

➔ Linh told him ___________________________________.


Exercise 3. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1 - preparing

2 - working – finishing

3 - to give up – smoking

4 - talking – to eat

5 - arguing – to work

6 - to think – making

7 - to come – standing

8 - solving

9 - to lock – going

10 - to persuade

Exercise 4:

1. Nam suggested ____talking____ [talk] the children to school yesterday.

[cấu trúc Suggest + Ving]

2. They decided _____to play____ [play] tennis with us last night.

[cấu trúc Decide + to Vinf]

3. Mary helped me ____repair____ [repair] this fan and ____clean___ [clean] the house.

[cấu trúc Help + sb + Vinf]

4. We offer ____to make____ [make] a plan.

[cấu trúc Offer + to Vinf]

5. We required them ___to be_____ [be] on time.

[cấu trúc Require + sb + to Vinf]

6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him ____to go___ [go] here alone.

[cấu trúc Recommend + sb + to Vinf]

7. Before ____going____ [go] to bed, my mother turned off the lights.

[cấu trúc Before + Ving]

8. Minh is interested in ____listening____ [listen] to music before ___going__ [go] to bed.

[cấu trúc “giới từ” + Ving]

9. This robber admitted ____stealing__ [steal] the red mobile phone last week.

[cấu trúc Admit + Ving]

10. Shyn spends a lot of money ____repairing____ [repair] her car.

[cấu trúc S + spend + time/money + Ving…]

11. It took me 2 hours ____to buy___ [buy] the clothes and shoes.

[cấu trúc It takes + sb + time/money + to Vinf…]

12. Do you have any money ____to pay____ [pay] for the hat?

[cấu trúc Have + to Vinf]

13. Would you like ____to visit____ [visit] my grandparents in Paris?

[cấu trúc Would you like + to Vinf…?]

14. Don’t waste her time ______complaining_____[complain] about her salary.

[cấu trúc Waste time + Ving]

15. That questions need _____replying______ [reply].

[cấu trúc Need + Ving]

16. Viet is used to ____crying____ [cry] when he faces his difficulties.

[cấu trúc tobe used to + Ving]

17. It’s time they stopped ____working__ [work] here.

[cấu trúc Stop + Ving]

18. Will she remember ____to collect___ [collect] his suit from the dry – cleaners or shall I do it?

[cấu trúc Remember + to Vinf]

19. Jim forgot ____sending____ [send] this message last night.

[cấu trúc Forget + Ving]

20. Hung stopped ___to eat___ [eat] meat yesterday.

[cấu trúc Stop + to Vinf]

Exercise 5:

1. to coming ➔ to come [want + to Vinf]

2. running ➔ run [use + to Vinf]

3. celebrating ➔ to celebrate [have + to Vinf]

4. to avoiding ➔ to avoid [try + to Vinf]

5. post ➔ to post [forget + to Vinf]

Exercise 6:

1. You don’t have to play football with my best friends today.

2. You suggested visiting her parents the next week.

3. Thanh spends 3 hours a day doing the homework.

➔ It takes Thanh 3 hours a day to do the homework.

➔ Thanh wastes 3 hours a day doing the homework.

4. Hanh reminded to close all the window and turn off the lights before going out .

5. Linh told him not to repair her bicycle.

Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Tổng hợp lý thuyết và bài tập về to V và V-ing. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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