big ups là gì - Nghĩa của từ big ups

big ups có nghĩa là

(noun) origin - jamaican 1980s. số ít và số nhiều.
1. An expression of support or encouragement.
2. An expression of remembrance.

origin - "Up" is an english term used to mean elevation. Therefore the term "big up" literally means to elevate highly or to a superlative degree.

Ví dụ

"I want to big up everyone who has shown me support over the years."
"Big up on that excellent performance"

big ups có nghĩa là

lots of props. sent through a messenger, such as the radio or a friend

Ví dụ

"I want to big up everyone who has shown me support over the years."
"Big up on that excellent performance" lots of props. sent through a messenger, such as the radio or a friend

big ups có nghĩa là

while I'm on the air, big ups to my hoes in long beach

Ví dụ

"I want to big up everyone who has shown me support over the years."

big ups có nghĩa là

"Big up on that excellent performance"

Ví dụ

"I want to big up everyone who has shown me support over the years."

big ups có nghĩa là

"Big up on that excellent performance"

Ví dụ

lots of props. sent through a messenger, such as the radio or a friend

big ups có nghĩa là

while I'm on the air, big ups to my hoes in long beach

Ví dụ

big ups to mom! massive props to someone you respek.

big ups có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

Big Ups for hitting that ass man.

big ups có nghĩa là

it means to give respect or to acknowledge someone

Ví dụ

big up yourself 4 me main man....

big ups có nghĩa là

a show of respect, also see props.

Ví dụ

big up to Kobe on merkin that trick in court

big ups có nghĩa là

Word means to applause some one on a good doing, to congratulate them.

Ví dụ

"bruv big up Jerome, his lyrics are phat innit!"

"big up to all these homies in da hood, dis party is heavy" Big ups the urban dictionary A very large vertical jump. Usually assosiated with people of African descent. That nigga right there has big ups. When you absolutely are fed up with something. Two words define my work week: BIG UPS!