Cách tải Tux Paint trên máy tính

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Tux Paint - Kích thích trí sáng tạo của trẻ con với chương trình mã nguồn mở này

Hiện tại chúng tôi không có đánh giá nào cho phần mềm: Tux Paint, phiên bản 0.006493055555555555. Xin vui lòng viết và gửi nhận xét cho phần mềm này nếu bạn muốn. Chúng tôi sẵn lòng tổng hợp những nhận xét của bạn.

Tux Paint is an open source program designed for children 3-12. It provides a creative outlet for them with a simple, intuitive interface that makes it easy for children to learn and experiment with. It comes with an array of Starter images that give children a basis for their creations. These images are very similar to those found in many coloring books. With the starter image in place, children can draw, color, insert shapes, and erase. There are also handy undo and redo functions so that children, especially those at younger ages, need not become upset should they make what they consider to be a mistake.

The program is available in eighty-plus languages and can be used on Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, and Linux. In addition to the features above, there are also Magic special effects and a variety of pre-drawn shapes and photos that kids can use to create totally unique works of art. Because Tux Paint is open source software, it is available free of charge to all users including schools and other organizations. No permission is required to use the program, so children are free to enjoy it and get their creative juices flowing without making a mess.

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