Calculate p(10,3) , the number of photographs of 10 friends taken 3 at a time.

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    A. How many ways to take a photograph of 10 friends taken 3 at a time? Questions to answer: 1. Is there a need of order or arrangement in the solution? 2. Is there a need of repetition of elements? 3. Is there a significant position needed? 4. Is it permutation or combination?



    Grade 12 · 2021-04-26

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    A. How many ways to take a photograph of A. How many ways to take a photograph of 10 friend - Gauthmath friends taken 3 at a time? Questions to answer: 1. Is there a need of order or arrangement in the solution? 2. Is there a need of repetition of elements? 3. Is there a significant position needed? 4. Is it permutation or combination?

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    2B  Permutations

    Suppose you wish to take a picture of your three friends, Alice, Betty, and Cindy, lined up in a row. As photographer you can arrange the women from left to right in the order you prefer. In how many different ways can you line up the women? As there are only three women, it is not difficult to ponder a moment and write down all the possibilities; referring to the ladies by the letters A, B, C, we discover the six arrangements

    Each one of the arrangements of the women is called a permutation; altogether there are six possible permutations.

    But what if there were ten ladies? Now the problem becomes more serious, as it would take forever to write down all the possibilities, and even if you tried you would never know whether you left any out. Thus it appears that we must devise a method of counting the permutations without actually writing them all down. The way to do this is to divide the procedure of lining up the women into steps, and then use the multiplication principle.

    Going back to the case of three ladies, we imagine that there are three slots where the ladies may stand:

    In arranging the ladies there are three corresponding steps; we must fill the first slot, then the second slot, and then the third. We have three ways to place a lady in the first slot. After this first step is complete, there are then two ways of filling the second slot, as there are only two ladies left. Finally, after filling the first two slots, there is only one lady left, so there is just one way to fill the last slot. By the multiplication principle, the number of ways of completing the entire procedure by doing all three steps is

    3 · 2 · 1 = 6 .

    Of course the same technique works with ten ladies, except that we need ten slots and ten steps instead of three. The number of permutations of ten women is

    10! = 10 · 9 · 8 · 7 · 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 3,628,800 .

    We use the shorthand notation 10! to refer to this long product. More generally, for any positive integer N the notation N! designates the product

    N! = N · [N−1] · [N−2] · … · 3 · 2 · 1   .

    We read "N!" as "N factorial". Some other factorials are

    1! = 1

    2! = 2 · 1 = 2

    3! = 3 · 2 · 1 = 6

    4! = 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 24

    5! = 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 120

    6! = 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 ·1 = 720 .

    A permutation of a group of objects is a way of placing the objects in an order. Since obviously our method of ordering ladies should work just as well with general objects, we have the following rule:

    First Permutation Rule

    The number of possible permutations of N objects is N!

    There are many other ways of ordering objects besides lining them up for a picture, as the ensuing examples will demonstrate.

    example 1

    Six horses are entered in a race. In how many different orders can the horses complete the race?

    There are six steps in ordering the horses. First we choose a first place winner, then a second place finisher, then third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. There are 6 choices for first, then 5 choices for second, 4 for third, etc.; therefore, the number of possible permutations is

    6! = 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 ·1 = 720 .

    example 2

    A dance class has 5 men students and 5 women students. How many ways can the teacher form 5 couples to dance the waltz?

    We divide the procedure of forming couples into 5 steps. First we number the women 1 through 5. There are 5 ways of choosing a male partner for woman # 1. Then for woman # 2 there are only 4 choices remaining, for woman # 3 only 3 choices, for woman # 4 there are 2 choices, and finally for woman # 5 there is but 1 choice. The number of ways the teacher can form 5 couples is

    5! = 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 ·1 = 120.

    example 3

    A baseball team has 9 starting players. How many ways can the coach make out the batting order?

    The coach may select the leadoff batter in 9 ways, then the second batter in 8 ways, the third batter in 7 ways, etc., until the last batter can be chosen in only one way. The end result is

    9! = 9 · 8 · 7 · 6 · 5 ·4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 362,880 .

    example 4

    Lori's dog gave birth to 4 puppies. As she has no space for more than one dog, she will give one puppy to each of her four cousins. In how many ways can she distribute the four puppies among her cousins?

    The four steps are to give Fido to a cousin, in one of 4 ways, then Lassie to another cousin in one of 3 ways, then Rover to a cousin in one of 2 ways, and finally Spot to the last cousin. The number of possible permutations is

    4! = 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 24 .

    example 5

    Four acrobats will line up for a picture. Each acrobat has the option of standing on his/her feet or standing on his/her head. How many possible pictures are there?

    This problem combines our permutation formula with the multiplication principle. We can divide the procedure of lining up and positioning the acrobats into five steps:

    Step 1 - line up the 4 acrobats : 4! = 24 ways

    Step 2 - position the first acrobat : 2 ways

    Step 3 - position the second acrobat : 2 ways

    Step 4 - position the third acrobat : 2 ways

    Step 5 - position the fourth acrobat : 2 ways

    Thus the number of possible pictures is the product

    24 · 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 = 384 .

    If we wanted to go into more detail, we could divide step 1 into 4 smaller steps - by lining up the acrobats one at a time. However, as we already have a formula for the lining-up procedure, we may as well use it.

    Returning to the acrobats, let us now suppose that an acrobat troupe consists of 10 members, and that their publicist will choose 4 members of the troupe and line them up for a publicity picture [standing normally - to keep it simple]. How many possible pictures are there under these conditions? This problem is slightly different from the preceding permutation problems, because now we do not order all the objects in the group but just a certain number of them. Nevertheless, the method of solving the problem is the same - we divide the procedure into steps and use the multiplication principle. We imagine four slots where the acrobats are to stand, and fill the slots one a time. The first slot can be filled in 10 ways, the second in 9 ways, and so on. The number of ways of lining up 4 of the 10 available acrobats is








      =    5040 .

    The shorthand way of writing the product on the left is P[10,4]; that is,

    P[10,4] = 10 · 9 · 8 · 7 = 5040  .

    We say that the number of permutations of 10 objects taken 4 at a time is P[10,4].

    More generally, if N and M are positive integers and N ≥ M, then P[N,M] represents the number of ways of choosing M objects from N objects and placing them in an order; the way to calculate this number is to multiply

    P[N,M] = N · [N−1] · [N−2] · … [continue for M factors].

    Here are examples:

    P[7,3] = 7 · 6 · 5 = 210

    P[12,4] = 12 · 11 · 10 · 9 = 11,880

    P[4,1] = 4

    P[9,5] = 9 · 8 · 7 · 6 · 5 = 15,120

    P[100,2] = 100 · 99 = 9,900

    P[6,6] = 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 720

    The last example, P[6,6], illustrates what we already know - that the number of ways of choosing N objects from N objects and placing them in an order is

    P[N,N] = N!

    The example P[4,1] = 4 illustrates the general formula for choosing one object from N objects,

    P[N,1] = N .

    In summary, our second rule for permutations is

    Second Permutation Rule

    The number of possible permutations of M objects chosen from N objects is P[N,M].

    example 6

    A football team has 5 players trying out for the quarterback position. How many ways can the coach select a starting quarterback and a backup quarterback?

    Here we are choosing 2 objects from 5 objects, and then ordering the two objects - one as a starter and the second as a backup. There are 5 ways of choosing the starter and then 4 ways of choosing the backup; thus the number of permutations is

    P[5,2] = 5 · 4 = 20.

    example 7

    In a race of 7 women, in how many ways can first, second, and third place ribbons be awarded?

    From the 7 women there are 7 possible winners, and then 6 possible runner-ups, and finally 5 possible third place finishers. We are choosing 3 from 7 and placing them in an order; the number of ways is

    P[7,3] = 7 · 6 · 5 = 210 .

    example 8

    Janet has 6 business suits, and will travel to LA for a business convention the first 3 days of next week. How many ways can she choose suits for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday,

    [a]  if she wears a different suit each day?

    [b]  if she is willing to wear the same suit repeatedly?

    The first question is a permutation question, while the second is not. If she wears a different suit each day, then we must choose one suit for Monday, a different one for Tuesday, and still another for Wednesday. We have 6 choices for Monday, 5 for Tuesday, and 4 for Wednesday, so the number of permutations is

    P[6,3] = 6 · 5 · 4 = 120 .

    In the second question we may make the same choice each day, so for each day there are 6 choices. By the multiplication principle, the number of ways of making the three choices is

    6 · 6 · 6 = 216 .

    example 9

    A dance class has 7 men and 5 women. How many ways can the instructor form 5 couples to rehearse the tango?

    This problem is a little tricky. The way to handle it is to choose a man for each woman. In step 1 we choose a man for Alice, in step 2 we choose a man for Betty, etc., until all 5 women have a partner. For Alice there are 7 choices, then for Betty 6 choices, and so on, so that after 5 steps the number of permutations is

    P[7,5] = 7 · 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 = 2,520 .

    If we try it the other way around - that is, choose a woman for each man - then the method fails because not every man can be given a woman. Moreover, we cannot just give a woman to 5 of the men, because then we are restricting the number of men to 5 and thereby changing the problem; we will miss some possibilities for couples if we arbitrarily discard 2 men.

    example 10

    Suppose 4 cars at once enter a parking lot with 6 empty parking places. In how many ways can the drivers choose parking spaces?

    This problem is like the previous tango problem. We have to match cars with parking places. Since there are more parking places than cars, not every parking place will get a car; but every car will have a parking place so we will assign the parking places to the cars. For the Chevy there are 6 choices, then for the Ford 5 choices, next for the Honda 4 choices, and finally for the Mazda 3 choices. The number of permutations is

    P[6,4] = 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 = 360 .


    1. How many ways can 6 students line up at the cafeteria to order a hamburger?
    2. How many ways can 4 math professors be assigned to teach 4 math classes, if each is to teach but one class?
    3. Nine male actors are auditioning for parts in The Three Musketeers. How many ways can the director cast the parts of Aramis, Athos, and Porthos?
    4. How many ways can the three musketeers line up for a picture, if
      1. each is given the choice of wearing or not wearing his hat?
      2. each is given the choice of wearing or not wearing his hat, and also the choice of carrying or not carrying his sword?

    5. Meg has 12 cookbooks. How many ways can she choose 6 of her books and line them up on a shelf above her kitchen counter?
    1. Amy's cat had a litter of 5 male kittens and 3 female kittens. How many ways can Amy choose
      1. a female kitten and a male kitten to give to her niece?
      2. 4 of the kittens and give one to each of her 4 cousins?
      3. 2 male kittens and give one to each of her two sisters?
      4. a male kitten for Larry, a female kitten for Moe, and a male kitten for Curly?
      5. 3 male kittens and line them up for a picture?
      6. 3 kitten couples to dance the cat-tango?

    1. How many ways can a club with 20 members choose a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer? [No one person can hold two positions.]
    2. The mailman is bringing 4 letters to an apartment house with 7 mailboxes. How many ways can the mailman distribute the 4 letters among the 7 mailboxes if
      1. no mailbox receives more than one letter?
      2. each mailbox can receive any number of letters?

    3. Three cars have entered a parking lot with 11 empty parking spaces. Each car has an option of backing into its parking space or driving in forwards. How many ways can the 3 drivers select
      1. parking spaces?
      2. parking spaces and parking positions?

    1. A baseball pitcher has a fastball, a curve, a slider, a screwball, and a changeup. How many ways can he choose his next 3 pitches if
      1. he wants to mix up his pitches and not throw the same type of pitch twice?
      2. he is willing to repeat himself?

    2. The UH baseball team has 6 starting pitchers. How many ways can the coach choose 3 different starters for their 3 games with Arizona on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?

    1. Sylvia has 4 clean skirts and 5 clean blouses to wear to school this week. How many ways can she choose outfits for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if
      1. she does not wish to wear the same skirt or blouse twice?
      2. she is willing to repeat her attire?
      3. she is willing to repeat her skirts but not her blouses?

    How many ways can you take a photograph of 10 friends taken 3 at a time question?

    Calculate P[10,3], the number of photographs of 10 friends taken 3 at a time. P[10,3] = 10 · 9 · 8 = 720. Note that you start with 10 and multiply 3 numbers.

    How many ways can 10 people be lined up for a photograph?


    How many different arrangements are possible for 10 cars in a line?

    10! = 10 · 9 · 8 · 7 · 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 3,628,800 .

    How many possible ways can a runner get the first second third place?

    In how many different ways can first, second, and third places be awarded? There are 1,320 different ways to award the three places.

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