Cherry on top nghĩa la gì

is your refrigerator running ? you'd better catch it before it gets away .


Nên nhốt cái tủ lạnh lại trước khi nó chạy. Kiểu như cột điện ở VN ấy, cho nó chạy là nó chạy qua bển mất

Cho mình hỏi luôn cái câu sugar on top là gì

Gửi bằng

Ráng làm thêm nữa cho nó hoàn thiện. Ý chính là bảo làm cho đàng hoàng ra hồn.
Có thể nói cherry on top, cherry on the cake hay icing on the cake. Tuy nhiên 3 cái thay thế cũng có nghĩa khác nữa nên cẩn thận dịch sai.

Ráng làm thêm nữa cho nó hoàn thiện. Ý chính là bảo làm cho đàng hoàng ra hồn.
Có thể nói cherry on top, cherry on the cake hay icing on the cake. Tuy nhiên 3 cái thay thế cũng có nghĩa khác nữa nên cẩn thận dịch sai.

Sao mình lại nghe có người nói rằng đó là sự van ơn, van nài theo nghĩa gọt ngào nhất, khụy lụy nhất nhỉ Bắt nguồn từ cái vụ thằng dan lên báo nước ngoài, có thằng mĩ kêu là đừng đưa nó về đây, mà hãy giam nó Kiểu như đường ở trên cùng [sugar on top] lời ngọt ngào trên cùng ấy

Gửi bằng

Sao mình lại nghe có người nói rằng đó là sự van ơn, van nài theo nghĩa gọt ngào nhất, khụy lụy nhất nhỉ Bắt nguồn từ cái vụ thằng dan lên báo nước ngoài, có thằng mĩ kêu là đừng đưa nó về đây, mà hãy giam nó Kiểu như đường ở trên cùng [sugar on top] lời ngọt ngào trên cùng ấy

Gửi bằng

Context, source? Chưa nghe ai nói nó có nghĩa thế bao giờ. Còn nếu là bảo van nài thì chỉ có 1 câu tôi biết là pretty please with sugar on top

Exaggerated form of please or pretty please.

Bảo là nài nỉ thì cũng có thể đúng nhưng mà ngọt ngào nhất khụy lụy nhất thì... Đừng có đoán nghĩa trước khi tra :stick:

Ko có context :nosebleed:

is your refrigerator running ? you'd better catch it before it gets away .


đéo biết

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is your refrigerator running ? you'd better catch it before it gets away .


Running có 2 nghĩa ở đây 1 là chạy bộ 2 là hoạt động Thằng này khi hỏi thì ng nghe sẽ k nghĩ đến nghĩa chạy bộ vì chủ ngữ là tủ lạnh Đến khi nó nói câu tiếp theo thì ng nghe sẽ nhận ra nó dùng nghĩa 1, r thấy mắc cười

Sent from Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 using

Tủ lạnh mà chạy được thì nó cũng chạy rồi, tốt nhất là nên bắt lại :shame:

Gửi từ Điện thoại bàn bằng

schoolmusical ver 3 said:

Tủ lạnh mà chạy được thì nó cũng chạy rồi, tốt nhất là nên bắt lại :shame:

Gửi từ Điện thoại bàn bằng

tủ lạnh chạy được mà, quản lý cả 1 forum nữa :shame:

Cái câu này là các bạn bé sẽ hay dùng lắm nè. Khi các em bé xin xỏ bố mẹ điều gì, các bạn ấy thường dùng “please”. Khi muốn nhấn mạnh hơn, thống thiết hơn, các bé có thể dùng “pretty please”. Ví dụ, “Mom, can I have some candies, pretty please?”

Và để nghe thống thiết hơn nữa, đáng eo hơn nữa, các bé có thể dùng “pretty please with a cherry on top”, hoặc một cách diễn đạt tương tự là “pretty please with sugar on top”. Kiểu như khi trang trí một cái bánh thì bước cuối cùng để hoàn thiện là rắc đường hoặc thêm một trái sơ-ri đỏ mọng lên trên nhìn cho hấp dẫn á, thì các bé cũng rắc đường, cũng thêm quả sơ-ri lên trên lời cầu xin nhỏ nhắn xinh xắn của mình để dụ dỗ bố mẹ ^^

Nếu bố mẹ đồng ý làm theo lời yêu cầu của các bé thì không sao, còn nếu khi các bé đã dùng “pretty please with a cherry on top” và nhìn bố mẹ với đôi mắt to tròn long lanh ướt át rồi mà bố mẹ vẫn không bị dụ thì có thể nói, “Nope, it’s not working” hoặc “Cute, but it’s not gonna work this time”, dễ thương đấy, nhưng mà lần này thì cái sự dễ thương đó không có tác dụng đâu ^^!

Trang Bùi.

Nghĩa là gì: Aggregate stop loss coverage
  • [bảo hiểm] bảo hiểm vượt tổng mức bồi thường.

cherry on top Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

a hot topic

popular topic, the talk of the town Sex is a hot topic. Sex will get their attention.

at the top of her game

at her best, playing as well as she can If Val's at the top of her game she can defeat Olga.

at the top of his voice

as loud as he can, shouting loudly "Ben called for help at the top of his voice. ""Help!"" he shouted."

At the top of my lungs

If you shout at the top of your lungs, you shout as loudly as you possibly can.

at the top of one

as loud as one can, very loudly I yelled at the top of my lungs to get the attention of the man.

at the top of one's lungs

Idiom[s]: at the top of one's voice AND at the top of one's lungs


with a very loud voice.
• Bill called to Mary at the top of his voice.
• How can I work when you're all talking at the top of your lungs?

at the top of one's voice

Idiom[s]: at the top of one's voice AND at the top of one's lungs


with a very loud voice.
• Bill called to Mary at the top of his voice.
• How can I work when you're all talking at the top of your lungs?

at the top of one's voice|at the top of one's lung

adv. phr. As loud as you can; with the greatest possible sound; very loudly. He was singing at the top of his voice. He shouted at the top of his lungs.

at the top of the hour

Idiom[s]: at the top of the hour


at the exact beginning of the hour. [Typically heard on television or the radio.]
• Every class in my school starts at the top of the hour.
• Our next newscast will be at the top of the hour.

At the top of the list

If something is at the top of the list, it is of highest priority, most important, most urgent, or the next in one's line of attention.

At the top of your lungs

If you shout at the top of your lungs, you shout as loudly as you possibly can.

At the top of your voice

If you talk, shout or sing at the top of your voice, you do it as loudly as you can.

big top

big top
1] The main tent of a circus, as in The high-wire act is almost always in the big top. [c. 1840]
2] Underworld slang for a maximum-security prison, as in He was sentenced to ten years in the big top. [1950s]

big top|big|top

n. The main tent under which a circus gives its show; the circus and circus life. Lillian Leitzel was one of the great stars of the big top. The book tells of life under the big top.

blow one's top

become extremely angry.

blow one's top|blow|top

v. phr. To become very excited, angry, hysterical, or furious. "No need to blow your top, Al," his wife said, "just because you lost a few dollars."

blow top

to blow your top: to explode with fury

blow your lid/stack/top

become very angry, shout, lose your cool Don't blow your stack in front of the kids. It's a bad example.

Blow your top

If someone blows their top, they lose their temper.

buck stops here, the

buck stops here, the
I'll take full responsibility, as in You needn't call my boss; the buck stops here. This saying gained fame as a sign on the desk of President Harry S. Truman. It alludes to another expression that means the opposite, pass the buck. [Mid-1900s]

carrot top

nickname for a person with red/ginger hair

couldn't stop a pig in an alleyway

having bow legs. Occasionally heard as couldn't stop a pig in a ginnel, - a Midlands/Northern variation whereby ginnel is dialect for alleyway

Cream rises to the top

A good person or idea cannot go unnoticed for long, just as cream poured in coffee or tea eventually rises to the top.

drop by|drop|stop|stop by

v. 1. or drop around To make a short or unplanned visit; go on a call or errand; stop at someone's home. Drop by any time you're in town. Mv sister dropped around last night. Don't forget to stop by at the gas station.
Synonym: DROP IN. 2. or drop into To stop [somewhere] for a short visit or a short time. We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasn't. I dropped into the drugstore for some toothpaste and a magazine.

feel on top of the world

feel very healthy I have been feeling on top of the world since I quit my job.

from top to bottom

Idiom[s]: from top to bottom


from the highest point to the lowest point; throughout.
• I have to clean the house from top to bottom today.
• We need to replace our elected officials from top to bottom.


n. 1. A car that has a metal roof; a car that is not a convertible. Every spring Mr. Jones sells his hard-top and buys a convertible. 2. or hardtop convertible A car with windows that can be completely lowered with no partitions left standing, and with a top that may or may not be lowered. Mr. Brown's new car is a hardtop convertible.

high top fade

haircut high on the top, fading down to close cut on the sides:"Livin' in fear of my shade or my high top fade" -- Public Enemy [??? [??]]

hot topic

[See a hot topic]


from the housetops
publicly and widely

off the top of my head

without thinking carefully, off the cuff Off the top of my head, I believe the US has 50 states.

off the top of one

without thinking hard, quickly I was unable to remember the name of the restaurant off the top of my head.

off the top of one's head

without thinking hard; quickly不加思索地
He didn't prepare his lecture beforhand, but only talked off the top of his head.他事先没有准备,在讲演时只是想到哪里讲到哪里。
Jim answered the teacher's question off the top of his head.吉姆回答老师的问题时不大动脑筋。

off the top of one's head|head|off|the top of one'

adv. or adj. phr., informal Without thinking hard; quickly. Vin answered the teacher's question off the top of his head. When Lorraine was asked to recite, she talked off the top of her head.

Off the top of your head

If you say something off the top of your head, you don't think about it beforehand.

off topic

not on the chosen topic, not related to the topic If you're writing about dogs, flowers are off topic.

on top

in the lead He was on top of his class in the economics department.

on top of

informed, prepared, up on Addie stays on top of math by doing problems every day.

on top of the world

feeling pleased and happy;feeling successful非常高兴;觉得成功
The sea and the warm sun made them feel on top of the world.大海和温暖的阳光使他们感到无比的快乐。
Having won the first prize,he is on top of the world.他得了一等奖,欣喜若狂。

on top of|on|on top|top

prep. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top of it. That high hill has a tower on top of it. 2. informal Very close to. The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on top of each other. I couldn't find my umbrella and then I realized I was almost on top of it. 3. informal In addition to; along with. Mrs. Lane had many expenses and on top of everything else, her baby became ill. Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that she had to baby-sit with her brother. 4. informal Managing very well; in control of. Although his new job was very complicated, John was on top of it within a few weeks. No matter what goes wrong, Mary always stays on top of it. 5. Knowing all about; not falling behind in information about; up-to-date on. Mary stays on top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines. When he was in California, Mr. Jones kept on top of things in his office by telephoning every day.

on top|on|top

adv. or adj. phr., informal In the lead; with success; with victory. The horse that everyone had expected would be on top actually came in third. Although John had been afraid that he was not prepared for the exam, he came out on top.

over the top

Idiom[s]: over the top


having gained more than one's goal.
• Our fund-raising campaign went over the top by $3,000.
• We didn't go over the top. We didn't even get half of what we set out to collect.

over the top|over|top

adv. phr. 1. Out of the trenches and against the enemy. The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over the top at dawn. Johnny found that he was braver than he thought he would be when his company went over the top. 2. Over the goal. Our goal was to collect a half million dollars for the new school building, but we went over the top. Mary was asked to sell twenty tickets, and she went over the top.

pit stop

a brief stop to buy gas or go to the washroom Excuse me. I have to make a pit stop before we go to the movie.

Proclaim it from the rooftops

If something is proclaimed from the rooftops, it is made as widely known and as public as possible.

pull out all the stops

work as hard as possible, go all-out, go for broke You're losing this match. If you want to win, you'll have to pull out all the stops.

put a stop to

Idiom[s]: put a stop to something AND put an end to something

Theme: STOP

to bring something to an end.
• I want you to put a stop to all this bad behavior.
• Please put an end to this conversation.

put an end to|put|put a stop|put a stop to|put an

v. phr. 1. To make [something] end; stop; end. The farmer built an electric fence around his field to put an end to trespassing. The principal said that running in the halls was dangerous, and told the teachers to put a stop to it. 2. To destroy or kill. The new highway took most of the traffic from the old road and put an end to Mr. Hanson's motel business. When the horse broke his leg, the farmer put an end to him.


convertible car, ragtop In the summer, Pam drives a ragtop - a Fiat Spyder.


see shout from the rooftops.

cherry on top

The flourish that caps something off [much like a cherry tops off an ice cream sundae]. Sometimes used in the phrase "pretty please with a cherry on top." Today, I failed a test and lost out on the lead in the school play, but do you know what was the cherry on top? I got a ticket on my way home! Can you help me with this project? Please, pretty please with a cherry on top?Learn more: cherry, on, top
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