Chinese Fortune Calendar 2023

The Lunar New Year of the Water Rabbit 2023, which starts onJanuary 22, with the first New Moon following the winter solstice, and ends on February 9 of 2024, when we will pass into the Dragon Year, is more favorable or, at least, less spectacular than the Year of the Tiger, which is just coming to an end. 

In Chinese Astrology, the Rabbit symbolizes patience and luck, which would mean that the Year of the Rabbit 2023 will bring what we have lacked in 2022: peace and success!

The influence of the Rabbit will temper those too impulsive or those with their heads in the clouds. This is why, thinking twice before acting, you will manage to fulfill all your plans successfully.

According to the Chinese horoscope 2023, the Year of the Rabbit will be a good time for all the zodiac signs and an extremely lucky year for most of them! All the signs will be successful in love, and most of them will manage to go to the next level in terms of career. Health is no less either, as no serious issues will appear in the path of any zodiac sign!

What Does the Year of the Rabbit Mean to Us?

The Year of the Rabbit 2023 will bring less anger and more relaxation! And more good news: this year, money will come much more effortlessly than before!

The people born under the Rabbit sign are calm, decisive, and rarely panic. This is why they easily get out of the most difficult situations.

Many signs will have a peaceful year and make the best decisions.

The people born in the Rabbit sign are lucky in terms of money and get along with those born in the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox signs. They cannot stand the Rooster’s arrogance or the Tiger’s hysterical fits. 

What Does the Chinese Horoscope 2023 Say for Each Zodiac Sign?

During the Year of the Water Rabbit of 2023, life will change for every zodiac sign. While some people will do away with the misfortunes they had in 2022, some will need to brace for trouble and unfortunate accidents. Click one of the zodiac signs below to see the 2023 Chinese horoscope for your animal sign.

Chinese animal signBorn In
🐭 Rat Horoscope 2023 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
🐮 Ox Horoscope 2023 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
🐯 Tiger Horoscope 2023 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
🐰 Rabbit Horoscope 2023 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
🐲 Dragon Horoscope 2023 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
🐍 Snake Horoscope 2023 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
🐴 Horse Horoscope 2023 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
🐐 Goat Horoscope 2023 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
🐵 Monkey Horoscope 2023 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
🐔 Rooster Horoscope 2023 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
🐶 Dog Horoscope 2023 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
🐷 Pig Horoscope 2023 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

What Are the Luckiest Zodiac Signs of 2023

As per the Year of the Rabbit 2023 predictions, the luckiest signs of the year are Goat, Pig and Dog! These 3 lucky signs are in for one of the best years they will ever have. During the Year of the Rabbit, the Goat, Pig and Dog will experience blessings on the financial side and should look forward to a prosperous business and a rewarding career.

Everyone born in Rat years should be happy because this sign is among the luckiest zodiac signs from the Chinese horoscope 2023. This is the year when Rat natives can start their own businesses or get married.

Traditionally, Roosters are the enemy of the Rabbits, and so the Chinese Horoscope advises that those born during the Year of the Rooster should be cautious and should work more if they wish to be fortunate during the Year of the Water Rabbit. Also, Roosters will need to use Feng Shui remedies in order to avoid sickness and accidents.

Lucky Elements During the Year of the Rabbit 2023:

  • Lucky numbers such as 5, 7, 9, and numbers that contain them [such as 35 and 47].
  • Lucky days: the 15th, 27th, and 30th of every month of the Chinese Lunar Year.
  • Lucky months: The month of March belongs to the Rabbit. The Yin Wood of the Rabbit needs the energy that the sun provides in order to grow. If Yin Wood is able to find a huge tree, a wall, or flat land, it will spread very quickly.
  • Lucky colors: blue, green, yellow, and black.
  • Lucky directions: southwest, west, and northwest.
  • The ruling Tai Sui during 2023 is Pi Shi. The direction of the Tai Sui is to the northeast. Tai Sui is in a rivalry with the Chinese sign of the Rooster, the other animals in indirect conflict are Rats and Tigers.

The Chinese Element of 2023 – Yin Water

In 2023, the Rabbit is correlated with Yin Water, which in turn is connected with rain, cold water, lakes, or rivers. According to the Chinese system of the 5 elements, water is associated with black color. This is why 2023 is also called the Year of the Black Rabbit.

People associated with this Water element, act with the characteristic fluidity of water, influencing the environment with their strength and discreet charm. Creative and engaging, diplomatic and intuitive, these individuals are masters of subtle manipulation. Without even seeming to try, they will win the trust and affection of those around them.

Are Years the Rabbit full of misfortune for the Rabbit?

According to the Chinese zodiac, those born in one of the Years of the Rabbit will irritate the God of Age [Tai Sui], which brings bad luck. As such, it is said that Rabbits should be a bit more cautious about everything in their lives during 2023.

Career and Prosperity Predictions For The Year of the Rabbit 2023

This year will be full of professional success and advancement. But this also requires a lot of effort and serious commitment.

Luck will be on the side of the zodiac signs, and you will often notice that you can accomplish everything you’ve set out to do. Business partnerships are also beneficial. 2023 is the year when the zodiac signs allow themselves to fulfill all their wishes because this is a great financial year.

In the Year of the Rabbit, on the other hand, although we will be tempted not to bother ourselves with unpleasant matters, to postpone the tasks we need to fulfill as much as possible, we will gain money much easier.  

Towards the end of 2023, our lives will go on apparently monotonously, and we will tend to delude ourselves. However, the Rabbit’s dualism recommends caution because this year can bring hits below the belt, financial earthquakes, and social turmoil.  


The Rabbit is known to be great at taking care of money, bringing much wealth and prosperity to your financial situation. You can earn a living without too much of a hassle, and so the old motto “Work smarter, not harder” is very true for anything to do with money during 2023.

The Water brings on determination to next year, signifying determination gets you far and concentrating on the task at hand will get you to a point where you feel proud of your work by the end of the year.

The union between Water and Rabbit confirms that this is the year to do the things you want and dare, “all or nothing” as they say.

On the other hand, such powerful influence can result in a habit of avoiding the tasks you need to do or other projects which present a bit of a challenge to you.

Love and Marriage

2023 will be a year full of positive emotions and excellent circumstances for starting romantic relationships. One of the most important pieces of advice this year is to try to follow our passions and make time for activities that please us and make us feel good. 

The relationships in our lives are another area we should pay attention to, introspection being necessary to stabilize and harmonize them. 

According to the Chinese zodiac 2023, the mantra of the Chinese New Year that will begin on January 22 is to contemplate everything that has happened so far, especially the events resulting during the year of the tumultuous Tiger that just ended. Empathizing and trying to be generous with those around us is necessary.


As per the Chinese New Year horoscope 2023, many zodiac signs have plenty of energy, but they must be careful to direct in the right direction and fully enjoy recreational activities. However, those born in the Dragon and Money signs will also encounter some stressful situations, and they will need the help of their loved ones to overcome them. Some issues might prove too difficult for them, which is why stress and anxiety will follow them throughout the year. 

Is 2023 a Good Year to Have a Baby?

The Year of the Rabbit of 2023 is a great year to have a baby. The Chinese Zodiac 2023 indicates that the highest chances of conceiving a boy are during the month of July and the highest chances of having a girl are during the month of April.

Those who are born in the Year of the Rabbit are more often than not physically active people, social but also somewhat traditional. Rabbits are trustworthy friends.

The most suitable zodiac signs for Rabbits: are the Goat, Dog, or Pig.

  • The Dog is the most compatible sign for the Rabbit. Both of them love life, family and are smooth talkers. They are very similar to each other. Neither relies on one other, but they care a lot about how the other person feels. They are expected to have a happy marriage.
  • The Rabbit and the Pig are both easily satisfied and modest, being happy with just one another. They are not pretentious and would have a successful marriage.
  • The Rabbit and the Goat are very pleasant types of people. They are very skilled at breaking up fights and arguments. Marriage between these two will be happy and lacking conflicts and arguments.

The least suitable for one another when it comes to Rabbits: Rat or Rooster

  • A relationship between a Rabbit and a Rooster usually lacks luck in finances.
  • The Rat’s irresponsibility irritates the Rabbit, while the Rat is upset about the Rabbit’s attention to detail.

Five Elements of the Rabbit’s personality

Wood Rabbit:

Wood Rabbit:  2023 comes with many new things for the Wood Rabbit, who manage to get close to their families again and can finally find someone to count on. The most romantic months for the Rabbits are June, July, and November. Tensions tend to precipitate, especially in spring, August, and October.

In 2023, they may meet people with whom they will later establish close partnerships [friendships, collaborations, associations, couples] or who will have a beneficial influence on their family or proprieties.

Water Rabbit:

2023 will emphasize the creative side of the Water Rabbits. By not hesitating to take professional risks, they will get fully rewarded throughout the year.

The Water Rabbits should take advantage of any opportunity coming their way. It is the right time to request a salary increase or a promotion because they will have an excellent relationship with their superiors throughout the year. They should avoid borrowing money and try to reduce spending. 

Metal Rabbit:

If they have an entrepreneurial spirit, Metal Rabbits could open their own business in 2023, which will only bring them financial benefits. Money does not come from the beginning, but it will surely come. It would be best not to make loans in order not to get even more in debt and only use their own resources.

Earth Rabbit:

The life of the Earth Rabbits starts to fall into place. They will meet a wonderful person and engage in a healthy relationship. Next to her, they may begin a family and marriage. 

There are good chances to meet that person through their work or friends. Most of their attention directs toward the financial and professional domains. 

From the first part of the year, they will likely move to another city or country or start a new job. In the well-welded couples where harmony and love prevail, 2023 also promises a new family member. 

Fire Rabbit:

If in 2022 you may have gone through a burdensome experience, 2023 gets even. The Fire Rabbits’ relationships of friendship and partnership reinvent themselves. They will likely reconnect with a friend from the past, with whom they share the same ideas and dreams, someone who has stood by their side through thick and thin over the years.

Their romantic relationship is based on stability, affection, and mutual support. Little discussions about a family member may occur in April-May of 2023, but communication will help them overcome them.

Which zodiac is luckiest in 2023?

1. Libra. The zodiac sign with the best chances for love, fortune, and success in 2023 will be Libra. Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, rules those who were born between September 23 and October 22.

Will 2023 be a good year for the tiger?

According to the Tiger Chinese Horoscope 2023, this year will bring abundance, good luck, and power in the lives of the Tiger natives. This year will be better than the previous year for you as things will workout for the better. You will be happy to see the direction your life will take this year.

Which Chinese zodiac is the luckiest in 2022?

Ox and Goat are the luckiest zodiac signs in the year of 2022. For those born in the years of the Rat, Snake, Monkey, Pig and Dog, you will need to make comparatively more effort in order to make achievements.

What is the lucky number for 2023?

And the 6 lucky numbers for lottery and mega millions for 2023 are 9, 15, 17, 29, 32, 67. By combining destiny and lucky numbers, you can more easily manage your life. Rats will have a better year than expected. According to the love horoscope 2023, they will meet true love in 2023.

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