Circular linked list deletion at end

Deletion at last in the Circular linked list

C function for Deletion at Last Node

void delete_last[struct link *node] { int node_no=0,count; node=start->next; ptr=start; count=i; if[i==0] { printf["\n List is empty"]; exit[0]; } while[count] { node_no++; ptr=ptr->next; node=node->next; count--; } node=start->next; ptr=start; while[node_no!=1] { node_no--; ptr=ptr->next; node=node->next; } if[node_no==1] { ptr->next=node->next; free[node]; i--; } }

After Deletion

Deletion at the Last in the Circular Linked list

#include #include #include struct link { int data; struct link *next; }; int i=0; struct link *node,*start,*ptr,*new1; void create_link[struct link *node] { char ch; start->next=NULL; node=start; fflush[stdin]; printf["\n Enter 'n' for break:"]; ch=getchar[]; while[ch!='n'] { node->next=[struct link *]malloc[sizeof[struct link]]; node=node->next; printf["\n Enter data for node:"]; scanf["%d",&node->data]; node->next=start; fflush[stdin]; printf["\n Enter 'n' for break:"]; ch=getchar[]; i++; } } void delete_last[struct link *node] { int node_no=0,count; node=start->next; ptr=start; count=i; if[i==0] { printf["\n List is empty"]; exit[0]; } while[count] { node_no++; ptr=ptr->next; node=node->next; count--; } node=start->next; ptr=start; while[node_no!=1] { node_no--; ptr=ptr->next; node=node->next; } if[node_no==1] { ptr->next=node->next; free[node]; i--; } } void display[struct link *node] { int count; node=start->next; count=i; while[count] { printf["\t%d",node->data]; node=node->next; count--; } } void main[] { char ch; clrscr[]; create_link[node]; delete_last[node]; printf["List Item Are:\n"]; display[node]; getch[]; }


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