desmonds là gì - Nghĩa của từ desmonds

desmonds có nghĩa là

Desmond's are tricky, but once you figure them out, you love them. Most Desmond's are average height, meduim athletic build. Known for having and array of female companions/friends. Most of their relationships dont last because the woman can never understand them. But once you have his heart, you'll never find another like him.



desmonds có nghĩa là

Probably the best guy ever. At first he's shy but once he comes out of his shell he's a total fun loving nutcase. He's witty, smart, handsome, romantic and caring. He can play mad guitar too. If you ever meet a Desmond you'll probably fall head over heels and then see HIS MASSIVE COCK.


"Oh hey girl I heard you're dating Desmond?"
"Yeah omg and I saw his dick last night and it's the size of a black mans! HE RIPPED ME IN HALF!"
"Man! I have to get me a Desmond!"

desmonds có nghĩa là

He will give you his heart and trust you with it. A creative person whose talent is seen in music. He is wonderful and doesn't mind dreaming and creating with you about what may come. Sensitive and strong he can make you fall in love with him within a nanosecond. Everyone is his core buddy. Women secretly love him when he speaks because he oozes charm and captivates you with his intense eyes and enthusiastic conversation. The best one to secretly watch in a crowded room. He is a worldly wanderer but always makes sure to make his presence known to the one who pines for him at home every night. Mornings are spent by his side for the longest time by making him stay for as long as possible before you have to absolutely get up out of bed. He loves coconut flavored drinks that remind him of someone special every time he drinks it. A great protector and caring person he'll attempt to take away all that hurts you all the time they happen. Loves animals and even would travel dangerous jungles with you. Photography and book reading go hand in hand with him. In touch with the news, he reads an actual newspaper old school style. His favorite shape can be made with interlacing two hands. He loves natural surroundings and the feel of small towns. He is the handsomest manly but still boyish person you'll ever meet. Shares showers with you but is sexiest in bed. Has one first tattoo. Practically a specimen for the picture of health and loveliness. He can pull off any style and own it.


Oh my God, that feels like a Desmond and looks like a Desmond sounds like a Desmond and acts desmondlyish as he walks down the street.

desmonds có nghĩa là

A shy guy at first but as you know him more he will be the best person you have ever met! A great lover with the warmest hug. Respects and loves the women in his life the most. A very suitable partner for a hyper/crazy girl as he understands and adjusts accordingly.


Only Desmond can handle Melissa !

desmonds có nghĩa là

A person who is sexy, funny, super cute, wild in bed, a great boyfriend, and a badass.


Wow, Desmond you were awesome last night. Did you see Desmond kiss her yesterday.

desmonds có nghĩa là

A slang term in football [actual football not the weird American type with helmets] for a 2-2 draw. Inspired by the famous African cleric Desmond Tutu.


John: I'm going for a 3-0 win to United today mate.
Adam: Nah bro, I'm betting it's gonna be a Desmond.
John: A Desmond?
Adam: Yeah, dumbass a Desmond. Get it? Two-Two?
John: OH! Very witty.
Adam: I know, I try.

desmonds có nghĩa là

Desmond is the name given to the most amazing man to ever walk the earth.He is just perfect in every single way, he will deny that though,because he is super modest. Every time I see Desmond I get butterflies and to his voice gives me joy shivers.Desmond will have the most perfect beautiful eyes that you could stare into for all of eternity and hope they will look back into yours. Desmond is the most attractive man you will ever lay your eyes upon and you would do anything to be with him for a single moment. Desmond will just have this unexplainable quality about him that just draws you towards him and you never ever want to leave. He has the cutest, hottest and overall best personality ever. ASDFGHJKL is the feeling you get from talking to Desmond among many other happy emotions. Desmond is the most lovable person in the world and anyone who thinks otherwise is just straight up wrong, those people suck. Desmond loves his family more than anything, he is the best sibling in the world .Desmond has a great sense of humor, he makes me cry with laughter.Thanks Desmond for being with me, making me feel special and loving me back. I'm not sure if you'll ever read this,but I hope if you do it made you smile. I'm pretty sure you can guess who this is. I love you so much. My life is 100 times better with you in it and I honestly can't imagine it without you.


“I love you”-Desmond “I love you more”- me “That’s impossible”-desmond
“No it’s not. I love you to the moon and back”-me “I can’t compare any distance or amount to how much I really love you”-Desmond
Marry me now please”- me “One day baby” -Desmond

desmonds có nghĩa là

Desmond is a cute, shy, bubbly, kind, free spirted youthful but also kinda clumsy and airheaded boy who loves to make people happy even though he isn't always happy himself. But he can also be a bit mean and a follower he just wants to be accepted and loved.


He is such a Desmond!

desmonds có nghĩa là

from Wikipedia Lower second-class honours degree in the UK
This is the second division of second-class degrees and is abbreviated as "2:2" or "II.ii" [pronounced two-two]. In rhyming slang a lower second-class honours degree is known as a "Desmond", after Desmond Tutu.


"I missed out on a 2-1, I got a Desmond"

desmonds có nghĩa là

Merciless dick given with the upmost violence and disrespect


When he emerged from the basement covered in menstrual discharge, I knew that he had just unleashed the Desmond

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