Disciplinary panel nghĩa là gì

Top 1 ✅ Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior. A. take up B. put down C. speed up D. turn d nam 2022 được cập nhật mới nhất lúc 2022-03-17 16:05:42 cùng với các chủ đề liên quan khác

Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior.A.take up B.put down C.speed up D.turn d


Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior.A.take up B.put down C.speed up D.turn d

Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior.A.take up B.put downC.speed up D.turn downQ2.Peter tried to find out how to _______ a good presentation to the board, but sadly he was rejected.A.do B.makeC.form D.createQ3.There was a sudden _______of anger in the General’s eyes as he listened to the soldier’s report.A.fire B.flashC.flame D.shadeQ4.He was never seen again.He just seemed to disappear into _____air.A.thin B.light

C.thick D.warm



Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior.A.take up B.put down C.speed up D.turn d

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Vừa rồi, 1sẹo.vn đã gửi tới các bạn chi tiết về chủ đề Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior. A. take up B. put down C. speed up D. turn d nam 2022 ❤️️, hi vọng với thông tin hữu ích mà bài viết "Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior. A. take up B. put down C. speed up D. turn d nam 2022" mang lại sẽ giúp các bạn trẻ quan tâm hơn về Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior. A. take up B. put down C. speed up D. turn d nam 2022 [ ❤️️❤️️ ] hiện nay. Hãy cùng 1sẹo.vn phát triển thêm nhiều bài viết hay về Q1: You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to _______ your behavior. A. take up B. put down C. speed up D. turn d nam 2022 bạn nhé.

Dictionary, Tra Từ Trực Tuyến, Online, Translate, Translation, Dịch, Vietnamese Dictionary, Nghĩa Tiếng Việt

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disciplinary court", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disciplinary court, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disciplinary court trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Being brought before a disciplinary panel is not like appearing in a public criminal court.

2. Although the two procedures are independent, facts established by a court are taken into account in disciplinary proceedings.

3. This court, by the powers vested in it by HM Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, made up of the disciplinary council, finds

4. The director faces disciplinary action .

5. You're in a disciplinary squad

6. Standard process of disciplinary punishment can assure disciplinary punishment lawfulness , reasonable, justice, fairness and so on.

7. This is truly a trans-disciplinary team.

8. She's being summoned before the disciplinary board.

9. Squash Absent Cumings faces disciplinary action.

10. Moreover, disciplinary measures proved counter-productive.

11. The disciplinary board listens to extenuating circumstances.

12. The structure, the disciplinary rules, were immutable.

13. Warnings, disciplinary actions, and firings were commonplace.

14. Overview of administrative machinery in disciplinary matters

15. We may also consider taking disciplinary action.

16. It is entirely feasible to replace provisions regarding disciplinary measures against an entire Party organization with those regarding disciplinary measures against individual members.

17. Guideline Explain the reasons behind your disciplinary actions.

18. Any decision about disciplinary matters should rest elsewhere.

19. You may be subjected to a disciplinary enquiry.

20. Specific disciplinary measures must be scientific and effective.

21. All schools have disciplinary procedures they must follow .

22. The player was fined by the disciplinary committee.

23. We will take disciplinary action against you screamers.

24. Basketball court, volleyball court, tennis court, badminton court, handball court, etc.

25. 8 Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disciplinary", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disciplinary, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disciplinary trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The director faces disciplinary action .

2. You're in a disciplinary squad

3. Standard process of disciplinary punishment can assure disciplinary punishment lawfulness , reasonable, justice, fairness and so on.

4. This is truly a trans-disciplinary team.

5. She's being summoned before the disciplinary board.

6. Squash Absent Cumings faces disciplinary action.

7. Moreover, disciplinary measures proved counter-productive.

8. The disciplinary board listens to extenuating circumstances.

9. The structure, the disciplinary rules, were immutable.

10. Warnings, disciplinary actions, and firings were commonplace.

11. Overview of administrative machinery in disciplinary matters

12. We may also consider taking disciplinary action.

13. It is entirely feasible to replace provisions regarding disciplinary measures against an entire Party organization with those regarding disciplinary measures against individual members.

14. Guideline Explain the reasons behind your disciplinary actions.

15. Any decision about disciplinary matters should rest elsewhere.

16. You may be subjected to a disciplinary enquiry.

17. Specific disciplinary measures must be scientific and effective.

18. All schools have disciplinary procedures they must follow .

19. The player was fined by the disciplinary committee.

20. We will take disciplinary action against you screamers.

21. 8 Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

22. The soldier received a dishonourable discharge for a disciplinary offence.

23. The decision was taken pending a full disciplinary hearing.

24. Before that, you also topped all the disciplinary charts.

25. The company will be taking disciplinary action against him.

26. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.

27. He filed a request for disciplinary action against Burgess.

28. Buriram United terminated his contract due to disciplinary reasons.

29. He will then decide whether to prefer disciplinary charges.

30. The investigation led to disciplinary action against two officers.

31. The company has drawn up a new disciplinary code.

32. Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.

33. The disciplinary panel will notify the person concerned of its findings.

34. Has the student had any severe disciplinary measures or health issues?

35. Overview of the administrative machinery with respect to disciplinary matters

36. 4 Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.

37. Humiliation was at the centre of Jock Stein's disciplinary philosophy.

38. During Wei's term as CCDI chief, some 680,000 disciplinary cases were processed.

39. There are a large number of multi-disciplinary centra at the University.

40. She will have to explain her actions before the disciplinary committee.

41. He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair.

42. How should we cooperate with disciplinary action taken by the elders?

43. A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons.

44. He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways.

45. Decide whether or not disciplinary measures or other appropriate actions should be taken.

46. This one says you're okay with moving the disciplinary hearing to tomorrow.

47. Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.

48. The Appeal Tribunal has reversed the Disciplinary Committee's decision on the licensee.

49. The disciplinary committee considered the merits of his case before fining him.

50. They even include a disciplinary charge - taking stores abandoned by the enemy.

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