Dry laptop with hairdryer

Rights & Money

Save Your Laptop After a Spill

  • January 21, 2019
  • Goodtimes

In the event that you spill something on your laptop, these tips just might save the day

By Matt Smith

If theres one thing that all laptop users fear, its spilling water or hot coffee on their computer. If it ever happens to you, dont panicact quickly and you may be able to save your machine.

First, unplug the computers power cable if its plugged in. Be careful that youre not risking electric shock, however: if youre standing in water or your clothes are wet, play it safe and switch the power off by flipping the circuit breaker.

Turn the computer off. Time is of the essence, so dont bother shutting it down the proper wayjust hold the power button down until the computer shuts off.

Unplug anything thats plugged into the computer, such as an external keyboard, mice, and USB keys.

Pat down the surfaces of the computer with a soft dry cloth to soak up any water.

If possible, remove the battery and any other internal components that are easily accessible. Put these into a container of rice to soak up the moisture.

Leave your computer to air dry in a warm, dry room. Set it in an upside down V shape so that any liquid can drain out of the keyboard more easily. You can use a fan or a can of compressed air to help it dry out faster, but avoid using a hair dryer as you run the risk of causing damage by static shock or overheating internal components. Dont bother leaving the whole computer in riceair drying will work better and you wont risk getting grains caught inside the machine.

Let it air dry for at least 24 hoursthe longer the better. You need to be sure that your computer is completely dry before turning it on again, as any moisture left inside could cause a short circuit and more damage.

Have your laptop cleaned and serviced by a professional, especially if it had coffee or sugary drinks spilled on it. These beverages can leave sticky residues on the inside of the machine or corrode the electrical components. And even if your computer turns out to be toast, the repair tech should be able to rescue your files from its hard drive.


More Under: computer, laptop

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