Eye tiredness là gì

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@eye-strain* danh từ

- sự mỏi mắt [do chữ li ti hoặc thiếu ánh sáng]

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "eye-strain", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ eye-strain, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ eye-strain trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. " It is surface dryness and is eye strain from focusing . "

" Mà đó chỉ là tình trạng mắt bị khô và mỏi do tập trung điều tiết quá nhiều . "

By Rick Ansorge

Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman, OD on September 11, 2020

  • Tired Eyes
  • Computer Vision Syndrome
  • Prevent Digital Device Eye Strain

Your eyes are burning, itchy, and tired. It’s a common condition but rarely serious. You can take simple steps to prevent or ease this problem.

It those tactics don’t work, see your doctor. What you’re feeling could be a sign of a deeper condition that requires treatment. This is especially important if you have headaches or other problems like:

  • Eye discomfort
  • Double vision
  • A big change in vision

Anything that requires intense eye use can cause fatigue. Some of the most common are:

  • Reading [especially on a screened device]
  • Writing
  • Driving

If you look at bright light or spend time in a place that’s too dim, it can also tire your peepers.

Your eyes might get tired easily if you stare for long periods at a computer, smartphone, or game console. The eye doctor might call this computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. It affects most people who use one. Some estimates say computer-related eye symptoms may be responsible for up to 10 million eye doctor visits a year. The problem is expected to grow as more people use smartphones and other handheld digital devices, which force your eyes to work harder than usual as they strain to focus on tiny words.

Digital devices may also be linked to eye fatigue because you tend to blink less often when looking at a computer screen. People usually blink about 18 times a minute. This naturally refreshes the eyes. But studies suggest that people only blink about half as often while looking at a computer or other digital device. This can result in dry, tired, itchy, and burning eyes.

Be on the lookout for:

  • Sore or irritated eyes
  • Trouble focusing
  • Dry or watery eyes
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Pain in the neck, shoulders, or back

These symptoms can lower your productivity. If you stay awake for long hours working, you can make the problem worse. Sleep refreshes your eye with essential nutrients. Lack of sleep may lead to repeated eye irritation.

Make some simple changes to:

Your computer screen:

  • Place it 20-26 inches away from your eyes and a little below eye level.
  • Regularly clean off dust and fingerprints from the surface. Smudges can reduce contrast and create problems like glare and reflections.
  • Choose screens that tilt and swivel.
  • Use a glare filter for your screen.

Your work environment:

  • Change lighting to get rid of glare and harsh reflections.
  • Use an adjustable chair.
  • Place a document holder next to your computer screen.

Your work habits:

  • Try the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Post a note that says "Blink" on your computer as a reminder.
  • Take regular breaks from computer work.

Your eye-care routine:

  • Apply a washcloth soaked in warm water to tired, dry eyes [keep your eyes closed].
  • Use artificial tears to refresh your eyes when they feel dry.
  • To help prevent dry eyes while indoors, use an air cleaner to filter dust and a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

If you have eye fatigue or pain, see an eye doctor to make sure a deeper medical condition isn’t to blame.

If the problem doesn’t go away, make an appointment for a full eye exam. The doctor can make sure your symptoms aren’t linked to a problem like an eye muscle imbalance or dry eye. They can also tell if your glasses or contact lens prescription is up to date and good for computer use.

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Computer Vision Syndrome

Table of Contents

Everybody’s eyes feel tired now and again, but asthenopia [or eye strain] is the name for the specific feeling of the eyes being tired, sore, or even mildly painful. People develop asthenopia after looking at a phone or computer screen for a long time, especially in low-light conditions.

Asthenopia is the result of extended use of the muscles that control the movements of the eye, and specifically of the pupils [the dark circles of the eye].

People who have dry eyes or who don’t use corrective lenses [either eyeglasses or contact lenses] are more likely to develop asthenopia than those who take regular breaks from their screen time, those who blink regularly or do other kinds of eye exercises, and those who wear the appropriate corrective eyewear.

Other ways of reducing eye strain and tired eyes is to adjust the lighting on your screen and to work in environments that have more [or better] light.

Tired eyes can happen to anyone, even children who have not been exposed to screens. The effects can continue for hours after they start, and the more a person exposes their eyes to conditions that induce asthenopia, the worse the symptoms and effects will be. In cases like these, the symptoms will begin immediately after you start using your eyes for close vision, sometimes making it painful or even impossible to read, focus, or concentrate.

Tired eyes have symptoms, usually [but not always] localized in the eyes themselves:

  • Soreness [in the eyes]
  • Pain [in the eyes]
  • Dryness [in the eyes]
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty reading
  • Dizziness
  • Blurry vision

In most cases, asthenopia is a temporary condition that should resolve on its own. With basic care, it should not cause any long-lasting harm to your eyes, and your vision should not suffer.

But not addressing the conditions that cause tired eyes will lead to persistent problems like those mentioned above, which can become problematic and disruptive on their own. For example, the physical positions that lead to the development of tired eyes can also cause neck pain and shoulder pain, which can lead to other health problems.

Tired eyes, or asthenopia, is a condition that results from overuse of the eyes, particularly in situations of low light, intense focus, or using your eyes for long periods of time without resting them.

People with tired eyes might struggle to focus their vision. They might feel pain in their eyes. They could feel dizzy, nauseated, or fatigued by the stress of trying to apply their vision in suboptimal settings.

Tired eyes are the result of the muscles in the eyes being forced to work without any rest, which makes it difficult to focus vision and can cause pain.

Remedying tired eyes could simply mean taking a break from using your eyes and working in well-lit conditions. It could also mean making a point to close the eyes and do some light massages and treatments. These give your eye muscles time to restore themselves.

What Causes Tired Eyes?

Tired eyes are the result of unbroken periods of intense focus of the eyes, especially in conditions that strain the eyes. They are exacerbated by low light, looking at a screen, or reading small print.

Tired eyes can be caused by:

  • Intense eye focus. Working on a small craft project is one situation where asthenopia can develop, but even driving at night [or in poor conditions, where you are squinting and not giving your eyes a break] can cause tired eyes.
  • Using smartphones, computers, and other electronic devices is a big factor in developing tired eyes. Especially on small devices, where font size is often miniscule, the blue light exposure can take a toll on the eyes. As a result, tired eyes are very common among students and people who have to work on a computer all day long. Similarly, people who have to do a lot of screen reading for their job [lawyers and accountants, for example] are also at risk.
  • Certain recreational activities. Playing video games in a dark room, or for too long, will put strain on the eyes. A hobby that requires intense eye focus [like crafting or sketching] will have a similar effect. Anything that requires rapid movement of the eyes back and forth can also be a concern for tired eyes.
  • Poor lighting. Inadequate lighting can strain the eyes.

Vision Problems & Tired Eyes

While asthenopia can affect anyone, pre-existing problems with vision can significantly increase the chances of developing eye strain. Certain conditions of the eye can make it more likely that the effects of tired eyes become more noticeable and disruptive.

Having these vision problems will make it harder for you to see and focus, so the natural instinct is to try and focus even more. The already compromised eye muscles will be weakened further, which will cause more vision problems, like blurriness, and stress.

People who are prone to headaches, migraines, photophobia, and dry eye syndrome will likely already have sensitive eyes. Performing activities that require precise use of the eyes will almost certainly induce asthenopia.

The Ciliary & Extraocular Muscles

The eye has a number of muscles to help it focus, but like every muscle, they need to be rested, and they need to be used in optimal conditions.

The pupils are moved by the ciliary muscles constricting [getting smaller] for up-close vision and dilating [getting larger] for focusing on objects far away.

If you move your eyes back and forth quickly, the extraocular muscles responsible for moving the eyes from side to side will become stressed. This happens even more if the object of focus is small, on a screen, or in a darkened environment.


Diagnosing tired eyes is fairly straightforward. If the symptoms only appear when you have to focus on screens or small objects, and if they are alleviated by rest and gently rubbing your eyes, then you likely have asthenopia. Lingering problems [such as nausea, dizziness, or pain] would indicate the presence of a vision deficit or a severe case of asthenopia [one that would require a doctor’s appointment and likely a lifestyle change].

At an eye clinic, a doctor can give you an eye exam, which would include vision testing and a thorough examination of the condition and structure of your eye. This will determine the presence of any vision problems, the extent of the asthenopia, and what corrective measures need to be taken.

Other Problems Causing Tired Eyes

Because the symptoms of tired eyes are somewhat general, they can also be caused by a number of other conditions that produce similar symptoms. Migraines, for example, also come with pain in the eyes, fatigue, headaches, and sensitivity to light.

Tired eyes can trigger migraines. While the effects of tired eyes will usually resolve themselves quickly, migraines tend to last much longer. Additionally, the symptoms of migraines cannot be relieved by simply resting your eyes.

Tension headaches are another ailment that cause symptoms similar to those of tired eyes. People who have tension headaches will experience pressure on the forehead, which can feel like a pain behind the eyes or even in the eyes. Eye strain is not uncommon with tension headaches. Over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen will usually help the headaches, but the eye strain will need further treatment, like rest or home remedies.

Fatigue can also contribute to tired eyes. Exhaustion, being worn out, and not getting enough sleep can make it difficult to focus the eyes on text or a moving target, and the harder you try, the worse it will get and the more tired you will feel. Generally, simple rest and sleep will help. The basic act of closing your eyes and not looking at anything will give the muscles in your eyes a chance to heal and restore themselves.

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a contagious viral infection where the white part of the eyes [the sclera] turns pink, and crust forms around the eyes and eyelids. The eyes feel itchy and painful, and there might also be a sensitivity to light. People who are suffering from conjunctivitis might also have asthenopia because of how the eyes are affected as a result of the infection.

The Dangers of Having Tired Eyes

If you have tired eyes, you may be more prone to accidents and injuries. You also are less likely to feel good and be productive.

Dangers of tired eyes include:

  • Less ability to judge distances.
  • Increased accidents.
  • Higher likelihood of injuries.
  • Increased fatigue and less ability to focus.
  • Blurry vision.

When people treat their tired eyes, they often experience increased energy, greater productivity, and an overall improved sense of wellbeing.

Treating Tired Eyes

There is no medication to relieve tired eyes or eye strain. As mentioned, there are a number of different ways you can minimize the chances of it developing or manage it when you do experience it.

  • Rest your eyes. When you feel like it is getting difficult to focus your vision on letters or the task in front of you, it is a sign that you need to stop what you’re doing. Close your eyes, if only for a few seconds. Gently rub them, or do some breathing exercises. You can even look outside, letting your gaze wander. Essentially, you are giving your eye muscles a break.
  • Adjust lighting. Use adequate lighting when you are reading or working.
  • Reduce electronic brightness. Set the brightness on your phone or computer screen so you have the necessary contrast to read text easily, but not so much contrast that it becomes too bright to focus your eyes.
  • Increase font size. Make sure the font on your phone or computer is large enough to be discernible from a distance. You should not have to bring the screen to your nose just to make out the text.
  • Take breaks from screens. A break every 20 minutes is a good rule of thumb. Try to limit screen time, or cut it out altogether, at least an hour before bed.
  • See a doctor. If you notice regular problems with pain or strain related to your vision, play it safe and make an appointment to have your eyes checked. Tired eyes will not lead to blindness or anything drastic, but leaving the problem unchecked can make your day-to-day life very frustrating. If the issue doesn’t improve within a few days, it’s time to see a doctor.


An Overview of Asthenopia [Eye Strain]. [July 2019]. Verywell Health.

Dry Eyes. [March 2019]. Mayo Clinic.

Eyestrain. [October 2018]. Mayo Clinic.

Eye Strain Treatment, Causes, Relief & Prevention. [December 2018]. MedicineNet.

Safeguarding Your Sight. Harvard Medical School.

Improving Your Health to Improve Your Knitting and Crochet. [September 2014]. Lion Brand Yarn.

Digital Eye Strain: Understanding the Condition and How to Fight It. [November 2014]. Tech Republic.

Computer Use and Vision-Related Problems Among University Students in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. [Mar-Apr 2014]. Annals of Medical & Health Sciences Research.

Video Games and Eyestrain. [June 2017]. Verywell Health.

Photophobia [Light Sensitivity] and Migraine. American Migraine Foundation.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye. [October 2018]. eMedicineHealth.

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