Field of vision test for driving

The government driver and vehicle licencing agency stipulates a minimum visual requirement to ensure safe driving on the roads.  This ‘visual requirement’ involves assessment of both central vision and also your peripheral vision too [corners of your vision].  If the DVLA deem it necessary, they will investigate your peripheral vision by asking you to undergo a specialist type of ‘visual field test’.

Historically, this test could be performed at your choice of centre, as long as the centre had the correct equipment and could offer the correct type of visual field test.  A change came in to place a few years ago where the DVLA decided to contract the service privately which meant cost-saving for them.  This, unfortunately, led to a major inconvenience for many people as in some cases, people were being asked to go out of town to have the test done.

At Tyrrells and Embery, we are pleased to offer access to the Zeiss Humphrey Perimeter which is globally considered to be the ‘gold standard’ machine.  With this perimeter, we can perform the ‘120 Point Esterman Test’ which is the visual field test commonly required by the DVLA.

The cost to perform the test is £35, payable before commencement of the test.  Please note that this fee will cover the cost of performing the test and a paper copy of the results.  We will not be in a position to discuss your eligibility to drive, this decision has to be taken by the DVLA themselves upon receipt of your results.

If you have any further questions regarding the DVLA / Esterman Test, please contact us.

You can find some useful information below regarding visual requirement for all drivers.

Minimum eyesight standards for all drivers

The law requires that all licensed drivers to meet the following eyesight requirements [including drivers aided by prescribed glasses or contact lenses]:

  • in good daylight, able to read the registration mark fixed to a vehicle registered under current standards

  • at a distance of 20 metres with letters and numbers 79 mm high by 50 mm wide on a car registered since 1 September 2001 or

  • at a distance of 20.5 metres with letters and numbers 79 mm high by 57 mm wide on a car registered before 1 September 2001 and

  • the visual acuity must be at least Snellen 6/12 with both eyes open or in the only eye if monocular

The law also requires all drivers to have a minimum field of vision, as set out below.

Minimum standards for field of vision for all drivers

The minimum field of vision for Group 1 driving is defined in the legislation:

A field of view of at least 120° on the horizontal measured using a target equivalent to the white Goldmann III4e settings.

The extension should be at least 50° left and right. In addition, there should be no significant defect in the binocular field that encroaches within 20° of the fixation above or below the horizontal meridian.

This means that homonymous or bitemporal defects that come close to fixation, whether hemianopic or quadrantanopic, are not usually acceptable for driving.

If the DVLA needs a visual field assessment for determining fitness to drive, it:

  • requires the method to be a binocular Esterman field test

  • may request monocular full field charts in specific conditions

  • exceptionally, may consider a Goldmann perimetry assessment carried out to strict criteria

Source: //

Please note: We abstain from discussing the results having completed this particular test. The results are analysed by the DVLA only. If you have any specific questions regarding the particulars of what results are acceptable, please contact the DVLA directly. 


Hello I’m Dr. David Richardson. I’m a cataract and glaucoma surgeon in Southern California and on my morning commute, I like to discuss those topics that there’s just not enough time to discuss in the exam room. So today, I’d like to continue the series of discussions about visual field testing.

Today I’m going to discuss what visual field testing is as well as the patient experience in the hopes that knowing this will make your experience less frustrating when you’re in the doctor’s office. So let’s go!

So our visual fieldwhat is it? Well it’s the area in which we can see. So, in frontup above, below…to side…and in humans, the normal visual field spans about 160 degrees. So one, six, zero. Now, testing the visual fieldwe’ve talked about why this is importantbecause it tends to be reduced in those with glaucoma as well as other conditions.

Visual field testing has been done for about a hundred years. Now when it was first done, it was pretty simple it was essentially done on the back of a clinic door and testing this way it was pretty impossible to detect subtle changes. The only thing that could be detected at that time was what we call, “scotoma”essentially an absolute loss of an area vision. Now with glaucoma, we or anything that involves the visual field, we’d really like to detect it before it becomes an absolute scotoma.

And over the decades, the testing has become far more sophisticated and sensitive to earlier field loss. Modern perimeters in the modern visual field devices are called, “automated perimeters”. It uses a computer to essentially determine how the test will be performed, rather than an individual which used to be the way we do it. And it generally involves a white ball or screen upon which dots of light our little circles of light are projected. And this is done in a seemingly random pattern although there’s actually a computer algorithm that’s pretty sophisticated in determining where the spots of light should be shown at what rates as well as at what intensity. And the entire point is to find what’s called, “the threshold of vision”. So essentially, how low an intensity of light can one see.

Now, the patient experience tends to be somewhat frustrating. Well, I’ll tell you why that is… there’s a number of reasons. First of all, in terms of positioning, you do get to sit so there’s that but it’s not so relaxing because you have to lean forward with your chin up against the chin-rest, your forehead up against a forehead rest, and if you have some issues with your neck or back, it’s not necessarily a very comfortable test. You’ll be asked to look straight ahead, at a point in the white screen or wall, which is called the fixation point. And it’s critical that you maintain fixation, keep looking at that point because if you’re looking around, it’ll end up being a poor quality test. And you want a high quality test. If you’re going to sit through this, both you and your physician want it to be high quality. So you must maintain that fixation, which of course is challenging to do because when we see something in our visual fields, the natural reaction is to look toward it, right? So you have to overcome that kind of a natural tendency. When you do see a point of light, you will depress a button so you will have been given a handheld controller on which there’s a button that you should be instructed to press the button whenever you see a point of light.

So I mentioned that it could be frustrating. And the reason that it can be frustratingwell there are numerous reasons actuallyone is, it’s incredibly boring. So you’re sitting there in front of light screen and dots of light appear and you press a button. So it’s essentially the most boring video game you’ll ever be asked to play.  No colorful graphics, no interesting sounds, no points, no bonus rounds [although you probably wouldn’t want to bonus round in this case]. And so given that it’s so boring even though the field only lasts about 4 to 8 minutes on average, it seems like it lasts a really long time as anything does that’s boring, right? And you have to do one eye at a time. So double at four to eight minutes it becomes, you know, an eight to sixteen minute a test, which doing anything that you find boring for you know a quarter of an hour can be quite challenging. Even for us even for us non-millennials. So, there’s the boring aspect…there’s the aspect that it seems to take a long time because it’s so boring. But there are some other things that are actually somewhat interesting to me that still make the test a bit challenging for those who are taking it.

So one interesting thing that can happen during the testing [I just parked in my office lot here] is that at times, after you’ve been taking the test for a while, the entire field can just kind of “white out”. It can be disconcerting the first time that it happens to you. Everything just looks like you’re caught in a blizzard or your entire field has turned into an old-style cathode ray TV with no broadcast. And what’s important to know is that this is this is somewhat normal. Essentially, when there’s no input coming into our visual system, the brain, which is used to seeing something,  just put something there. And once you actually have something going on in your visual field then that  will disappear. And so, the thing to do if this happens to you is to generally depress the button and hold it down, which in most systems indicates that you want to pause the test, sit back, look around and your vision will come back. Blink a couple times, put your chin and forehead back where they need to be and then go on with the testing.

Now that’s interesting, but there’s something else that I find even more interesting but unfortunately for almost everybody who takes the test is something that can be quite confusing and that’s something related to the actual threshold of vision. Now, before I discuss that I want to back up a little bit and discuss something related to the threshold which is that the field test itself can make you feel like you’re failing the test and the reason for that is we are testing the threshold of vision so that is right where you are just able to detect something. And in order to do so, the algorithm tests points in your field with light that you can see but then it’s also going to test points with illuminated spots that are just a little bit below that until it finds that point where you can see spot and then a little bit less illumination you can’t. So it’s essentially “straddling your threshold”.

Well if you’ve got a test a point that you can and a point that you can’t that means you’re going to miss about 50% of the points of a field. Well you know in our culture where we’re all trying to achieve missing 50% of anything it’s gonna be frustrating. But it helps to know that that’s completely expected. So don’t feel bad that you’re missing half of the points you’re supposed to.

Now the confusing aspect of this straddling the field is that something very very interesting happens right at that razor’s edge of your threshold, which occurs when photons of light from that little spot of light hit the photo-receptors in your eye. So they’re actually detected by these cells whose job is to detect light. These cells send a signal back through the optic nerve into the brain. Now once the signal enters the brain is split into two pathways. One pathway goes into your subconscious awareness system. So it indicates hey something’s there. The other signal and this is right at the threshold of your vision. The other signal goes back to your visual cortex which is in the back of your head here. And on the way to the visual cortex, the processing algorithms that are our brain perform to essentially get rid of noise in the visual system decide ah there was nothing there actually it was just noise. So what you end up with is this awareness something was there but you didn’t actually see anything. Your retina photo-receptors detected something but you didn’t actually see anything. So it’s actually really fascinating but can be really confusing and frustrating while you’re taking the test.

So what do you do when you’ve sensed that something was there but you didn’t actually see it. What I generally instruct my patients to do is “only press the button when they know they saw something” and that helps reduce some of the frustration but hopefully for you the next time you take a visual field when you experience that sense, that something was there but you didn’t actually see it rather than be confused or frustrated by it you’ll have an extra appreciation of the complex system of vision that we have.

Anyway, so hopefully, this will make your next visual field testing experience a bit less frustrating. Just knowing about you know some of these details of the testing and I look forward to continuing my discussion about visual field testing on my next video, all right.

What visual field do you need to drive?

Drivers must have a horizontal field of vision of at least 120 degrees. In addition, the extension should be at least 50 degrees left and right and 20 degrees up and down. No defects should be present within the radius of the central 20 degrees. This requirement applies to drivers who are binocular or monocular.

How do I test my field of vision?

The doctor will cover one of your eyes and tell you to focus on something directly in front of you [in your central vision line of sight]. They will then hold up fingers in your peripheral field of vision and ask you how many you see while directing you to keep looking at the target in front of you.

How do you fail a visual field test?

Occasionally, a patient presses the button by accident [causing a false positive] or fails to press the button when a flash of light appeared [causing a false negative]. The reliability of the test also depends on the patient's ability to look straight ahead and avoid looking around at the targets.

What does a field vision test detect?

The purpose of a visual field test, often called a perimetry exam, is to detect changes in peripheral vision. The visual field exam is a crucial part of glaucoma diagnosis and is repeated periodically to determine if the disease is stable or getting worse.

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