For which of the following reasons should a medical assistant wear gloves when administering topical medications quizlet?

A medical assistant notices that the patient is slurring speech and has developed a slight drooping on one side of the mouth. These manifestations are indications of which of the following emergent conditions?
a) myocardial infarction
b) syncope
c) anxiety attack
d) cerebrovascular accident

CORRECT: A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is an emergency situation and requires immediate action. A CVA can manifest with slurred speech, tinnitus (noise or ringing in ears), and partial paralysis due to loss of blood flow to parts of the brain.

A myocardial infarction is caused by a blockage of the coronary artery and manifests with chest pain and cyanosis. However, slurred speech and a drooping mouth are not manifestations of this condition.

Syncope is fainting caused by a temporary loss of blod flow to parts of the brain. It manifests as a loss of consciousness, not slurred speech and drooping of the mouth.

An anxiety attack can manifest with multiple symptoms. However, slurred speech and a drooping mouth are not manifestations of this condition.