gapers là gì - Nghĩa của từ gapers

gapers có nghĩa là

A gaper is a skiier or snowboarder who is completely clueless. Usually distiungished by their bright colored clothes and a gaper gap, the gap between goggles and a helment/hat. Gapers also do the "Gaper Tuck" which is an attempt at being a ski racer by tucking, however, it is done incorrectly with the poles sticking straight up like thunderbolts and lighting, very very frightning! Gapers also sit at the bottom of jumps and try and go big off table tops in the park.


1. My eyes are burning from that gapers bright colored clothes.
2. I fell off the chair laughing at that gaper tuck.
3. Did you just see that gaper getting landed on because he was sitting like a dumbass at the landing of a jump.

gapers có nghĩa là

a term used by dbags to degrade new skiers in an effort to boost their own self esteem. you can usually spot them staring at others while on a liftchair or defining the word 'gaper' on


Douche#1: Hey bro, that gaper just ate it on that rail.
Douche#2: Totes bro, we'll get to check out all the gapers while we sit on top of the hill in front of the terrain park all day.

gapers có nghĩa là

an asshole that's been used and abused so often that it doesn't readily close when an object [penis, dildo, zucchini, etc.] is removed from it.


"This porn whore is a vet! she's got a gaper!"

gapers có nghĩa là

A skier or snowboarder who sucks and is usually spotted wearing clothing from 1983, but other clothing styles for them do exist. A dead giveaway of a gaper is when their pants are tucked into their boots and the famous "Gaper Gap" [a gap between the helmet/hat and the goggles]. Gapers sometimes temporarily inhabit the entrance to a terrain park. They will sit on their ass for a good 5-10 minutes talking about what they are going to do of a that "jump" or "rail" while everyone behind them goes before them and they stare at them with their mouth gaped open. Once they finally decide to leave their home at the entrance of the terrain park, the gaper will eventually decide to either roll over the jump and mess up all the lips, or they will try and actually hit the jump. If this occurs, they generally end up coming up half way short of the landing on their ass and yardsale, while the person behind them runs them over and/or yells at them. Gapers may also make turns or snowplow down green runs and sometime try to act cool by crouching and sticking their ski poles in the air but are totally oblivioius to the fact that they look even more stupid than they previously were. Gapers often find themselves on the top of a black diamond run because they are dumbasses and can't read a map. When they approach the run, they may either turn around, stare at it, sit down on the top of it, or just simply walk down the side of it. Gapers often have trouble getting on and off lifts and the lift operator gets really frustrated with them because he is required to stop the lift. A fun game to play while skiing or riding behind a gaper is called "Follow the Gaper". The game is played by following the gaper's path and looking as bad as they are. The game will usually last until they identify your presence, however it is possible to extend the game even past this point.


That gaper just stopped the lift when he got on and off of it!

That gaper's Salomon Symbio rear-entry ski boots are so sick!

gapers có nghĩa là

A beginner skier or snowboarder who has no clue as to what they're doing on the mountain. They crash all over the place and get in your way. Refered to as a gaper because of the gap between their hat and goggles, also known as a gaper-gap. See also Guppy


I couldn't ski fast because I was too busy dodging all the gapers

gapers có nghĩa là

A person found at ski resorts that:
1. is not from anywhere near the resort
2. Looks like an idiot on the mountain and takes gigantic turns on flat cat tracks
3. is totally oblivious to the fact that they look like an idiot and are skiing icy bumps directly under the lift when there is powder stashed all over mountain, or stashed in the trees right next to them.

Known for the "gaping" space between their hat and goggles.


Oh no! its presidents day weekend? The gapers will be out in full swing putting up yard sales.

gapers có nghĩa là

G.A.P.E.R is an acronym for a skier or snowboarder that stands for: guaranteed accident prone on every run. They can be spotted at at the landing of jumps just out of view for those dropping, cutting people off on runs, running into people, falling off lifts, and generally making a fool of themselves. They are usually dressed in 80's ski gear or brand new gear that they spent way to much money on and have the trademark gaper gap between the goggles and hat and many times the pants are tucked into the boots.


Dude I just got snaked by that gaper I almost landed right on that gaper in the landing of that jump

gapers có nghĩa là

people that gather at the scene of a crime or accident to see the results. In Chicago traffic reports a "gapers delay" is the traffic slowdown that occurs when others slow down to see a roadside accident.


I couldn't see if I knew the guy that got shot, there were too many gapers.

gapers có nghĩa là

An older male who enjoys making gaping holes in younger victims, especially underaged ones.


Diego enjoys having intercourse with younger females and males while leaving their parts way to stretchy. Have you heard Diego is a Gaper?

gapers có nghĩa là

A huge loose fanny


"That girl had a massive gaper" "did she?" "yh mate fanny like a yawning hippo"

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