Get sth out of the way là gì

get something out of the way

get out of the way

1. To stop obstructing or impeding someone; to move out of someone's path. Just get out of the way when she's upset like this. I appreciate that you're trying to help, but you'd actually be more helpful if you got out of the way.
2. To lose one's ability to do something. With all this rainy weather lately, I've gotten out of the way of going to the gym.
3. To do something undesirable or unpleasant in order to be finished with it. In this usage, a noun of pronoun is used between "get" and "out." I volunteered to go first so that I could get my presentation out of the way.
4. To move someone or something out of one's path. In this usage, a noun of pronoun is used between "get" and "out." Sophia, get the baby out the way before I let the dog back in. Get these Legos out of the way, or else Mom will suck them up in the vacuum.
See also: get, of, out, way
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

get something out of the ˈway

deal with a task or difficulty so that it is no longer a problem or worry: Im glad Ive got that visit to the dentist out of the way.
See also: get, of, out, something, way
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
See also:
  • get out of the way
  • get into the way
  • get into/out of the way of something/of doing something
  • not stand in [someone's or something's] way
  • not stand in somebody's way
  • in [someone's or something's] way
  • get someone's dander up, to
  • in the way of
  • in the way of [someone or something]
  • a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something

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