How did imperialism affect China quizlet?

8. What was frustrating to most Indians about living under British rule? The British did not respect Indian beliefs and customs.

What was wrong with India under British rule?

  • After India finally achieved independence, average life expectancy went skyrocketing up, far surpassing anything enjoyed under the British Raj or the East India Company. Today, Indians can expect to live about 27 years longer than they did under British rule. So yeah, something was seriously wrong in British India.

Why were many Indians unhappy with British rule?

With the French and Indian War over, many colonists saw no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens.

How did the British rule affect the Indian way of life?

5.4 BRITISH IMPACT ON SOCIETY AND CULTURE Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India. In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent. These practices were against human dignity and values.

What was India like before British rule?

Before the advent of colonial rule, India was a self-sufficient and flourishing economy. Evidently, our country was popularly known as the golden eagle. India had already established itself on the world map with a decent amount of exports.

What were some ways that India developed under British rule?

The British were able to take control of India mainly because India was not united. The British signed treaties and made military and trading alliances with many of the independent states that made up India. The British were very effective at infiltrating these states and gradually taking control.

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Who were the worst sufferers under the British rule?

Peasants were among the worst sufferers of British rule. However, peasants resisted the exploitation and started to organize collective protests and movements against the policies.

What are the disadvantages of British rule in India?

They suffered poverty, malnutrition, disease, cultural upheaval, economic exploitation, political disadvantage, and systematic programmes aimed at creating a sense of social and racial inferiority.

What were the effects of British rule?

Effect: Many American colonists feared a powerful government. Cause: Many former colonists feared losing their freedom to a new government. Effect: The new Americans made sure their new government could not take away states’ freedom and independence. Cause: The British government taxed the American colonists unfairly.

What was one negative consequence of the British Raj’s rule in India quizlet?

What was one negative consequence of the British raj’s rule in india? Civil servants were segregated from ordinary Indians. How did the decline of Mughal influence affect the East India company?

What were the negative effects of British colonialism on India?

The British rule demolished India through, taxation on anything made in India, and the exportation of raw materials, which caused a plentiful amount of famine,and throughout all of this, the British kept most on India uneducated, and those they did educate, most were forced to become interpreters for the benefits it

What was India before 1947?

It lasted until 1947, when the British Raj was partitioned into two sovereign dominion states: the Union of India [later the Republic of India] and the Dominion of Pakistan [later the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh].

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Why did the British want India?

The British East India Company came to India as traders in spices, a very important commodity in Europe back then as it was used to preserve meat. Apart from that, they primarily traded in silk, cotton, indigo dye, tea and opium.

Which event is considered as the first struggle of the Indian people for getting freedom from British imperialism?

Indian Mutiny, also called Sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independence, widespread but unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in India in 1857–59.

Why did the British not want to give India its independence?

One reason why the British were reluctant to leave India was that they feared India would erupt into civil war between Muslims and Hindus. The country was deeply divided along religious lines. In 1946-47, as independence grew closer, tensions turned into terrible violence between Muslims and Hindus.

What would have happened if British never came to India?

India will still be colonized by different european powers such as the Netherlands, Portugal, France and Denmark if the british never came to India. However, the looting of India might still happen. India today could have remained the richest country per capita and may eventually surpass the US and China right now.

How was China affected by imperialism?

Negative effects include: -Pollution, overpopulation, and abuse of workers: China began to industrialize when Britain gained control. Because of all the machinery used in this time period, the air in China became polluted and still is today.

How was China affected positively by imperialism?

However, the imperialism in China was a positive thing to the natives because it introduced trade and much education in the region which opened up opportunities.

What were the responses to imperialism in China quizlet?

What were responses to imperialism in China? One response was the open door policy brought about by US concerns over spheres of influence. Another response was the Boxer Rebellion, an internal response to the presence of foreigners in China.

How did China respond to imperialism?

The nativist group launched a series of attacks against foreigners, Chinese Christians and complicit government officials. The high point of the rebellion occurred in mid-1900, when Beijing was occupied by 140,000 Boxers. They laid siege to the British legation, which harbored most of the international community.

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