How do I block games on my PC?

Last updated: November 16, 2022

If you are a parent looking for ways to block games and free up time for useful activities, the best way is to use HT Parental Controls. It lets you block games efficiently, and it has many other features.

With a few clicks, you can block online games, offline games, browser games, and manage how the computer can be used. The app supports all versions of popular browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, IE, Firefox, Opera, and Brave.

Read about HT Parental Controls

How to Block Online Games or Game Websites

To block games that your children play via browser on game websites, do this:

  1. Download HT Parental Controls and install it on your child’s computer from any account.
  2. Click Rules → Website Blocking.
  3. Сlick opposite Games to change its status to Block on the Banned Categories.
  4. Or add game URLs to the Blacklist to block only specific game sites. The Games category status has to be «Allow » to allow other games.

The Games category contains thousands of game sites and keywords. However, if some game website is not blocked, you need to add it to the Blacklist. Please also write to us about this, and we will add it to our database.

How to Block Game Apps or Games Installed on the Computer

If a game is installed on the computer, it does not matter if it needs Internet access. To block such app games, do this:

  1. Download HT Parental Controls and install it on your child’s computer from any account.
  2. Open Rules → App Blocking.
  3. Select Block for the Games categories.
  4. Or add the games you want to block to the list — click Add App and select the app from the list which appears. Click Browse to select the game file on the computer if you cannot find it on the list.

If you cannot find the game you want to block and have any difficulties with blocking, you can block or set time limits for the such game directly from the Report. It is also an additional way to block applications even more easily. Learn more

How To Block Games More Simply

There is an even simpler way to block games. HT Parental Controls reports all launched applications and visited websites and gives detailed statistics about each. You can review the reports and block games directly from them.

  1. Open Rules > Apps or Websites.
  2. Find the game in the reports, and click it to select it.
  3. Then click the Block App or Block Site button.

Note! Most children will try other ways to play their favorite games or find new ones. As a parent, it is important to review logs and block additional apps, sites, and keywords. Parental control software works best when you give it your attention.

How to Set Time Limits on Games

If you don’t want to block a game completely but only limit the time your child spends playing it, HT Parental Controls allows you to set time limits for specific sites and apps.

Website Limits

  1. Open Rules > Website Limits.
  2. Add the game site to the list and select Limit.
  3. Set time restrictions and schedule for limited sites.

App Limits

  1. Open Rules > App Blocking.
  2. Add the game app to the list and select Limit.
  3. Set time restrictions and schedule for limited apps.

When your child tries to open a banned website to play games or launch a game installed on the computer, the web page will be blank, and the app will not run. Your child can reinstall the game, change its folder, or use a different browser, but it will not help. Even if your child has administrator rights, that will not stop the program. Moreover, HT Parental Controls gives detailed reports of all your child’s computer activities, so you can detect new threats or time-wasters and block them too.

Read more about HT Parental Controls

HT Parental Controls Gives You Other Options

You can customize HT Parental Controls for different users in different ways. It allows you to block or limit access to other harmful computer activities. The app lets you manage your kid’s computer activities and internet usage. With HT Parental Controls, you can:

Block Games

Block online and offline games, browser games, and games installed on the computer.

Block/Limit Social Networks

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social networks.

Manage Screen Time

Set up a schedule for when your child can access the computer.

Block Inappropriate Websites

Adult, Gambling, Drugs, Shopping, Chats, etc.

Block All Websites Except Those You Allow

Make a Whitelist of sites you allow and block any others.

Monitor All Computer Activities

Supervise your child’s computer activities and get emails with logs.

HT Parental Controls is easy to use and strongly protected from efforts to bypass it. All actions can be done with a few clicks. The app will help you control access to games and block online games, social media sites, and age-inappropriate internet content. Trust HT Parental Controls to protect your child’s computer.

Can you lock games on PC?

You can use the My Lockbox software to lock apps on Windows 10. So, firstly you will have to download and install the software on your PC. 2. When you first open My Lockbox, the software will ask you to set up a password that will be used to lock the apps on your PC.

Can you block a app on a PC?

How to use Desktop App Blocking. To select which apps you'd like to block, select "Manage Blocked Desktop Apps" from the Freedom menu. Next, a window will open up which allows you to select the apps you want to block. Click on the apps you'd like to block, and then press "Save".

Can you put parental controls on a gaming PC?

Enable Parental Control in Windows 10 After logging into your account on the server, find the "Child and Other People" section of the child's account and connect it as a managed account. After connecting the account, you need to specify who will use it: a child or an adult. You should also enter your child e-mail.

How can I block game sites on my computer?

How to block online games on Chrome.
Click the extension's icon in the Chrome toolbar and click Edit block list..
In the left sidebar, choose Block Sites..
Enter a game site URL and hit the Enter key. You can add more URLs one by one..

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