How does Autogenics work to bring about relaxation in the muscles?

  • Journal List
  • Asian J Sports Med
  • v.2[2]; 2011 Jun
  • PMC3289204

Asian J Sports Med. 2011 Jun; 2[2]: 99–105.



This study was designed to compare the effects of two different relaxation techniques, namely progressive muscle relaxation [PMR] and autogenic relaxation [AGR] on moods of young soccer players.


Sixteen adolescent athletes [mean age: 14.1 ± 1.3] received either PMR or AGR training. Using Profile of Mood States- Adolescents, their mood states were measured one week before relaxation training, before the first relaxation session, and after the twelfth relaxation session.


Mixed ANOVA revealed no significant interaction effects and no significant main effects in any of the subscales. However, significant main effects for testing sessions were found for confusion, depression, fatigue, and tension subscales. Post hoc tests revealed post-intervention reductions in the confusion, depression, fatigue, and tension subscale scores.


These two relaxation techniques induce equivalent mood responses and may be used to regulate young soccer players’ mood states.

Keywords: Muscle Relaxation, Autogenic Training, Relaxation, Adolescents, Soccer Players


It is generally acknowledged that any psychological intervention should be guided by a sound conceptual framework. Indeed, conceptual clarity is a prerequisite for an analysis of how psychological processes are regulated [1]. Similar to Morgan [2] and Lane and Terry [3], this study conceptualises mood as a unipolar dimension. Following this framework, mood is proposed to consist of vigour, tension, anger, depression, fatigue, and confusion dimensions.

Mood regulation is important for athletes for at least two reasons. Firstly, it has been postulated that certain mood patterns are advantageous for athletes’ performance. For instance, successful performance is associated with above average vigour scores and below average negative mood scores [2]. Moreover, in a recent meta-analytic study, Lane, Beedie, and Stevens [4] revealed that performance can also be facilitated by negative moods such as tension and anger, especially when they are accompanied by zero scores on depression. Thus, appropriate mood regulation strategies to achieve these patterns may be beneficial for athletes’ performance. Secondly, mood regulation is a common self-regulatory process and important in individuals’ daily lives [1]. In fact, in a comprehensive study conducted by Thayer, Newman, and McClain [5], the researchers revealed a variety of mood regulation strategies used by participants. Importantly, Thayer et al [5] observed that active mood regulation strategies such as relaxation techniques are commonly used in mood regulation.

The effects of relaxation in mood regulation can be observed in a study of Japanese adults [6]. The researchers reported positive effects of 10-minute relaxation exercises on general mood ratings using Profile of Mood States. Furthermore, they observed a greater reduction in confusion and fatigue scores post-intervention in the relaxation group compared with the control group [6].

Several relaxation techniques are available and can be categorised as mental relaxation or physical relaxation such as autogenic relaxation [AGR] and progressive muscle relaxation [PMR] respectively [7]. It has been suggested that different relaxation techniques may induce different relaxation responses. For instance, in a comprehensive review of the effects of relaxation techniques, Lehrer [7] concluded that methods with predominantly cognitive components such as AGR are likely to produce specific cognitive effects such as reducing anxiety and enhancing positive mood. On the contrary, PMR, with its skeletal muscle emphasis, has been shown to affect muscular components such as those measured by surface EMG [7].

Comparative studies of these two techniques are limited. In one study, Shapiro and Lehrer [8] observed that both techniques were effective in reducing symptoms and intensity of anxiety and depression. The researchers also observed significant differences between the two techniques on subjective perception of warmth in the limb and depth of breathing. However, no differences were found in the subjects’ heart rate and skin conductance [8]. In a more recent study, Klein-Hebling and Lohaus [9] examined the effects of progressive muscle relaxation and imagination on children aged 9–12 years. While their findings showed that both techniques are effective, the researchers only observed short term effects [after every session] but not medium term effects on relaxation [9].

In summary, understanding the nature of mood may help athletes to reach optimal performance and promote optimal daily life functioning. Given the potential contribution of relaxation in regulating mood states, its effectiveness in adolescent athletes is worthy of further investigation. Although it has been argued that different relaxation techniques produce unique responses, comparative study of the differences between PMR and AGR in regulating mood states among adolescents is limited. Thus, this study examines differences between the effects of these two relaxation techniques on mood state changes.

Specifically, two research questions were posed: [1] can relaxation training regulate mood states in adolescent athletes? And [2] do PMR and AGR differ in their mood responses? To answer these questions, a 12-session programme of PMR and AGR training was conducted among adolescent athletes.



Sixteen adolescent soccer players aged 13 to 15 years [14.1± 1.3] were recruited to this study. The subjects reported that they had never received any relaxation training. Consent forms were obtained from both the participants and their parents.


Profile of Mood States-Adolescents [10] : Mood states were measured using Profile of Mood States- Adolescents [POMS-A]. In brief, POMS-A contains 24 simple mood descriptors such as angry, energetic, nervous, and unhappy. Respondents indicate on a five-point scale [0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = moderately, 3 = quite a bit, 4 = extremely] whether they have experienced such feelings. The stem “how do you feel right now?” was used as the response timeframe. Detailed descriptions of the validity and reliability of this instrument are available elsewhere [10]. In brief, Terry et al [20] reported strong factorial and criterion validity of the scale. Moreover, internal consistency estimates from three independent samples ranging from 0.74 to 0.86 were also reported.

Relaxation instrumentation: Pre-recorded relaxation instructions were used for relaxation training, along with other relaxation training accessories [e.g., mats, CD players, and headphones]. The relaxation instructtions followed a script proposed by Greenberg [11].


Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the relevant authorities. Specifically, permissions to involve school students in the study were obtained from the Ministry of Education and the school principal. Furthermore, the study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee [Human] of the author's institution. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two relaxation groups: AGR or PMR.

AGR is based on the notion of relaxing the mind in order to relax the body [7]. It uses both visual imagery and body awareness to move a person into a state of deep relaxation. Specifically, this technique focuses on imagining peaceful places followed by developing an awareness of physical sensations. It consists of self-suggestion of heaviness and warmth on the limbs, a regular and rhythmic heartbeat, coolness on the forehead, warmth in the solar plexus, and autonomic breathing [7].

PMR consists of sequentially tensing and relaxing individual muscle groups [7]. It helps individuals to develop body awareness and educates them how to release muscle tension. Engaging in a PMR exercise, individuals may start from the top of the body and progress to the bottom, or vice versa. Progressing sequentially gives the individuals an easy-to-follow sense of order [7].

Inherent in the research design was the absence of a control group. Admittedly, pre-post design without a control group is limited in some respects. Specifically, without a control group, the findings may be influenced by other confounding factors. Despite this limitation, the use of this design is not unprecedented. For instance, Klein-Hebling and Lohaus [9] used a similar design in a recent study.

In this study, although a control group was not employed, the sessions in which mood states were measured may add weight to the strength of the findings. Specifically, mood states were measured on three occasions: baseline, pre-intervention, and post-intervention. Between the baseline and pre-intervention measures, no relaxation trainings were conducted. A non-differential finding was therefore expected between the baseline and pre-intervention measurements. On the other hand, changes in the mood states were expected between pre-and post intervention sessions. It is the view of the authors that the measurement session, in itself, may be taken as a control condition [i.e. without any training].

Each group attended the training program for three sessions per week for four weeks. The number of sessions was based on a study in which Lohaus et al [12] found that participants showed improvements in mood rating after five sessions of relaxation training. The increased number of training sessions was driven by the expectation of observing chronic effects of relaxation.

For the PMR training procedures, participants were instructed to assume a comfortable position. All constraining items such as shoes and glasses were removed. Participants were then asked to close their eyes, place their legs comfortably apart, and place their hands away from their bodies with palms facing upward. They were then instructed to listen and follow pre-recorded PMR instructions. The AGR group followed the same procedures, except that they listened to pre-recorded AGR relaxation instructions instead.

For both groups, each session lasted approximately 30 minutes. Sessions were conducted in a room with blue-painted walls, and the air conditioner temperature was set at 27○C. The training sessions were supervised by the second author, and the procedures were conducted in a group of eight per session. Participants were seated approximately one meter from each other. As previously mentioned, mood states were measured on three occasions: baseline [a week prior to relaxation training], pre-intervention [before the start of the first session], and post-intervention [immediately after the end of the 12th session]. Questionnaires were administered to the same groups, but participants were separated from each other to avoid interaction and possible influences on each other.

Statistical Analysis

Two statistical analyses were used. Descriptive statistics were used for data screening and mixed factorial ANOVA was used to examine within and between group differences. Data were analysed using SPSS [v.12]. Raw data were converted to corresponding t scores. The significant value was set at P

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