Hướng dẫn sử dụng tủ báo cháy hochiki hcp-1000

Hướng dẫn sử dụng trung tâm báo cháy Hochiki thườngHệ thống phòng cháy [HTBC] gồm nhiều khu vực. Mỗi khu vực tương ứng với một Zone của Trung tâm báo cháy. Tên của khu vực được ghi trên mặt Tủ báo cháy. Khi có cháy hoặc có sự cố ở khu vực nào, đèn của khu vực đó sẽ sáng.1. TRẠNG THÁI HOẠT ĐỘNG BÌNH THƯỜNG: Đèn “AC. ON” sáng màu xanh : Hệ thống hoạt động với nguồn 220 VAC. 2. TRẠNG THÁI CÁC ĐÈN HIỂN THỊ :¬ Đèn “ ZONE” : - Sáng màu đỏ : Báo động khu vực bị cháy. - Đèn vàng nhấp nháy : Chỉ sự cố báo lỗi đứt dây tín hiệu hoặc hở mạch Zone. Cần kiểm tra và xử lý gấp để hệ thống hoạt động lại bình thường. ¬ Đèn “COMMON ALARM” : sáng màu đỏ. Báo động cháy. ¬ Đèn “COMMON SUPERVISORY”: sáng màu vàng [nếu một Zone được cài đặt chế độ giám sát Superviory] ¬ Đèn “COMMON TROUBLE” : sáng nhấp nháy màu vàng. Bo lỗi sự cố chung. Có một hoặc nhiều lỗi cần phải xử lý. ¬ Đèn “BATTERY TROUBLE” : sáng màu vàng. Bình điện dự phòng không được kết nối hoặc bị hư. ¬ Đèn “GROUND FAULT” : sáng màu vàng. Báo có sự cố nối đất, chạm max. ¬ Đèn “SIGNAL SILENCE” : sáng nhấp nháy màu vàng. Ngắt chuông còi báo động. ¬ Đèn “AUXILIARY DISC.” : sáng nhấp nháy màu vàng. Ngắt Relay kích hoạt ngỏ ra [ Supervisory và Alarm].¬ Đèn “SIG.ZONE TROUBLE ” : sáng nhấp nháy màu vàng. Ngõ kết nối chuông bị lỗi.I. THAO TÁC KHI CÓ CHÁY:Khi có cháy Hệ thống báo cháy thể hiện như sau:• Đèn Zone tương ứng với khu vực có cháy: sáng.• Còi chính bên trong tủ báo cháy và chuông khu vực kêu.1. Quan sát đèn trên Tủ báo cháy để xác định chính xác khu vực có cháy.2. Khẩn trương tới khu vực có báo động để xác định vị trí cháy.3. Báo CS PCCC [số: 114] và thực hiện chữa cháy bằng phương tiện tại chỗ. II. THAO TÁC SAU KHI CHỮA CHÁY:Sau khi chắc chắn công tác chữa cháy đã hoàn tất, tiến hành khôi phục [RESET] HTBC trở về điều kiện hoạt động bình thường.Nếu báo cháy bằng nhấn Hộp báo cháy bằng tay, thì phải Reset Hộp báo cháy trước khi Reset trung tâm báo cháy. Nếu Reset Trung tâm báo cháy trước khi Reset Hộp báo cháy, TTBC sẽ tiếp tục báo động trở lại.• Kéo nút “System Reset” theo chiều mũi tên để khôi phục [Reset] hệ thống• Sau khi đã RESET xong, phải chắc chắn hệ thống trở về trạng thái hoạt động bình thường:- Đèn báo nguồn điện xoay chiều “A.C. ON” sáng- Các đèn khác tắt.III. THAO TÁC KHI BÁO SỰ CỐ:- Tham khảo tài liệu thiết bị phòng cháy kèm theo TTBC để biết cách phân biệt sự cố.- Đề nghị thông báo với đơn vị lắp đặt tới kiểm tra, sửa chữa khi Hệ thống có sự cố.- Tắt còi báo động chính và chuông:1. Tắt còi báo động chính: [còi gắn bên trong Tủ báo cháy]• Khi còi báo động chính kêu.• Nếu nhấn vào công tắc “Buzzer Silence”, còi báo động tắt. Và đèn “Common Alarm” sáng.• Còi báo động sẽ kêu lại nếu TTBC nhận được tín hiệu báo cháy khác. 2. Tắt tiếng chuông/còi báo cháy:• Nếu công tắc “Signal Silencing” bị nhấn, tất cả chuông báo cháy bị tắt.LNOTICEAll information, documentation, and specifications contained in this manual are subject tochange without prior notice by the manufacturer.HCP 1000 SERIESMicroprocessor Based - Fire Alarm Control PanelINSTALLATION and OPERATION MANUAL©2000 by Hochiki America CorporationPrinted September 6, 2000 LT-600HOC Rev.4 [Operating Instruction is NP-739HOC Rev.3]Page 1 of 52TABLE of CONTENTS1.0 INTRODUCTION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........Page 3 of 52 1.1 OVERALL FEATURES: ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........Page 3 of 52 1.2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . . Page 3 of 522.0 GENERAL NOTES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ Page 4 of 523.0 SYSTEM COMPONENTS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . . Page 5 of 52 3.1 CHASSIS TYPES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 6 of 52 3.2 SERIES 1000 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL - KITS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . . Page 6 of 524.0 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION and DIMENSIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ Page 7 of 52 4.1 MAIN CHASSIS INSTALLATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........Page 9 of 52 4.2 MAIN & EXPANDER CHASSIS INSTALLATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 10 of 525.0 MODULES MOUNTING LOCATIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . Page 11 of 526.0 MODULE SETTINGS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... Page 14 of 52 6.1 MAIN FIRE ALARM MODULE [Part of Main Chassis] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 14 of 52 6.2 MAIN DISPLAY MODULE [Part of Main Chassis] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... Page 15 of 52 6.3 ADDER DISPLAY MODULE [Part of Expander Chassis] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 17 of 52 6.4 DETECTION ADDER MODULE [Model HDM-1008A] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 18 of 52 6.5 SIGNAL ADDER MODULE [Model HSGM-1004A] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... Page 18 of 52 6.6 RELAY ADDER MODULE [Model HRM-1008A] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ Page 19 of 52 6.7 DACT/DIALLER MODULE [Model HUDACT-100] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 19 of 52 6.8 POLARITY REVERSAL and CITY TIE MODULE [MODEL: HPR-100] ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 20 of 527.0 FIELD WIRING ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . Page 21 of 52 7.1 MAIN FIRE ALARM MODULE TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 21 of 52 7.2 DETECTION MODULE [HDM-1008A] TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... . Page 23 of 52 7.3 SIGNAL MODULE [HSGM-1004A] TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... .... Page 24 of 52 7.4 RELAY MODULE [HRM-1008A] TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... Page 25 of 52 7.5 HUDACT-100 MAIN BOARD TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 26 of 52 7.6 POLARITY REVERSAL and CITY TIE MODULE [MODEL: HPR-100] TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ......... ... Page 27 of 52 7.7 POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ Page 28 of 52 7.8 WIRING TABLES & INFORMATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 29 of 52WIRING TABLE FOR INITIATING CIRCUITS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 29 of 52WIRING TABLE FOR INDICATING CIRCUITS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ Page 29 of 528.0 SYSTEM CHECKOUT ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... Page 30 of 52 8.1 BEFORE TURNING THE POWER "ON" ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... Page 30 of 52 8.2 POWER-UP PROCEDURE ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... Page 30 of 52 8.3 TROUBLESHOOTING ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 30 of 529.0 INDICATORS, CONTROLS, & OPERATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... Page 31 of 52 9.1 COMMON INDICATORS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 32 of 52 9.2 COMMON CONTROLS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ Page 33 of 52 9.3 CIRCUIT STATUS INDICATORS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . Page 33 of 52 9.4 CIRCUIT [ZONE] DISCONNECT SWITCHES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 34 of 52 9.5 SINGLE STAGE OPERATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 34 of 52 9.6 TWO STAGE OPERATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... Page 35 of 52 9.7 CIRCUIT TYPES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... Page 36 of 5210.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 37 of 5210.1 INTRODUCTION TO CONFIGURATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 37 of 5210.2 ENTERING CONFIGURATION MODE ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... Page 39 of 5210.3 EXITING CONFIGURATION MODE ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 39 of 5210.4 FACTORY DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 39 of 5210.5 RESTORE TO DEFAULT / RESIZE [CLASS A or B] ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 40 of 5210.6 RESIZE SYSTEM [SET CIRCUIT ADDER MODULE NUMBER & TYPE] ......... ......... ......... ...... Page 40 of 5210.7 CONFIGURING FEATURES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... Page 41 of 5210.8 CONFIGURING INITIATING AND INDICATING CIRCUITS ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 42 of 5210.9 CONFIGURING CIRCUIT CORRELATIONS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . Page 42 of 5210.10 DISPLAY CONFIGURATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... Page 43 of 5211.0 WALK TEST OPERATION ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . Page 45 of 52Page 2 of 52APPENDIX "A" - COMPATIBLE DEVICES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Page 46 of 52APPENDIX "B" - HRA-1000 REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR PANELS ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . . Page 49 of 52APPENDIX "C" - MODULE SPECIFICATIONS and FEATURES ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . . Page 50 of 52APPENDIX "D" - POWER SUPPLY & BATTERY CALCULATIONS [SELECTION GUIDE] ......... ......... ......... Page 51 of 52WARRANTY ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Page 52 of 52TABLE of FIGURESFig.1: HBB-1024 Flush or Surface Enclosure Installation and Dimensions ............ ... Page 7 of 52Fig.1A: HBB-1072 Flush or Surface Enclosure Installation and Dimensions ............ ... Page 8 of 52Fig.2: Main Chassis Installation ............ ............ ............ ............ . . Page 9 of 52Fig.3: Expander Chassis Installation ............ ............ ............ .......... Page 10 of 52Fig.4: Module Mounting Locations ............ ............ ............ ........... Page 12 of 52Fig.4A: Circuit Adder Module Mounting Details ............ ............ ............ . . Page 13 of 52Fig.5: Main Fire Alarm Module ............ ............ ............ ............ ... Page 14 of 52Fig.6: Main Display Module [HMCC1024-6, HMCC1024-12] ............ ............ .... Page 15 of 52Fig.6A: Main Display Module [HMCC1024-6S, HMCC1024-12S] ............ ............ . Page 16 of 52Fig.7: Adder Display Module ............ ............ ............ ............ ..... Page 17 of 52Fig.8: Detection Adder Module ............ ............ ............ ............ ... Page 18 of 52Fig.9: Signal Adder Module ............ ............ ............ ............ ...... Page 18 of 52Fig.10: Relay Adder Module ............ ............ ............ ............ ...... Page 19 of 52Fig.11: HUDACT-100 Digital Communicator Module ............ ............ .......... Page 19 of 52Fig.12: City Tie Module ............ ............ ............ ............ .......... Page 20 of 52Fig.13: Main Fire Alarm Module Terminal Connections ............ ............ ........ Page 21 of 52Fig.14: Main Fire Alarm Module Terminal Connections [continued] ............ ......... Page 22 of 52Fig.15: Detection Module Terminal Connections ............ ............ ............ . Page 23 of 52Fig.16: Signal Module Terminal Connections ............ ............ ............ .... Page 24 of 52Fig.17: Relay Module Terminal Connections ............ ............ ............ .... Page 25 of 52Fig.17A:HUDACT-100 Terminal Connection ............ ............ ............ ...... Page 26 of 52Fig.18: Polarity Reversal and City Tie Module Terminal Connections ............ ........ Page 27 of 52Fig.19: Power Supply Connections ............ ............ ............ ............ Page 28 of 52Fig.20: WIRING TABLE FOR INITIATING CIRCUITS ............ ............ ........... Page 29 of 52Fig.21: WIRING TABLE FOR INDICATING CIRCUITS ............ ............ .......... Page 29 of 52Fig.22: Indicators and Control Location ............ ............ ............ ........ Page 31 of 52Fig.23: Configuration Indicators and Controls ............ ............ ............ ... Page 37 of 52Page 3 of 521.0 INTRODUCTIONIntroduction :Hochiki’s SERIES HCP 1000 Fire Alarm Control Units provide a large capacity of supervised Class A or B [UL StyleD or B] Initiating Circuits, and supervised Class A or B [UL Style Z or Y] Indicating Circuits. All Circuits are supervisedfor opens and ground faults, and Indicating Circuits for shorts. Optional Modules include additional Initiating andIndicating Circuits, Relay, and Polarity Reversal & City Tie. Flush or surface mountable enclosures can be used forretrofits and on new installations.1.1 Overall Features:T Basic unit has 8 Class B [Style B] Initiating Circuits which may be configured as 4 Class A [Style D] Circuits.These are configurable as Alarm, Verified Alarm, Waterflow Alarm, Sprinkler Alarm, Latching or Non-LatchingSupervisory, or Trouble-Only Circuits. There are two LED’s per Circuit; one for Trouble [Amber], and one forStatus [Red/Amber].T Basic unit has 4 Power Limited Class A/B [Style Z/Y] Indicating Circuits with individual trouble indicators. EachCircuit can be configured as Audible [silenceable] or Visual [non-silenceable]. Audibles may be steady,Temporal Code, California Code, or March Time.T Initiating and Indicating Circuits may be individually Disconnected by a DIP Switch [Slide-Switch on “S”Versions for the USA Market only].T Configurable Signal Silence Inhibit, Auto Signal Silence, Two-Stage Operation, One-Man Walk Test.T Subsequent Alarm, Supervisory, and Trouble operationT Two outputs for 4 wire resettable smoke power supply [200 mA each Max., 300 mA total Max.]T Auxiliary Relay Contacts for Common Alarm and Common Supervisory [disconnectable], and a CommonTrouble relay.T RS-485 Interface for HRA-1000 Series Remote Multiplex Annunciators.T Optional Modules for additional Initiating, Indicating, & Relay Circuits,& City Tie & Polarity Reversal Signalling.- thiết bị báo cháyT Easy Configuration via Push-Buttons and Switches.T Extensive transient protectionT Surface Mountable Enclosures, Flush Trims Available1.2 Controls and Indicators: 8 Push-Buttons, 16 Common Indicators, provision for up to 24 Circuits[Expansion Chassis adds provision for up to another 48 Circuits]Page 4 of 522.0 GENERAL NOTESNumber of Adders that may be Installed:The maximum number of Circuit Adder Modules that may be physically installed in a System is ...Main Chassis TypeHMCC1024-6[S] or HMCC1024-12[S] Two Circuit Adder Modules of any type.HMCC1024-6[S] or HMCC1024-12[S] and HECH1048 Eight Circuit Adder Modules of any type.The “S” Version Chassis’ have Slide-Switches instead of DIP Switches for Disconnects. The maximum number of eachCircuit Adder Module type is ...A maximum of 7 HDM-1008A 8 Initiating Circuit Modules [total of 64 Initiating Circuits in a system].A maximum of 5 HSGM-1004A 4 Indicating Circuit Modules [total of 24 Indicating Circuits in a system].A maximum of 4 HRM-1008A 8 Relay Circuit Modules [total of 32 Relay Circuits in a system].MAXIMUM OF 8 ADDER MODULES OF ANY COMBINATION PER SYSTEM.Any HCP-1000 System may have a HPR-100 or HUDACT-100 added, and up to eight [8] Remote MultiplexAnnunciators externally. As good practice, it is recommended that Circuit Adder Modules be installed in the orderof Signals followed by Detection, followed by Relay Modules.Circuits and Zones:“Circuits” refers to an actual electrical interface, Initiating [Detection], Indicating [Signal], or Relay.“Zone” is a logical concept for a Fire Alarm Protected Area, and will consist of at least one Circuit.Often the terms Zone and Circuit are used interchangeably, but in this Manual the term Circuit is used.Display Points:On the HCP-1000 an important concept is Display Points. Unlike some products the available LED Displays andmatching Circuit Disconnect Switches are not hard-wired to the Circuit Adder Modules. The Main Fire Alarm Moduleand each Circuit Adder Module type have a required number of Display Points specified. In the case of InitiatingCircuits this will be reduced by half if Class “A” operation is selected. Different Main and Expander Chassis providea fixed number of Display Points on their attached Display Boards. These are assigned during the Configuration AdderModule Number and Type operation [see Configuration Section] as required in the cabling order in which AdderModules are installed. In any system setup, there must be at least as many Display Points available, as those requiredby the Circuits.Wiring Styles:Initiating Circuits are configured by default as Class B [Style B]. They may be globally [all or none] configured asClass A [Style D] as described in the Configuration Section. This operation uses odd and even pairs of two-wire ClassB [Style B] circuits to make one four-wire Class A [Style D] circuit, thus cutting in half the number of available InitiatingCircuits.Indicating Circuits may be individually wired as Class A [Style Z] or Class B [Style Y] without affecting the numberof circuits available [see Module wiring instructions].Page 5 of 523.0 SYSTEM COMPONENTSModel: HBB-1024 Surface Enclosure 24 CircuitsHBB-1072 Surface Enclosure 72 Circuits[add suffix R for Red Enclosure]Model: HFA-1024TR Flush Trim RingHFA-1072TR Flush Trim Ring[add another suffix R for Red Enclosure]Model: Batteries [6.5 to 40 AH]Model: HMCC1024-6 6 A Main ChassisHMCC1024-12 12 A Main Chassis[add Suffix S for Slide Switches]Model: HECH1048 48 Display Expander ChassisModel: Circuit Adder ModulesHDM-1008A, HSGM-1004A. HRM-1008A,Page 6 of 52Model: HPR-100 Polarity Reversal andCity Tie ModuleHRA-1000 Series Remote MultiplexAnnunciator Panels3.1 CHASSIS TYPESModel: HMCC1024-6 Main Chassis with 8 Style B / 4 Style D Initiating Circuits, 4 Style Y or Z IndicatingCircuits, and a 6 ampere Power Supply. See Module Specifications for more detail.Model: HMCC1024-12 Same as HMCC1024-6, but with a 12 ampere Power Supply. See Module Specificationsfor more detail.Model: HMCC1024-6S Same as HMCC1024-6, but with Disconnect Slide Switches instead of DIP Switches. Model: HMCC1024-12S Same as HMCC1024-12, but with Disconnect Slide Switches instead of DIP Switches.Model: HECH1048 Expander Chassis for up to 48 additional Zones / Circuits. DIP Switches for Disconnectonly. See Module Specifications for more detail.3.2 HCP SERIES 1000 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL - KITSModel: HCP-1008E Expandable Kit for the Canadian Market, 8 Class B [or 4 Class A] Initiating & 4 [ClassA or B] Indicating Circuits, Expandable to 24 Circuits, 6 Amp Power Supply [HMCC1024-6 Main Chassis in a HBB-1024 Enclosure].Model: HCP-1008ES Expandable Kit for the USA Market, 8 Class B [or 4 Class A] Initiating & 4 [Class Aor B] Indicating Circuits, Expandable to 24 Circuits, 6 Amp Power Supply[HMCC1024-6 Main Chassis in a HBB-1024R Enclosure].For any other sizes, etc., components are ordered separately.Page 7 of 52Fig.1: HBB-1024 Flush or Surface Enclosure Installation and Dimensions4.0 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION and DIMENSIONSInstall the enclosure as shown for the HBB-1024 [Fig.1] or HBB-1072 [Fig.1A] ...Page 8 of 52Fig.1A: HBB-1072 Flush or Surface Enclosure Installation and DimensionsPage 9 of 52Fig.2: Main Chassis Installation4.1 MAIN CHASSIS INSTALLATIONThe Main Chassis is installed in the HBB-1024 Backbox as shown using the supplied hex-nuts. Group the incomingwires through the top of the enclosure to prepare it for wiring the Modules. Do not run the wires in-between theModules since it could cause a short circuit. Use a wire tie to group wires for easy identification and neatness.Be sure to connect a solid Earth Ground [from building system ground / to a cold water pipe] to the Chassis EarthGround Mounting Lug, and to connect the Earth Ground Wire Lugs from the Main Chassis to the ground screw on theBackbox.Page 10 of 52Fig.3: Expander Chassis Installation4.2 MAIN & EXPANDER CHASSIS INSTALLATIONThe Main and Expander Chassis’ are installed into the HBB-1072 Enclosure as shown using the supplied hex-nuts.Group the incoming wires through the top of the enclosure to prepare it for wiring the Modules. Do not run the wiresin-between the Modules since it could cause a short circuit. Use a wire tie to group wires for easy identification andneatness.Be sure to connect a solid Earth Ground [from building system ground / to a cold water pipe] to the Chassis EarthGround Mounting Lug, and to connect the Earth Ground Wire Lugs from BOTH the Main Chassis and the ExpanderChassis to the ground screw on the Backbox.Page 11 of 525.0 MODULES MOUNTING LOCATIONSThe Main Chassis’ in a HBB-1024 or HBB-1072 Enclosure come pre-assembled with all power supply, main panel, and displaycomponents and boards. The Expander Chassis has the display board pre-assembled. The HPR-100 City Tie Module orHUDACT-100 Digital Communicator may be added on the left side, as shown in the figure on the following page. TheseModules connect directly to the dedicated P2 connection in the upper-left corner of the Main Fire Alarm Module. Circuit AdderModules are installed from right to left using the supplied stand-offs, as shown in the figure on the next page, with the first Moduleplugging its 26 pin ribbon cable into P5 on the Main Fire Alarm Module, and using the included HMD-579 four wire power cableas described in the Module Settings section. A second Circuit Adder Module would connect by plugging its 26 pin cable into thematching socket on the previous module to the right, and by installing the supplied HMD-579 four wire power cable as describedin the appropriate Module Settings section.In a HBB-1072 Enclosure with an Expander Chassis, there are two each of long extension cables for the 26 pin ribbon cable[HMD-575] and for the four wire power cable [HMD-580] included. Circuit Adder Modules are installed as on the Main Chassis,from right to left in two tiers [back then front]. These are cabled as in the Main Chassis, except that the first module on the backtier to the right connects via HMD-575 and HMD-580 extension cables to the second module in the Main Chassis, and the fourthmodule on the front tier to the right connects via HMD-575 and HMD-580 extension cables to the third module on the first tier tothe left. In other words a continuous right to left, bottom to top, and back to front installation order [see the figure on the nextpage].To enable communication from the Main Fire Alarm Module to all of the Circuit Adder Modules, it is necessary to remove theContinuity Jumper on JW6 [near P5, the Circuit Adder Module Connector] on the Main Fire Alarm Module. This jumper plug mustbe installed on the Continuity Jumper on the last installed Circuit Adder Module [see the appropriate Module Settings sectionto verify the location of theContinuity Jumper on a particular Circuit Adder Module]. Only the LAST Circuit Adder Module shouldhave a jumper plug on its Continuity Jumper; all others must be left without a jumper plug !!There needs to be enoughDisplay Points for each circuit on an Adder Module, and these are assigned during Configuration [seeConfiguration Section] in the order in which the Adders are electrically installed [the order in which they have their cablesconnected to each other]. Both the number of points available for each Display Type, and the number required for each CircuitAdder Module Type are described in the Module Settings Section.As good practice, it is recommended that Circuit Adder Modules be installed in the order of Detection followed by Signals, followedby Relay Modules.Page 12 of 52Fig.4: Module Mounting LocationsPage 13 of 52Fig.4A: Circuit Adder Module Mounting DetailsPage 14 of 52Fig.5: Main Fire Alarm Module6.0 MODULE SETTINGS6.1 MAIN FIRE ALARM MODULE [Part of Main Chassis]JW5Jumper installed for Class A [Style D] operation of Initiating Circuits 1 and 2.JW1Jumper installed for Class A [Style D] operation of Initiating Circuits 3 and 4.JW2Jumper installed for Class A [Style D] operation of Initiating Circuits 5 and 6.JW3Jumper installed for Class A [Style D] operation of Initiating Circuits 7 and 8.JW6Continuity Jumper removed if there are any Circuit Adder Modules installed, and installed on the last Circuit Adder Module.JW4Jumper removed if a HPR-100 Module or HUDACT-100 is installed.P1 RS-485 Connection for future expansion. P2 Connector for HPR-100 Module or HUDACT-100.P3 Connector for Display Module [part of HMCH-1024]. P4 Connector for future expansion.P5 Connector for Circuit Adder Modules. P6 Power Connector for Adder Modules.P7,8 Factory connection to Bridge Rectifier. P9,10 Connection to 24 VDC Battery.The Main Fire Alarm Module contains the following Circuits, each requiring a certain number of Display Points ...Chassis Type Initiating Circuits Indicating Circuits Display Points RequiredHMCC1024-6[S] 8 Style B / 4 Style D 4 Style Y or Z 8 /4 [Style B / D]HMCC1024-12[S] 8 Style B / 4 Style D 4 Style Y or Z 8 /4 [Style B / D]Note that the Main Display Module [part of the Main Chassis] has 4 dedicated Display Points for the 4 Indicating Circuits on the Main FireAlarm Module.Page 15 of 52Fig.6: Main Display Module [HMCC1024-6, HMCC1024-12]6.2 MAIN DISPLAY MODULE [Part of Main Chassis]P1 Cable connects to P3 of Main Fire Alarm Module.P2 Connection to P1 of HECH1048 Display Module if used.SW1 to SW5 See Configuration & Operation sections of Manual.The Main Display Module provides 4 dedicatedDisplay Points for the 4 Indicating Circuits on the Main Fire Alarm Module. It also providesthe following general purpose Display Points ...Chassis Type Display Points\ There are also 4 Display Points dedicated to the 4 Main Board Indicating Circuits.HMCC1024-6 24 > The first 8 or 4 of these [depending upon Style B or D operation] are dedicated HMCC1024-12 24 / to the 8 / 4 Main Board Initiating Circuits.Note: The Main Display Module comes with a Label Sheet [NP-680] including both English and French slide-in labels. This sheet may berun through a Laser Printer for labelling purposes before being installed. The first slide-in section comes in two versions; one for Single-StageSystems, and one for Two-Stage Systems.Ont heHMCC1024 -6SandHMCC1024 -12SPage 16 of 52Fig.6A: Main Display Module [HMCC1024-6S, HMCC1024-12S]Chassis for the USA Market only, the Main Display Module appears as shown below. The Disconnect DIP-Switchesare replaced by Slide-Switches.Page 17 of 52Fig.7: Adder Display Module6.3 ADDER DISPLAY MODULE [Part of Expander Chassis]P1 Cable connects to P2 of Main Display Module.P2 Not Used.SW1 to SW6 See Configuration & Operation sections of Manual.The Adder Display Module provides the following general purpose Display Points ...Chassis Type Display PointsHECH1048 48Note that the Adder Display Module comes with a Label Sheet [NP-681] with blank slide-in labels. This sheet may be run through a LaserPrinter for labelling purposes before being installed.Page 18 of 52Fig.8: Detection Adder ModuleFig.9: Signal Adder Module6.4 DETECTION ADDER MODULE [Model HDM-1008A]P2 Data Cable to P5 of Main FireAlarm Module or to previousAdder Module.P1 Data Connector for next AdderModule.P4 Power Connector to P6 of MainFire Alarm Module or to previousAdder Module.P3 Power Connector for next AdderModule.JW1Jumper installed for Class A[Style D] operation of InitiatingCircuits 1 and 2.JW2Jumper installed for Class A[Style D] operation of InitiatingCircuits 3 and 4.JW3Jumper installed for Class A[Style D] operation of InitiatingCircuits 5 and 6.JW4Jumper installed for Class A[Style D] operation of InitiatingCircuits 7 and 8.JW5Continuity Jumper removed ifthere are any more Adder Modules installed.Jumper JW6 on the Main Fire Alarm Module must be removed if there are any Adder Modules installed.The HDM-1008A requires 8 Display Points for Style B operation, and 4 for Style D.6.5 SIGNAL ADDER MODULE [Model HSGM-1004A]P2 Data Cable to P5 of Main FireAlarm Module or to previousAdder Module.P1 Data Connector for next AdderModule.P4 Power Connector to P6 of MainFire Alarm Module or to previousAdder Module.P3 Power Connector for next AdderModule.JW1Continuity Jumper removed ifthere are any more AdderModules installed.Jumper JW6 on the Main Fire AlarmModule must be removed if there areany Adder Modules installed.The HSGM-1004A requires 4 Display Points.Page 19 of 52Fig.10: Relay Adder ModuleFig.11: HUDACT-100 Digital Communicator Module6.6 RELAY ADDER MODULE [Model HRM-1008A]P2 Data Cable to P5 of Main FireAlarm Module or to previousAdder Module.P1 Data Connector for next AdderModule.P4 Power Connector to P6 of MainFire Alarm Module or to previousAdder Module.P3 Power Connector for next AdderModule.JW1Continuity Jumper removed ifthere are any more AdderModules installed.Jumper JW6 on the Main Fire AlarmModule must be removed if there areany Adder Modules installed.The HRM-1008A requires 8 Display Points.6.7 HUDACT DIGITAL COMMUNICATOR MODULE [Model HUDACT-100]P1 Cable to P8 on the Main FireAlarm Board.P2 RS-485 Connection for futureexpansion.P3 Not used.P4 Connector for CFG-100Configuration Module.I2 Status Indicator LED for Telco

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