Iframe youtube autoplay loop

If youd like your embedded video to autoplay or loop, go to the video's page on vimeo.com and click the "Share" button in the upper right corner of the video player. In the window that opens, click the "Show options" link, and check the corresponding boxes next to "Loop this video," "Autoplay this video," or both. You can then copy the embed code. [Note: this method is currently only an option for Public or Password-Protected videos. Read on for alternative steps if your video is private.]

You can also do this manually by adding the following parameters into your embed code:

  • loop=1
  • autoplay=1

If you have more than one video autoplaying on a particular page, you will also need to include this parameter:

  • autopause=0

So, for example, if you were embedding two autoplay, looping, videos on a page, the embed code for each would look like this:

Important: If your video is set to the Private privacy setting, additional parameters must be addedafterthe privacy hash parameter. This will appear directly after the video ID in the URL and looks similar to?h=913062c8ff. Every parameter after the hash​ can be added using&rather than?.

Autoplay Restrictions

If the autoplay parameter is present, our player will attempt to automatically begin playback. However, please note that some browsers specifically block autoplay. In these cases, your video will revert back to the original thumbnail and controls, requiring viewers to select play to start playback.

Autoplay is currently restricted in the following environments:

Safari version 11+ [Desktop]

Documentation: //webkit.org/blog/7734/auto-play-policy-changes-for-macos/
Policy: Autoplaying videos must be muted. Viewers can choose to block or allow unmuted autoplay for specific domains on their setup [see here]

Chrome version 66+ [Desktop/Mobile]

Documentation: //developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes
Policy: Autoplaying videos must be muted. Videos that are frequently visited by the viewer are permitted to autoplay with sound [based on Googles scoring system]

iOS [Safari, other mobile browsers, apps]

Policy: Autoplaying videos must be muted.
Device: Autoplay is disabled when the iPhone or iPad is in Low Power Mode.

Firefox 66+[Desktop/Mobile]

Documentation: //support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/block-autoplay
Policy: Firefox now blocks videos with sound from playing automatically. This change is being gradually rolled out to users in Quantum version 66.Viewers can choose to block or allow unmuted autoplay for specific domains on their setup


There is no way to stop these autoplay restrictions; however, you can mute your video to ensure autoplay is always honored.Just add one of the following parameters to the end of the player URL in your embed code:

?background=1: This parameter automatically disables all elements in the player [play bar, buttons, etc], autoplays, loops, and mutes your video on load. Please note:the background parameter is only supported for videos hosted by paid members. Learn more here.

?muted=1This parameter will automatically mute your video on load. Once your video plays, viewers can manually un-mute by clicking on the volume bar within the player.

Important:Both of these parameters will force your video to load as muted in all browsers. Videos without audio tracks [or audio tracks without sound] will not be considered muted by browsers. In order to bypass autoplay restrictions, you must use one of the embed parameters above.

Still having trouble in Chrome?
If your webpage has permission to autoplay but your video is still not playing, you may need to add theallow=autoplayparameter to the Vimeo iframe and any iframe in your webpage that the player is contained within. This parameter is included in our default embed code, but if you're working in another embed application, or with multiple iframes, you may need to add it manually.
Here is an example using the Vimeo iframe:
Please seeGoogles Autoplay Policyfor more information on the allow=autoplay parameter.

If you are experiencing an issue, or have any questions, please contact us.

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