Is CakePHP a PHP framework?

Designed for rapid application development [RAD], CakePHP is the best option to build your vision fast and consistently. With CakePHP, you can build your idea in weeks instead of months. It’s available to download and use for free and it only takes 15 minutes to install.

CakePHP also reduces the large amount of code and uses convention over configuration, which allows the framework to make assumptions about your code. The MVC design removes the need to combine complex components or design an application architecture. You can have your first functionality running before lunch, with all the code generation tools included.

There are few barriers to entry. The simple syntax, common sense design, application scaffolding and code generation tools of CakePHP will allow you to prototype and validate your idea fast, leaving your application ready for a solid growth.

The reason is it easily allows to add of functionalities to web pages without requiring 3rd party files. Then the PHP frameworks are introduced.

Among all popular PHP frameworks, Laravel and CakePHP frameworks are highly popular right now.

With the help of CakePHP and Laravel, PHP has cemented itself in the world of technology. Choosing between CakePHP and Laravel is challenging as both of these frameworks have unique features. Being a leading PHP and Laravel development services provider, we have an in-depth understanding of both these frameworks.

In the article, we are going to compare CakePHP vs Laravel to help you to understand which framework is the best choice for creating an exclusive web application.

Table of Content

Head-to-Head Detailed Comparison Between CakePHP vs Laravel

We have created the following table including the head-to-head comparison between CakePHP and Laravel.

Comparison FactorsCakePHPLaravelBasic PerformanceCakePHP offers faster performance as compared to Laravel in case of the small projects. But it is not preferred for large-scale projects as it doesn’t follow a data binding strategy.Laravel is a popular open-sourced [model view controller] framework that provides excellent performance for complex projects due to its two-way data binding process.Architectural PerformanceCakePHP framework follows HMVC [hierarchical model view controller] architecture and it doesn’t offer a data binding process.Laravel framework follows MVC [model view controller] architecture and it offers a two-way data binding process.Performance TestingCakePHP only provides a swift testing experience for smaller applications. It is not preferred to develop larger apps.It is advisable to do performance testing in Laravel compared to CakePHP. Also, when it comes to large applications testing is smoother.ConvenienceCakePHP is highly convenient for web designers and developers when it comes to routing.Laravel doesn’t offer that much convenience in terms of development to developers and programmers as compared to CakePHP.Data HandlingCakePHP is not able to handle data in an easier way as it mainly works on smaller projects.Laravel data backup and handling are highly efficient as compared to CakePHP.ScalingCakePHP doesn’t always keep up with the organization’s growing needs, hence it is not as scalable as Laravel.From the scaling benchmark, the Laravel framework rise above the CakePHP as Laravel provides you configurations permitting you to develop fairly scalable solutions according to your business requirements.DocumentationThe documentation of CakePHP is not as detailed as the Laravel framework.On the other hand, Laravel includes detailed documentation and community support.PluginsCakePHP framework offers plugins to handle tasks. It allows you to reuse code.Laravel framework also offers plugins but you’ll not find as much variety as CakePHP.Templating EngineCakePHP doesn’t provide a lightweight, configurable, and flexible templating engine.As compared to CakePHP, Laravel comes with a flexible template engine, offering flexibility to developers.

Let’s understand the meaning of CakePHP.

What is CakePHP?

CakePHP is a free open source framework developed on MVC architecture.

Based on the object-oriented model, it is mainly used to maintain and develop web applications in an easier way. Also, this framework works on a document-oriented database model. It is a modern way to store data in JSON format instead of rows and columns.

You have understood the meaning of CakePHP, next check the core features of CakePHP.

What are the Key Features of CakePHP?

Here are the four key features of CakePHP:

  1. User-Friendly Framework

  2. The major reason behind the popularity of CakePHP is that it is highly user-friendly. This rapid web development framework helps you to develop complex websites in an easy way. With CakePHP, easily customize your website based on your modern programming requirements.

  3. Robust Performance

  4. CakePHP is a great framework for developing websites to provide robust data validation methods. With the help of advanced tools, this framework makes complex structures simpler.

  5. Reasonable Approach

  6. CakePHP framework allows you to reach your business website ahead of your competitors. We must say that it is one of the easiest ways to develop high-performance applications at competitive prices.

  7. Testing Method

  8. It is hard to fix the bugs in your business websites. But CakePHP enables you to fix the errors in your web applications and business websites with the testing process. So, it makes things easy for you when you create a complex application with errors.

Ever had a question like when exactly should I use CakePHP? Check the following section to know the answer.

When to Choose CakePHP for Your Project?

  • Choose this framework if you are planning to develop projects with limited functionalities with MVC architecture.
  • If you are seeking to develop fast and flexible templating with data sanitization and localization, go for CakePHP.

You have learned when to choose CakePHP, check the following section to know when you should not opt for CakePHP.

When NOT to Choose CakePHP for Your Project?

You should not choose this framework if you are planning to develop an enterprise-level project. For larger projects, Laravel is the right framework to use. Enough about CakePHP, next learn about the Laravel framework.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework used to develop full-featured web applications. It is also implemented on the MVC structure.

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What are the Key Features of Laravel?

Being a secure PHP framework contains multiple features. The following list contains the key features of the Laravel framework:

  1. Unit Testing

  2. The majority of web developers prefer Laravel as this framework facilitates unit testing. This framework is capable of running several tests to ensure that your business website is error-free.

  3. In-Built Widgets

  4. Laravel offers numerous in-built widgets to developers that enable reusing particular functions to show app content in different forms. Though the Laravel framework provides many useful features like rapid web app development, robust application testing process, it lacks some features like performance, migration that Yii offers while developing a smooth web application.
    Refer to the difference between Laravel and Yii article to get more information.

  5. Eloquent Object Relational Mapping

  6. Laravel framework offers Eloquent Object Relational Mapping. Web developers can use this functionality to write SQL queries by using PHP syntax. ORM is somewhat faster as compared to other frameworks.

  7. Modular Functionalities and Libraries

  8. Laravel framework help the developers by using in-built modular libraries that are inaccessible in other PHP frameworks. This framework enables modular and responsible web app development.

Check the following section to know when you should opt for the Laravel framework for your project.

When to Choose Laravel for Your Project?

  • This open-source framework means faster time-to-market as it uses a two-way data binding process.
  • It is essential for you to know the core advantages of Laravel compared to other PHP frameworks.

Save your time and cost by learning when you should not select Laravel for your project.

When NOT to Choose Laravel for Your Project?

It is advisable to avoid using the Laravel framework for smaller projects. CakePHP offers faster performance comparing Laravel for small projects. But for large projects, Laravel is the best choice.

You have understood about Laravel and CakePHP. The next section includes the in-depth difference between Laravel vs CakePHP including the final winner as well.

In-depth Breakdown of Laravel vs CakePHP

This detailed breakdown of Laravel vs CakePHP will help you to understand its key differences. Let’s have a glance at these points.

  1. Data Backup and Handling

  2. Laravel – Laravel has a good approach for data handling and backup. This framework can create a better layout and can keep a backup of your data.

    CakePHP – As CakePHP is mainly preferred for small projects it is also not considered for data backup and handling tasks. It is not good in terms of data backup and handling used in web development projects.

    In comparison to CakePHP, Laravel is a better choice in terms of data back and handling.

    Winner – Laravel

  3. Routing

  4. Laravel – Laravel works on a two-way binding process so it is a bit complex. That’s why this framework is less preferable than CakePHP in terms of routing.

    CakePHP – As CakePHP doesn’t offer data binding so it has a simple routing approach as compared to Laravel.

    In comparison to Laravel, CakePHP is a superior solution in terms of routing

    Winner – CakePHP

  5. Scaling

  6. Laravel – Large-scale projects are to be considered by Laravel. So Laravel is the sure winner in terms of scaling of projects. Therefore choosing Laravel development services is highly beneficial for your business.

    CakePHP – CakePHP lags behind Laravel in terms of scaling as this framework is suitable for small-scale projects.

    When it comes to scaling, Laravel is a better alternative comparing CakePHP. also, hire Laravel developers, if you planning to develop a scalable solution for your business.

    Winner – Laravel

As you have learned about the in-depth difference between CakePHP and Laravel. You should also know the answers to the most frequently asked questions about CakePHP and Laravel.

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Still have questions regarding CakePHP and Laravel? Check the following section to get all the answers.

FAQs About CakePHP vs Laravel

Which is easy to implement: CakePHP or Laravel?

CakePHP is easy to implement in comparison to Laravel. CakePHP is intended to develop, deploy and maintain web applications much easier. It comes with a compelling MVC architecture that is easy to grasp.

Is CakePHP a good framework?

Yes, CakePHP is undeniably one of the most popular PHP frameworks for web app development. This open-source framework helps in lowering web development costs and building websites quickly using code generation.

Which framework is suitable for enterprise-level projects: CakePHP or Laravel?

The Laravel framework is a much better choice in terms of enhancement perspective. It is also better than CakePHP when it comes to scaling. So, Laravel is the right choice for large projects as it ensures fast and easier development.

What to Choose as Your Web Development Environment: CakePHP or Laravel?

This article discusses the comparison between the popular PHP frameworks – Laravel vs CakePHP. Choosing the right framework will help you in your web development process.

Count on Laravel if you are planning large-scale projects and require impactful performance. This framework will help you to build complex applications in a limited time.

If you are still confused about which PHP framework you should use for your project, let’s talk. Being a leading Laravel development company, our team will help you to make the right decision about choosing the best PHP framework based on your development needs, budget, and goals.

Is CakePHP a framework?

CakePHP is an open-source web framework. It follows the model–view–controller [MVC] approach and is written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails, and distributed under the MIT License. Cake Software Foundation, Inc.

Is CakePHP and PHP same?

The difference between Core PHP and CakePHP is that PHP is a server-side scripting language for web development while CakePHP is an open source web framework written in PHP. Overall, CakePHP helps to build complex applications in a more sophisticated manner than PHP.

Which one is the PHP framework?

Laravel – a popular PHP web framework with great extendability for high-quality applications. CodeIgniter – one of the most popular PHP frameworks with MVC support, great for creating lightweight web applications. Symfony – a modular PHP framework with a built-in debugging system and extensive documentation.

Is CakePHP similar to Laravel?

CakePHP is overall a more easy-to-use framework, because it has better performance, allows users to reuse code, customize functionalities, and even provides swift tests. That said, Laravel may be considered the more flexible option for many developers, because it is able to handle data and documentation easily.

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