Laptop will not turn on unless plugged in

Are you wondering to know why your laptop shut down when you unplugged charging even though its fully charged? So, you will be delighted to know were going to show you some ways to fix this problem.

Actually, many people thought its due to overheating, so they start using an external cooler, but the things repeated. There are so many reasons for this problem, like your laptops battery is gone, its a power management problem, or dust stuck inside batteries. Lets discuss this matter in detail.

How to figure out the battery is the problem:

To figure out some problems with the battery, you have to connect your laptop to an external power source through the laptops power cable. Then leave your computer overnight to give it a massive amount of time for charging. After that, unplug your computer, check the battery icon available in your laptops desktop mode and look at the battery percentage. If it shows 0?ttery, it means power is not getting to the battery, and it's truly dead.

Power Management problem:

Go to the display properties, select the screen server tab, then click on the Power button. After this, go to the power schemes field as its a drop-down window, click on it and select Rixane Power Scheme. As a power switching utility that instantly switches between AC and battery, the charger plugged or unplugged while the laptop is on. But this feature is only available on HP laptops. If you dont have an HP laptop and there is no Rixane Power Scheme option available, select Laptop power scheme to manage power settings.


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Cleaning battery physically:

Before buying another battery, you should physically clean batteries by turning off your laptop, removing cables, and detaching the battery. Perhaps dust may be stuck inside the laptops gaps and the batterys metal to connect the charger. Thats why it is vital to clean it physically by dampening a cloth with rubbing alcohol to clean the laptops outer and inner surface gently.

Testing through Softwares:

There are various tools to check the health of your laptops battery, including Battery Eater, Notebooks, and more innovative battery measuring statistics. This software help to determine the average charging time, how long charging takes, total charge capacity, and how long it takes to use the battery.

Moreover, your laptop manufacturers also make their systems to test and diagnose battery issues like Toshibas PC health monitor, the HP system diagnostic tool, etc. So, by using this software, you can check your batterys health and determine whats the matter why your laptop only works when plugged in.

Things to do before replacing your battery:

Before buying a new battery, you must give the last chance to your old battery. It might be a connection problem between the battery and the adapter. Whenever your laptop tries to charge the battery, the battery is not going charged, and your laptop thinks there is no battery and it is simply running on power.

When you place a new battery, it must have some charge, and your computer starts working without being plugged in, and after some time, you will face the same problem when the new battery needs charging. So, follow these steps to give the last chance of your old battery.

Remove the battery and kills the static energy in your laptop by holding the power button for 30 seconds.

The battery is still removed, then plug in the adapter and turn on the power. Your laptop starts working properly

So, the trickiest step is inserting the battery after powered on the laptop. Now, your computer will detect the battery, and it starts charging correctly. We hope this hack will work

Replace your battery:

If your laptops battery deads inevitably after removing the charger, the only solution is the replacement. So, purchase the new one using the model number of the battery and your laptop.

As a laptops batteries degrade over time and battery failure is a severe issue. Your laptop will abruptly shut down without giving you a chance of saving your work. Moreover, a five years old laptop battery must replace with a new one. Otherwise, you will face various issues regarding battery timings.

Best LaptopBatteries

No matter how good you treat a laptops battery, it will end soon. So better to replace the battery on time before it dies. Anyhow, battery deaths seem sudden, and you will not receive any warning regarding when your laptops battery dies. The only solution is replacing your dead laptops battery.

Moreover, if your laptop has a user-serviceable battery, you can manually remove it and replace it with another. While having a non-serviceable battery, you need to contact manufacturers so they can crack your laptops open and replace the battery for you.

Suppose you have a user-serviceable battery, then order a replacement battery online. Dont pick any product randomly or buy the cheapest third-party batteries. They are built by inferior and insufficient testing methods. They can be dangerous and could go up in flames. Only buy official batteries from a reputable company. Here is the list of top replacement batteries by well-known brands. You can choose any of them to meet your desires.

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