laptop wont wake up after opening lid

before my HP laptop C-drive failed, the Windows 7/64 Home Premium installed allowed the unit to wake from sleep by raising the lid.

the version that the tech installed when the drive was replaced does not appear to have this option, even though it too is a Windows 7/64 Home Premium. Now i have to press the power button and it takes MUCH MUCH longer to wake up. No more instant up like it was before.The prior windows was an HP OEM. The one that was installed post-repair is a Dell OEM.

so it is definitely not about the machine. It's something to do with the version of the version [version²] of windows.

iam unable to find my recovery disc for this unit, so my old windows and it's instant wake-up option are lost and gone forever. Unless someone has a better idea?

if so, i would LOVE to hear it. Every reminder of what that person did to my notebook [oh, there are so many things!] just galls me. I've spent almost two weeks restoring and updating and installing drivers. And the altered wake function is the first and most frequent reminder. Before coffee even.

[And yes, i've learned to be more specific about how i label and store my recovery discs. I've had too many pc's over too many years and got sloppy. My bad!]

Edited by mnashp, 24 May 2014 - 06:45 AM.

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