Linked list in SharePoint

Overview. SharePoint provides two types of lookup column: Lookup: links to another list: for example an Orders list may have a lookup column that links to customers in a Customer list; Choice: clicking or tapping the column displays a small menu of items that you choose from.

How do I link a list from one SharePoint site to another?

SharePoint lists – How to move them from one site to another

  1. Go to the SharePoint list, click List> List Settings.
  2. Click Save list as a template under Permissions and Management.
  3. Enter a File name and Template name.
  4. Click the list template gallery link to go to the List Template Gallery page.

What are SharePoint lists good for?

SharePoint lists

  • Pin documents, links, and filters to the top to highlight them.
  • Easily add, reorder, resize, sort, filter, and group columns and create custom views.
  • Improve the display of lists with column formatting and list view formatting.

How do I merge lists in SharePoint?

here are steps you can perform to combine data of 3 list.

  1. Declare an Array Variable.
  2. Use Get Items action of SharePoint to retrieve your first list.
  3. User “Append to array variable” action and select Value [List of Items] from Dynamic Content.
  4. Use Get Items action of SharePoint to retrieve your second list.

How do I create a linked list in SharePoint?

How to create Link Lists in SharePoint?

  1. Open the Site Content page by clicking on the “Settings” icon and then clicking “Site Contents”.
  2. This will open the “Site Contents” page.
  3. Search for the link into the search box and then click on the “Links” icon link.
  4. Enter the name of the link list and click on “Create”.

What is a SharePoint list view?

What is a List View in SharePoint? SharePoint uses views to show list or library data. Whenever a list or library is created by default at least one view got created. For a list, the default view comes as All Items and for a document library, the default view comes as All Documents.

How do I link two SharePoint lists?

Steps to Follow for SharePoint Linked Lists

  1. SharePoint 2 list has same columns as SharePoint 1 List:
  2. Open the SharePoint Designer 2013 and Open the site where you have created the lists, to join the two lists in SharePoint consulting services.
  3. Click on “Data Sources” in left and then click on “Linked Data Source”

How do I copy a SharePoint list to another list?

Option 1: Copy a SharePoint list the Microsoft way

  1. Open the list you want to copy.
  2. In the Permissions and Management column, click on Save list as template.
  3. Enter a file name in the File name text field and enter a title for the template in the Template name field.

Is a SharePoint list better than Excel?

The combination of permissions, forms, targeting, and data validation which can be applied to different parts of a SharePoint list, along with the ability to collate one source of truth, means that, overall, you can manage data integrity better via a SharePoint list than an Excel spreadsheet.

Which is better Excel or SharePoint list?

In terms of supporting simultaneous users and larger data sets, SharePoint is more robust than Excel. In answer to your question, yes – SharePoint lists are similar to database tables in that you can define columns and also define the data types of the columns in your list.

SharePoint Lists are great for tracking activities. There are many scenarios where you may want to store a collection of documents for each List item. In this blog I explain how to use Column formatting to create the link to the documents related to a List item.

In this example, we have a List that will track enquires and a Library with a folder per enquiry. Each enquiry will have a unique number and the library will contain a folder with the same number. to keep it simple, I will use the Lists ‘Title’ field, but you could use a different value by adding a number generator or entering a unique value in the List form.


Create a List with the various fields you want e.g. details of the enquiry, type of enquiry, dates etc.

Create a PowerAutomate Workflow that creates a folder in the Document Library when a new item is added to the List. In this example, when an Item is created in “MyList”, the second step creates a folder in the “Clients” Library using the List items Title as the Folder name.

To create a hyperlink from a SharePoint List to the corresponding folder in a Document Library, follow these steps:

  • Add the following JSON column formatting to the column, replacing URL in the “href” line with your URL [Library URL]
{ "$schema": "//", "elmType": "a", "txtContent": "@currentField", "attributes": { "target": "_blank", "href": "='//' + @currentField" } }

Done! Now every time a new List item is created, Power Automate will create a folder using the List items Title as the folder name. The calculated column will contain a hyperlink, that takes you to the corresponding folder where you will see existing documents and can drag and drop other correspondence.

Creating an item in the SharePoint List for Joe Bloggs, creates a Hyperlink

Clicking the Link takes me to the Clients document library with a list of documents for the client.

I use this technique for various scenarios including, customer enquires, client folders, incident management and certification tracking.

I hope you find this helpful.

Today I want to share a cool trick with you, which you can use to organize your SharePoint sites. For most of the operational types of sites, I am sure you will build some sort of Hub Navigation. However, let’s say you also have sites that are temporary in nature that you only use for a period of time. I am talking about Project Sites, Legal Case Sites, Client Sites, etc. Something with a definite start and end date. You might have tens or even hundreds of these sites. Creating links on the global Hub Navigation is not practical,  as the drop-down navigation menu will be impossible to manage and navigate. Luckily, we have an alternate way to organize such links via a Hyperlink column on a Custom List.

Step 1: Create a Custom List

There are many different ways to create a custom list in SharePoint. Please reference this post to learn about all the options. For my example, I created a list to track Projects, so I created the following columns:

  • Project Name [Text]
  • Project Manager [People]
  • Client Name [Choice]
  • Status [Choice]

Step 2: Create a Hyperlink column on a Custom List

We now need to create a Hyperlink column that will capture the URL of a Project site. Here is how to do this:

  1. Click +Add column > Hyperlink
  2. Give your column a name, click Save
  3. Re-arrange the order of the columns on your Custom list by dragging the column left or right
  4. Add a new entry and populate the URL for the site, the text description for the link. Click Save.
  5. Repeat for the other rows in your list. This is what the finished product looks like when some data has been entered. Now, when users click on a link, it will open up a site for that project or row entry.
  6. And of course, the whole reason why we created the custom list for this is so that we can filter our sites by Status and other metadata

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