margaret thatcher là gì - Nghĩa của từ margaret thatcher

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

Evil Emperess of Britain between 1979 - 1990. Eventually thrown down a mine shaft by Darth Heseltine in a leadership contest.


"Your overconfidence is your weakness"
"Your faith in your friends is yours"

"You have done well Lord Lamont. Soon the strikers will be crushed"

"Wipe them out all of them" [Socialists]

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

80's milk snatching nazi


'A little local difficulty' the title of the chapter in her autobiography concerning the poll tax.

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

The longest serving Prime Minister from 1979-1990 and first and as of 2006, the only female Prime Minister of United Kingdom. As well as the Leader of the Conservative party.

The British's opinion on Thatcher is very divided and split into two camps; those who hate her and those who admire her. The deep divisions continues to this very day, the view of Thatcher from one side is that she was responsible for the fall of the Trade Unions in the UK, and exhibited ruthless behaviour towards the miners and other blue-collar workers. However, those on the opposing side of the debate believe that Thatcher brought Britain back up from it's knees when it was facing a major financial crisis pre-1979 due to the aftermath of WW2 and the creation of the Welfare State in 1948.

Eventually after a decade in power, in 1990, mainly due to the public backlash of the Poll Tax, Thatcher was forced out of government by her own cabinet members and was succeeded by John Major.

It is likely that the British will a strong opinion on Thatcher for a long time yet, as demonstrated in some of defintions left by other users.


Margaret Thatcher is like marmite - you either love her or hate her.

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

Although not a direct insult, Margaret Thatcher is used as a yardstick to test public hatred for politicians. Although Tony Blair has tried hard in his ten years as Prime Minister he will be devastated to leave office without even 50% of the villification Maggie achieved.

'Mrs Thatcher the milk snatcher', 'maggie' or 'crazy old bitch' as she was affectionately known steered the UK through important and necessary structural economic changes to ensure the competitiveness of Britain's economy.

She did this in the most dispicably mean spirited and evil manner, by forcing hardship and unemployment upon millions of people, removing role models and providing a whole generation with a sub standard education. This is conclusive evidence of sexual equlity as she proved a feminine ability to be more ruthless than the most evil men.

She was instrumental with ronald reagan in defeating the Soviets during the cold war. Maggie was also called the 'Iron Lady', reputably coined by the Russians pissed at her tough negotiating stance but more likely due to the KGB discovering she is actually a Borg [cyborg].

Some disputed facts:

This evil wizened old hag has been medically certified as having the largest testicles in Britain.

Some claim that contrary to being a cyborg her heartlessness stems from from an infection that developed in cobwebs that built up in her pussy over many years that then went on to putrify her internal organs.

After 'suffering' a stroke [the first in over 50 years] she now closely resembles a melted manequin but with lower powers of mental reasoning.

Although it is yet to be officially announced it is widely believed that her 'death' will be celebrated by a national holiday which will include the burning of her effigy.

It is widely believed that she and Lord Lamont used to drink each others piss whilst sacrificing kittens by burning them on an electric hob.

Maggies late husband Dennis had not been sober since their wedding day and could not have been more emasculated were he a eunach.

She alledgely butt fucked Bush seniour in the oval office with a crude 'strap-on' which consisted of a un-plained 4x2 secured to the previously mentioned cobwebs.


person a: Hitler is the most despicable creature to have lived, he was a crazed tyrant that ordered the genocide of millions of people and caused devastation to most of the world.

person b: Aren't you forgetting Margaret Thatcher?

person a: Oh yea, she was a brutal cunt.

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

prime minister of UK between 1979 and 1990. First female, and given what she did to the country, probably the last female. Granted the powers to the EU that the conservative party now complained about. Had an unjustified war with argentina and killed tens of thousands of people overa bunch of frozen rocks when diplomacy would have got us back the islands that meant nothing to everyone in mainland UK and lots to the little racist people on them. trebled unemployment, shut down the mines [it is now worked out that if she left them alone, then it would have made the country a profit, rather than costing millions and putting thousands on the dole]. oh, and a little thing called the poll tax.

In other words, the most overrated leader of the UK since the monarchy was in charge.


tory: margaret thatcher was the best thing that ever happened to this country. She put all those poor people in their place.

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

Empress of the new right, idol of the conservative partyand daily mail readers everywhere. Famous for beating the hell out of Argentina when they tried to take back the Falklands [the falkwhat? - exactly] - a teeny bunch of islands off the south cost of Argentina that nobody had ever heard of.

Responsible for the miners strikes of the 80s, 'black wednesday', the poll tax and making council houses available to be bought by their occupants.

She famously said "This ladys not for turning" over the poll tax. The old dear was eventually made to shut the hell up and remove the tax that was massively unpopular.

The old Iron Lady did not do much for feminism. You finally get a woman in charge and she messes everything up. Ta very much Mags!

Looks strangely like Noel Edmonds when a beard is drawn on her


Margaret Thatcher: "The peasants are revolting. Jeeves, send out the police to batter them senseless"

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

An absolute cunt who was a disgrace to the people and the workers. An enemy of the Irish and the Argentines, someone who’s death was an absolute relief. Led the UK for 11 years too many.


Guy: I think Margaret Thatcher was a great leader
Anyone with common sense: Shoots the guy

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

Former Prime Minister of Great Britain. Synonyms: bitch, conservative, evil, failure, warmonger, nazi
Antonyms: sensible, liberal, decent, success, peace, prosperity


Sheep farming in the Falklands, re-arming in the fucklands
Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming The song "Sheep Farming in the Falklands" by Crass is about the Falklands War, and how Margaret Thatcher is a warmongering bitch.

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

Margaret Thatcher is a fat bitch who is a disgrace to the UK and Ireland. It’s a shame she didn’t die 87 years ago. THE WICKED BITCH IS DEAD.🇮🇪


“Margaret Thatcher is an old bitch” if anyone says different I will car bomb your Honda Civic

margaret thatcher có nghĩa là

the act of completely fucking someone in the ass and then insulting them, only to be praised by the smallest dicks in the land


"Did you hear simon pulled a margaret thatcher last night?" "Oh yes, marc can't shut up about him."

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