Mg astray red frame kai review năm 2024

I especially like the art of the instruction manual with the minimalistic design and brushmetal background. This is my favourite manual art so far. As usual the sides of the box show you some of the features and poses achievable with this model. Without further a due, here it is, in all its glory.

1/100 MG Gundam Astray Red Frame Lowe Guele’s Customize Mobile Suit MBF-PO2KAI

I realized that taking portrait shots from this right angle is much much better than taking from the front. This angle is commonly used by Bandai anyway, and results in the model looking more menacing and untoy-like. You might notice some decal placements differing from the “recommended” areas specified by Bandai.

As with most MG kits, I always don’t agree 100% with their decal placements, because most of it looks weird to me and goes over uneven surfaces, causing the decals/stickers to peel off easily. I did not go overboard with panel lines on this kit, as there were too many and was confusing to decide which to draw. Also, I was aiming for that clean look.

The Head

The front transparent piece was snapped over the green foil sticker like in the manual, but surprisingly the instructions were to cover the back transparent piece with a green foil sticker on top of it. I promptly ignored this and left it transparent as the sticker looks terrible on the outside.

Upper Body + Shoulders

Before I continue, a little info on the kanji: “改”. This literally means “change”, pronounced “kai” as in MBF-PO2KAI. I guess in this term it means “custom”. It’s the same kanji used in the Play Arts “Kai” line. In my opinion, the art of this kanji depicted on the Red Frame gives it a really cool look, and really accentuates the use of swords.

I figured it would only be appropriate to stick one right at the tip of the torso as it looked so bare without much details. I deliberately did not panel line the shoulders so as to give it the clean white look, at the same time not interfering with the beautiful decals plastered across.

More Details

Nothing too dramatic here. I gave the arms minimal panel lines to achieve the clean look as opposed to the heavily panel lined image on the back of the manual. Plus some decals on the white parts so it does not look too plain.


I have to admit, the decals on this kit are awesome. They’re so good that I was tempted to use up all the “Lowe” and “MBF-PO2KAI” decals but stopped after realizing that I was slowly turning this kit into a version Ka. Aesthetically, this Gundam is spot on. It is really pleasing to the eyes, and looks less bulky compared to others. What I’m trying to say is, it looks to have toned muscles rather than bulk. This gives it a sense of mobility and speed, much like the Gundam Exia. The inner frames of the two arms are also almost completely uncovered by armor, followed by the lower part of both legs.

What is even more compelling is the articulation and poseability. Manufactured in 2010, this kit features the best articulation I have ever seen in an MG kit. The arms have the ability to stretch all the way back, waist can rotate 360 degrees [although you probably won’t be doing that too much], and the ankle joints can be rotated fairly well. Plus it has tons of weapons to show. Starting with the katanas, the Gerbera Straight [sounds like some anti-gay organization], and Tiger Pierce [much better].

Gundam Marker To The Rescue

They’re great and shiny, but the downside is these came in awful yellow colours [see runner] so I painted the yellow parts using the Gold Gundam Marker, GM04. Worked out pretty well and I was certainly pleased with the new colour. And these katanas attach directly onto Red Frame’s side hips.

Let’s start slowly with 1 sword first. Introducing the Gerbera Straight.

Gerbera Straight

Action Shots After Epic Unsheathing

Two Of My Favorite Poses

As you can see, Red Frame poses really well with just 1 sword. This is because the other hand can hold the sheath, allowing for really dynamic poses. However, extra variety can be added in with another sword – the awesomely named Tiger Pierce.

Gerbera Straight + Tiger Pierce

Some katana details. I couldn’t wait to cut off the ugly english name parts on the sheath decals when I first saw them.

Left & Right

Some left & right goodness on the Red Frame. Pick one sword. Or two.

When One Is Simply Not Enough

Ready For Some Slicin’

Now for some Tactical Arms [TA] aka big ass sword. This sword is so big that it can literally be a dagger. For me.

1/1 Tactical Dagger IIL

Thankfully though, it comes with a stand specifically to hold it in action poses and also doubles as a display stand. I didn’t bother with the Lowe Guele decals for the TA because the black decals just looks distasteful.

Red Frame’s Best Friend

Tactical Arms IIL

Posing with the TA is no easy feat. If you’re not careful, you might break something due to its weight on the hands. I found that it’s easiest if you first attach the peg on the hand to the TA then try to maneuver the sword around by manipulating the wrist and arm to get the desired look. Also, the handle of the TA can be twisted 360 degrees so that helps a lot.

I found that after spraying a layer of top coat, the TA attaches better to the backpack and is really solid. This is something you can try to counter the weight of the TA.

No Tactics Required, Just Brute Strength


A nice touch about the TA is that it can transform into a Bow and Arrow Form. Talk about convenience transforming a more than potent close quarters weapon into a long range one when you need it. The actual transformation is a piece of cake so no problems there; The TA is super solid.

Arrow Form : The Art Of Archery

Pew Pew Pew

If you’re out of arrows or just sick of shooting a bow, you can GTFO by transforming it yet again to a jetpack-like attachment known as the Flight Form. With this, you can fly!

Flight Form : Take To The Skies

I modified it a bit and stretched the blade out so it looks more aerodynamically feasible.

Flightest Form

Up next is the Beam Torch. It’s just a fancy name for a short beam rifle. It does look pretty menacing what with the tubular designs which looks like some power core thing capable of charging up and emitting highly accelerated laser particles.

Red Frame’s Beam Torch

Now we go through the many forms of the TA. To be honest, I’m not a fan with these forms as I think it makes the Red Frame look complicated. I’ll most likely transform it into Sword Form and just leave it on the stand for display or attach it onto the bakpack. Anyway, let’s start with Delta Form.

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