Missha sweet mellow tint đánh giá

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Tinta en barra de textura tipo bálsamo que expresa colores vívidos. Tiene una fragancia muy sutil debido a los ingredientes naturales que contiene, es de larga duración y deja un acabado natural.

¿Qué contiene?

Aceite de argán que brinda humectación y nutrición y vitamina E que protege y es un excelente antioxidante.

¿Cómo se usa?

Aplica una cantidad apropiada de producto y deslízalo suavemente sobre los labios. Para más intensidad de color, aplica 2 o más capas.

REVIEW on Missha Sweet Mellow Tint


The sweet mellow tint that makes the lips pretty and shining with its moist and transparent colors.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


The boxes are neat.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


There are 10 colors.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


It's more simple than small.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


I love taking pictures of such products packed with content.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


I was surprised by the capacity.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


The ten sweet mellow tint.

. Now let's try coloring.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Smooth and clear.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


However, not strong enough to be called a tint.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Chiffon Pink.

. A clear and clean pink.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Sugar Picnic.

. A lovely warm tone pink.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Pink Jam.

. A sweet cool tone pink.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Raspberry Syrup.

. A moody tone down purple.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Rose Cinnamon.

. A soft rose beige.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Wine Macaroon.

. A deep captivating red.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Red Blossom.

. A face-brightening vivid red.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Frozen Coral.


A pure soft coral.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Peach Jelly.

. I see grapefruit instead of the fresh coral it's supposed to be.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint review


Honey Orange.

. A bobble orange color.

. The tint was very moist with firm and adhering texture.

. It doesn't color the lips too much.

. This tint is for people who want to expressed the lips naturally and vitalize them.


Missha Sweet Mellow Tint 4g

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