Open subset topology

In all but the last section of this wiki, the setting will be a general metric space [X,d].[X,d].[X,d]. Those readers who are not completely comfortable with abstract metric spaces may think of XXX as being Rn,{\mathbb R}^n,Rn, where n=2n=2n=2 or 333 for concreteness, and the distance function d[x,y]d[x,y]d[x,y] as being the standard Euclidean distance between two points.

An open set in a metric space [X,d] [X,d][X,d] is a subset UUU of XXX with the following property: for any x∈U,x \in U,xU, there is a real number ϵ>0\epsilon > 0ϵ>0 such that any point in XXX that is a distance 0 such that B[x,ϵ] B[x,\epsilon]B[x,ϵ] is completely contained in U.U.U.

Some references use Bϵ[x] B_{\epsilon}[x] Bϵ[x] instead of B[x,ϵ]. B[x,\epsilon].B[x,ϵ]. [1]

So the intuition is that an open set is a set for which any point in the set has a small "halo" around it that is completely contained in the set. The idea is that this halo fails to exist precisely when the point lies on the boundary of the set, so the condition that U UU is open is the same as saying that it doesn't contain any of its boundary points. With the correct definition of boundary, this intuition becomes a theorem.

The boundary of a set SSS inside a metric space XXX is the set of points sss such that for any ϵ>0,\epsilon>0,ϵ>0, B[s,ϵ] B[s,\epsilon]B[s,ϵ] contains at least one point in S SS and at least one point not in S.S.S.

A subset UUU of a metric space is open if and only if it does not contain any of its boundary points.

It is clear that an open set UUU cannot contain any of its boundary points since the halo condition would not apply to those points. On the other hand, if a set UUU doesn't contain any of its boundary points, that is enough to show that it is open: for every point x∈U, x\in U,xU, since xxx is not a boundary point, that implies that there is some ball around xxx that is either contained in UUU or contained in the complement of U.U.U. But every ball around xxx contains at least one point in U, U,U, namely xxx itself, so it must be the former, and xxx has a halo inside U.U.U. □_\square

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