packing list for vacation with toddler

A family holiday is a great chance to relax and bond with your toddler. But you may be surprised by all the supplies you'll need to keep your little one happy and entertained!

Here's a checklist of things which may come in handy on the road.

Toddler travel accessories

Sturdy bag
The best place to start is with a really good bag to carry your essentials as you travel. Choose one with a wipe-clean lining to make it easy to mop up any messes. Bags with wider shoulder straps are often more comfortable to carry. And if you're flying, make sure your bag is the right size to use as hand luggage.

Car seat
This will come in handy whether you're travelling by car, plane, train or bus. It can also double as a toddler seat.

Collapsible stroller
Choose a lightweight model which is easy to fold and can be stored both on public transport and in the overhead lockers on a plane.

Bring at least one for comfort, shade and warmth. You never know, you may even be able to persuade your little one to take a nap during the journey!

Food and drink supplies

Feeding equipment
Pack plenty of bowls, forks and spoons so that you don't have to wash up after every meal. You'll also need a few bibs and lots of wet wipes to clear up any spills.

Beakers and bottles
Encourage your toddler to drink plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration, especially if you're flying or going somewhere with hot weather or high altitudes.

Try breadsticks, rice cakes, fruit [dried or fresh], cereal bars and packets of dry cereal. Bring more than you think you'll need, in case of travel delays and other emergencies. Snacks can also be used to distract a grouchy toddler.

Milk supplies
If you breastfeed your toddler, and your partner would like to take over some of the feeds, you may find it easier to take some expressing equipment with you. That way, both you and your partner can easily feed your toddler while out and about.

Clothing and nappies

Depending on where you're going, you may be able to buy most of your nappies at your destination. But it's still a good idea to take a supply with you while you're travelling, in case of emergencies or delays.

Nappy-changing accessories
Make sure you have plenty of wet wipes and tissues, as well as resealable plastic bags for used nappies, clothes and bibs. You may also find a changing mat handy for on-the-go nappy changes.

Take one to two outfits for each day you'll be away. If you have laundry facilities at your accommodation you might be able to get away with packing less. Denim and dark colours are good for hiding dirt and stains. Prepare for all kinds of weather by dressing your toddler in layers. Always keep her covered in the sun, and include a wide-brimmed hat to keep the rays off her face. Don't forget some nice cosy pyjamas, and if your little one's potty trained she'll need lots of changes of underwear too.

Swimming gear
If you're headed to the beach or pool, make sure you have a couple of swimming costumes, as well as any swimming aids your little one uses. It's also a good idea to pack plenty of swim nappies, as these can be tricky to find abroad.

Potty training equipment
If your little one's started potty training, you may want to take her potty or a supply of pull-up pants for the trip.

Bed and bath supplies

Travel cot
Check whether your accommodation will provide one before you go. If not, you'll need to take your own, along with a supply of sheets and blankets.

If your toddler won't sleep without her favourite toy or blanket, make sure you don't leave it at home!

Toddler toiletries
It's a good idea to take supplies of the toiletries you know your toddler likes, especially if she has sensitive skin. Pack some travel bottles of bath wash, shampoo and lotion, as well as some sponges or flannels. Put them in resealable plastic bags to protect the rest of your luggage from any leaks.

Other toddler essentials

Travel documents
Remember that your toddler needs her own passport, and this may take several weeks to arrive. It's also a good idea to double-check your travel insurance to make sure it covers your little one too.

Toys and books
Bring sturdy toys that don't have easy-to-lose parts. You'll obviously want to take your toddler's favourites, but it's also a good idea to take a few new ones to give as presents on long journeys. They make great distractions for a tired toddler!

It's important to protect your toddler from the sun, so choose a water-resistant sun cream with an SPF [sun protection factor] of 15 or more.

Night-light and/or blackout blinds
If your toddler finds it hard to sleep in a room that's too bright or too dark, it can be handy to have a way to adjust the lighting. Night-lights are also great for night-time nappy changes, and blackout blinds can help to keep a parked car cool on a hot day.

Safety equipment
A good travel first-aid kit is always handy. Depending on where you're staying, you may also like to pack some supplies for toddler-proofing your apartment. For example, you might consider a travel stair gate, cupboard locks, corner protectors and a slip-resistant bath mat.

Now that you know what to pack, check out our tips on trouble-free travel with a small child.

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