plainview là gì - Nghĩa của từ plainview

plainview có nghĩa là

The fictional main character in the 2007 movie "There Will Be Blood", Daniel Plainview is many things. He is an Oil Man. He is a family man. It has even been said that he is the third revelation.

Frequently drunk and angry, he epitomizes everything I wish I could be. He beats up religious leaders, threatens to kill powerful men for talking about his family, is an expert on drainage, and a milkshake connoisseur as well. In short, a complete badass in every way.


Daniel Plainview's Famous Quotes:

"Did you just tell me how to raise my family, Tilford? One of these days I'm going to come to you, wherever you sleep, and I'm going to cut your throat."

"DRAIIIIIINAGE! Drainage, Eli, you BOY! Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake. And I also have a straw, see there it is. And my straw - are you watching? - my straw reaches acrooooooossss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I. Drink. Your... MILKSHAKE! *SSSSSLURP* I DRINK IT UP!"

"I look at people sometimes and I see nothing to like... I hate most people."

plainview có nghĩa là

A exculsive upper class getaway on Long Island. A town full of black mercedes, exotic sportscars, and no ethnic diversity. Plainview also known as "Plainjew" is host to homes starting at 3/4 of a million dollers. Plainview contains a "ghetto" or also named as the "grit" where it is believed that the majority of cathloics, or poor the poor jews live. Although, it is NO ghetto with homes starting at 600k +. Plainview is considered "JAP" central on the East Coast. Unless you are a doctor/ lawyer/ or make more then 200k a year dont even look at a home there. Teens are vicious and unless you're one of them you won't survive past a short conversation. The town that doesn't look like much, but costs a lot.


Plainview the town that looks expensive but costs much more.

plainview có nghĩa là

A town in Long Island full of Jews who complain a lot. Also known as "complainjew".


Chris: Plainview McDonald's has the most customer complaints and the lowest average check in the company.
Jon: That's because all the customers are fucking Jews.

plainview có nghĩa là

Obviously your upper class education isn't working. Learn some grammar.
Sure, you can say its a "getaway" with some pretty nice cars rollin down the streets, but its also a lot of old people in their beat up Buicks with their hood smashed up from crashing into Gold & Meyers Deli. You also get the occasional person in their powerchair taking up a lane of Old Country Road. There really isn't a ghetto at all. The ghetto with houses that have only 1 floor and a basement is a lot better than what some other people have. The homes cost a lot, and the taxes are ridiculous. People here tend to be obnoxious, rude, and just annoying in general. You hold the door for someone, you get ignored. You let the door close on someone, and you hear "asshole" as you walk away. You can't win here. Oh, but our tap water tastes pretty damn good. There are a LOT of jews here, hence the name Plainjew. JAP central, yeah, all that good stuff. One good thing about that is that we have some awesome delis.


Plainview people love matzoh

plainview có nghĩa là

A shitty place in Southeastern Minnesota where if your not a hick or a drug dealing alcoholic. Your not a resident. The school is so god damn awful. Besides the fact that they're just as poor as an Ethiopian lemonade stand [don't get me started on the embezzlement problem]. The best thing there is walking down the street and finding semen filled condoms and used heroin needles. There is some decent things though, Most people are down to have a good time. The ones that don't are either white Virgins that play gay magic card games and listen to Mo Bamba and my Fucking little pony or Obama loving Libtards that praise equal rights, world peace and Rosa Parks and shit. that ain't happening here. We might have STDs just crawling on every park bench here but we can be some of the most badass sons of bitches on the planet if you give us booz and a free pass to say the N-word so if you would like to visit. Bring beer and call the Principle of the school a pussy Snowflake and welcome to the shit show that is Plainview also. Don't drink the water. Its full of chlorine and period blood. #GodBlessAmerica #fuckinragheads #3millionindebt #getoffmydickbitch #becauseisaidso #LiveFastAndEatAss #fuckwithmeandIchopyoudickoffpussy


"Bro we going to that party in Plainview, MN tomorrow night." "Nah, I'm not a big fan of Chlamydia and unwanted buttsex, but thanks for asking."

plainview có nghĩa là

Your all idiots. Welcome to the internet.



plainview có nghĩa là

To fittingly quote any line from the movie "There Will be Blood" during a normal conversation; specifically those lines by Daniel Plainview, the main character.


Dave: "Hey, where'd all the gas go?"
Dave: "What?!"
Tom: "I just Plainviewed the hell out of you." -- John: "Hey, where's your kid?"

plainview có nghĩa là

An act that occurs after one person wins an argument against another person. Can only apply if the loser of the argument has reached a point of being shut down and literally cannot speak any longer. The winner of the argument must have already prepared an iPod with a speaker or any sort of music playing device prior to winning the argument in anticipation of the opportunity to "Pull a Plainview" Once the winner has established that they won the argument, they say "I'm Finished" then play the music "Brahm's Violin concerto in D major", exactly like the last scene in the film "There will be Blood" The winner will then allow the entire song to play simply to rub in that they won the argument.


That little bitch was so bad when I proved him wrong how could I help but Pull a Plainview just to rub it in.

plainview có nghĩa là

A town where there are about three trees and is super boring and plain. All the people that stay here do not plan on leaving because this is a dead end town. Most females biggest achievement is becoming a teen mom, and a lot of them get around more than the flu.


That girl Kassandra is definitely from Plainview, Texas. Plainview,Texas is a slutty town. Before you meet a girl make sure she isn’t from Plainview Texas.

plainview có nghĩa là

-A town on Long Island that long islanders know about but forget about
-Jewish Central lol hence the name Plainjew
-The school district of this town is great
-The houses are so expensive
-People here are either old or rich
-and trio hardware
-everyone is upset that Shop Rite moved
-Plainview lives under the shadow of Syosset and Jericho


Person 1: "Where are you from?"
Person 2: "Plainview, NY"
Person 1: Never heard of it
Person 2: "Heard of Jericho?"
Person 1: "Of course"
Person 2: "Plainview sucks"

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