Pregnant woman takes the steps to care for her health and the health of her baby.


During the first 6 to 10 weeks of your pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Your baby grows very quickly, even though you can't feel it yet. You may start to feel different, both in your body and your emotions. Because each pregnancy is unique, there's no right way to feel. You may feel the healthiest you've ever been, or you might feel tired or sick to your stomach ["morning sickness"].

These early weeks are a time to make healthy choices and to eat the best foods for you and your baby.

This is also a good time to think about birth defects testing. These are tests done during pregnancy to look for possible problems with the baby. First-trimester tests for birth defects can be done between 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the test. Talk with your doctor about what kinds of tests are available.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse advice line [811 in most provinces and territories] if you are having problems. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.

How can you care for yourself at home?

Eat well

Go to Canada's Food Guide at // to make sure you are eating a variety of foods each day. In your second and third trimesters most women will need to eat more of these healthy foods for healthy weight gain. Talk to your doctor or midwife about what is right for you.

  • Eat at least 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks every day. Eat fresh, whole foods, including:
    • Vegetables and fruits. Be sure to include a variety of colours. Try pears, apples, berries, broccoli, cabbage, and leafy greens.
    • Whole grain foods. Enjoy a variety of whole grains including quinoa, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, oatmeal, or brown rice.
    • Protein foods. Try protein foods like eggs, beans, fish, poultry, lean meat, peanut butter, milk, fortified soy beverages, yogurt, and cheese.
    • Healthy fats. Choose foods with healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish, and corn or olive oil.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Make water your drink of choice. Avoid sodas and other sweetened drinks.
  • Choose foods that have important vitamins for your baby, such as calcium, iron, and folate.
    • Dairy products, tofu, canned fish with bones, almonds, broccoli, dark leafy greens, corn tortillas, and fortified orange juice are good sources of calcium.
    • Beef, poultry, liver, spinach, lentils, dried beans, fortified cereals, and dried fruits are rich in iron.
    • Dark leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, liver, fortified cereals, orange juice, peanuts, and almonds are good sources of folate.
  • Choose fish that are lower in mercury. These include salmon, rainbow trout, pollock, herring, shrimp, mussels, clams, oysters, and canned "light" tuna.
  • Avoid foods that could harm your baby.
    • Do not eat raw or undercooked meat, chicken, or fish [such as sushi or raw oysters].
    • Do not eat raw eggs or foods that contain raw eggs, such as Caesar dressing.
    • Do not eat raw sprouts, especially alfalfa sprouts.
    • Do not eat soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy foods, such as Brie, feta, or blue cheese.
    • Limit how much high-mercury fish you eat.
      • Do not eat more than 150 g [5.3 oz] of high-mercury fish in a month. These include fresh or frozen tuna [not canned "light" tuna], shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, and escolar.
      • Do not eat more than 300 g [10.6 oz] of canned [white] albacore tuna each week.
    • Avoid caffeine, or limit your intake to 300 mg or about 2 cups of coffee or tea each day.

Protect yourself and your baby

  • Do not touch kitty litter or cat feces. They can cause an infection that could harm your baby.
  • Avoid things that can make your body too hot and may be harmful to your baby, such as a hot tub or sauna. Or talk with your doctor or midwife before doing anything that raises your body temperature. Your doctor or midwife can tell you if it's safe.

Cope with morning sickness

  • Sip small amounts of water, juices, or shakes. Try drinking between meals, not with meals.
  • Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. Try dry toast or crackers when you first get up, and eat breakfast a little later.
  • Avoid spicy, greasy, and fatty foods.
  • When you feel sick, open your windows or go for a short walk to get fresh air.
  • Try nausea wristbands. These help some people.
  • Tell your doctor or midwife if you think your prenatal vitamins make you sick.

Where can you learn more?

Go to //

Enter G112 in the search box to learn more about "Weeks 6 to 10 of Your Pregnancy: Care Instructions".

How can a pregnant woman take care of her health?

12 Ways to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy.
Eat healthy foods. Eating healthy foods is especially important for pregnant women. ... .
Take a daily prenatal vitamin. ... .
Stay hydrated. ... .
Go to your prenatal care checkups. ... .
Avoid certain foods. ... .
Don't drink alcohol. ... .
Don't smoke. ... .
Get moving..

Why is it important for a pregnant woman to take care of herself?

Getting good care before, during, and after your pregnancy is very important. It can help your baby grow and develop and keep you both healthy. It is the best way to be sure your little one gets a head start on a healthy life. Good prenatal care includes good nutrition and health habits before and during pregnancy.

What care is important for mother and baby during pregnancy?

Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. Following a healthy, safe diet; getting regular exercise as advised by a health care provider; and avoiding exposure to potentially harmful substances such as lead and radiation can help reduce the risk for problems during pregnancy and promote fetal health and development.

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