roadmans là gì - Nghĩa của từ roadmans

roadmans có nghĩa là

typical teenage boys who drop out of school and instead do these things:
Smokes weed
wears tracksuit bottoms with bomber jacket
rides around the area on bikes
commit crimes [robbery in particular]
shows aggressive and intimidating behavior lives on benefits
acts tough/ hard *slang for tough*
Chill in shady areas on in front of fast food restaurants *note if you want to be a roadman you must do most/all of the things above*


Manz a roadman cuz!

roadmans có nghĩa là

brother species to the chav. A roadman’s true love is the iconic north face black puffer jacket paired with some nike sweats and air max 97s. Chav girls love to date the roadman who acts the most hard. Use phrases such as “safe 1 my g” and “init bruv”.


Girl: Do you think he’s a chav?
Roadman: Nah fam I ain’t no chav init, look at my north face jacket bruv.
Girl : Wow he acts so hard I love it.

roadmans có nghĩa là

A roadman is the definition of a boy[12 year old] - Adult [30 years old] that comes from the United Kingdom [ Mostly England] who deals drugs, smokes weed and cigarettes with their gang. Roadmen also know the in´s and out´s of their town and will likely have a place to hang about with mates [ friends ] which will probably be a place in the public to act hard as fuck. The younger "roadmen" are kids who like to make it seem their life is rough as fuck but when they get home they cant decide which fucking bathroom to use because there is so many. Or which car daddy should drive to work in. [ Posh Twats ]. They patrol the streets at night wearing cheap as fuck clothes [ Hoodies, Puffy jacket, Beanie, Adidas tracksuits, shitty white shoes and maybe a knife ].


Roadman Slang: Fam
Peng Ting Some uses: "Feds wanna lockup init"
"Init Blad"
"She over there is a peng ting mate"
"Hows your mans been cuz?"
"Hows the peng ting bruv?"
"Fuck the opps"
"Free ____"

roadmans có nghĩa là

A roadman is a deluded big headed chav, who spends their saturday mornings sitting outside Poundland next to the hobos smoking joints. They wear charity shop Adidas joggers and bin bags as coats found in a council lorry down the road. They scrapped their 2 years of education [ only made it reception] and can’t speak a word of English apart from “ I’ll shank u bruv” with a bent butter knife they stole from their mums knicker drawer.


Fat joe: did u see that roadman down the road matey
Big bill: yeah mate he said he’d shank me so I gave him 50 p and a wedgie and he was on his way

roadmans có nghĩa là

The average British year 7 who pulled a plastic fork on someone and now thinks they are a fucking mad man they also tend to pull up on kids or old people because they know that's all they can fend off, they likes to wear shitty Adidas track suits


You know Tyler told Mr adabish to shut up blud or I'll shank you fam, he's a proper hard roadman be careful mate

roadmans có nghĩa là

A roadman is someone who thinks they are ‘hard’ because they wear balaclavas and have about three layers of coats on . Usually these roadmen only wear balaclavas to hide the fact that they are ugly as fuck and claim it to just be for ‘no face no case’. These roadmen seem to all somehow believe they will be rich when there older due to their 4K followers they’ve brought on ig or gained by doing promos no one gives a fuck about.


Mum - ‘You better not be friends with him , he seems very dangerous ‘
Son- ‘no worry , that is just a roadman

roadmans có nghĩa là

roadmen are teenage boys from London and wear puffer jackets [moncler,mochino,canada goose] which are mostly fake and wear shoes that are faker than katie prices tits. If you incounter one of these species you need to to know how to speak their language [skrilla, peak, man, fam, G, calm, fire, gased, opp, ends, bare.] They also carry a fanny pack or a shoulder bag holding mostly a splif or two and a trusty shank used to scare off opps [oppisite gangmember.] Even though they may try to make them self seem hard by hanging out the local macies down the road, they go home to choose what car daddys going to drive tommorow or decide what time their going to go to bed


ay G my man over there is a mad roadman you get me Yeah man hes calm G, you know come down my ends

roadmans có nghĩa là

Young teens usually from London area who wear adidas tracksuits and carry their mums' kitchen knife for 'protection' against other wastemen. Usually seen late at night and often in packs, the common wasteman involves themselves in petty crime such as stealing bikes and vandalism. Usually selling drugs or taking them, every wasteman will have a list of reliable plugs for contraband and will have a plethora of numbers able to provide various narcotics around the clock. Speaking with little grammatical structure, the common wasteman has a distinctive accent which is also a method of establishing solidarity amongst fellow waste. In terms of their likely whereabouts, wastemen usually occupy public areas such as the park or outside the kebab shop. Speaking of which, the local kebab centre is commonly referred to as the wastemans' synagogue where such individuals spent a considedable amount of time, congregating with others alike. Although seen as an annoyance, the common wasteman will establish a unique bond with the local corner shop owner which is often visible through the mutual use of the title 'bossman' when communicating with one another. Although thoroughly defined, here are a few other common traits that are associated with wastemen, - Driving cars with tinted windows
- Stealing money from parent[s]
- Buying 39p energy drinks/crisps
- Unjustifiable and non-sensical hatred for the police
-Listens to grime
- General lowlife
- Uses nokia brick


*drives past the chippy and sees a roadman with a stolen bike smoking a joint whilst drinking emerge and playing skepta off his trap phone. Fucking wastemen

roadmans có nghĩa là

Originates from British culture and can be commonly found in Major British cities. A Roadman is an evolved version of a Chav who are located in the United Kingdom preferably in the capital London.
The typical roadman has its own language; they typicaly use words such as mandem, safe, innit, blud, fam, shank. They also have a dress code consiting of:
-nike fanny pack
-nike airmax
-north face black jacket
-have weed and a knife[shank]


roadman A: io wassup blud, you safe fam?
roadman B: oi yo i am fam innit

roadmans có nghĩa là

A Roadman is a male from 15-30 and knows all of his area [UK mainly England]. As said in other cases, is a distant relative of the chav [a person who hides in their mothers’ basements]. They have been seen to wear Bin Bags, Nike Air Tracksuits, Fake Gucci ; a manbag containing a knife and a bag of weed. They cannot speak English very well ; their language was made to confuse Americans. They have a strange behaviour and often group up in gangs, smoke and perform robberies at your local Greggs. KFC and McDonald’s are their favourite places [as they can now get 23% attention there]. If you see any vandalised Boris Bikes, it is told to leave your planet immediately as they are their favourite vehicle - peace, love and chesticles, Me


Roadman wasp came into my classroom the other day

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