Taurus December 2023 Horoscope

Taurus 2023 Love & Relationships Horoscope

Ceres retrogrades [appears to move backward] in your love sector late March to early May, and this can be a time when you reassess your love relationships. Is the love in your life healthy? Does it contribute to your life in positive ways? Is the flow of energy mutual and flowing both ways? Are old love issues causing present-day problems? 

You can take a harder look at love in 2023, and try to figure out what you need to improve on. Love needs to nurture you, support you, and make you aware of the good things about you with Ceres, and you may give that more attention as the retrograde ends and Ceres stays in this sector until late June.Mars tours your love sector mid-July to late August, and this gives energy and drive for love and affection, and you can crave more of this in your life.

Coming out of that, Mercury will also retrograde in your love sector late August to mid-September, and this can bring your attention back to the issues that need to be addressed. It’s another shot at improving and reconnecting with your heart. This retrograde energy can be helpful if there’s an old flame you want to reconnect with. Existing love relationships may need more care.

A lunar eclipse occurs on May 5th in your relationship and commitment sector, and this can bring some issues in existing relationships and partnerships to s head. You can decide if you want to put in the work to make things better, or if you want to walk away. You can become much more aware of the status of your relationships, for better or worse. Healthy relationships can grow stronger, and you may commit yourself more.

Ceres tours your relationship and commitment sector mid-September to late November, and Mars tours this sector as well mid-October to late November. You may have extra energy and drive for your relationships, to be there for the people in your life, and to spend more time with others. You can work to find a balance between your relationships and your responsibilities, and you can feel better when you have greater balance. You may be more nurturing and supportive of others, and crave more of that in return. Your relationships overall can help you feel more secure.

Both Mars and Ceres enter your intimacy sector in late November for the rest of 2023, and this can bring your focus to improving emotional bonds with loved ones. You can feel a strong desire to be as close as possible, and to understand them better. You may be a little intense in this focus, so try to avoid becoming clingy. Mercury retrogrades in this sector briefly in late December, and this may expose intimacy issues that need to be addressed. You can work on tackling them, making transformations as needed, and doing the hard work that needs to be done.

If you want to start learning love astrology for yourself, sign up for the free Intro to Love Astrology class >>>

Taurus 2023 Career & Money Horoscope

Saturn starts 2023 still in your career sector, but exits in early March. Over the last 2-3 years, you may have felt like you’ve had super focus for your goals and your direction in life, and if you’ve done things right, you may have achieved some success. If you didn’t do things right, you may have had to scrap your plans and start all over again. If you did start over again and adjusted correctly, there can be some room for success before Saturn exits. 

As one planet exits, another takes its place, in this scenario. Saturn exits your career sector early March, and Pluto begins its stay in your career sector late March through mid-June. Pluto in this sector demands you focus on goals that you’re passionate about and can really throw yourself into. If you’re not passionate about it, you may lose any and all interest very fast. You need a strong connection with your goals, to feel a deep bond with them, and to feel like you’re doing something important, even if it’s on a small scale. You may need to transform in some way over the next 1-2 years in order to achieve your goals, and this can be a challenge at times, but you can grow stronger because of it. You may eventually be seen as someone who is very wise, who commands respect, and who has achieved a certain status.

Mars is retrograde as the year begins in your money sector, which began late October 2022, and lasts until mid-January 2023. This likely stirred up some financial issues that needed to be addressed, or some financial developments you needed to adjust to and be flexible with. Mars remains in your money sector to late March, so you may turn things around quickly with your finances, and can be presented with financial opportunities and rewards for being smart. This comes as Saturn is exiting the career sector, so the hard work and smart choices with Saturn may pay off with Mars before they move on.

Ceres starts the year in your work sector, and retrogrades in this sector early February to mid-March. This can make you crave work that you feel supports you, whether it’s emotionally, mentally, or financially. If you don’t have that, you may have less interest in what you’re pursuing. You need to be nurtured via your work, and you can gravitate toward work that does that for you. This can be a time when you want to do work again that you did in the past and felt rewarded for. Ceres comes back to your work sector late June to mid-September, and this can help you get on the right track with the work you want to do.

Mars tours your work sector late August to mid-October, and you may have lots of extra energy and drive for work. You can be much more productive, tackle as much work as possible, and the more you finish, the more you may take on. It can motivate you to keep going. You can get through lots of smaller projects as a result. At the end, a solar eclipse occurs in your work sector October 14th, and this may signal a time of work opportunities, new work that you’re enthusiastic about, or new work responsibilities that come with rewards. You can get excited and feel rejuvenated.

Learn how the planets impact money with the free guide, Money Astrology & the Planets >>>

Taurus 2023 Home & Family Horoscope

Venus is going to retrograde in your home and family sector late July to early September. This may bring some frustrating energy for home and family matters, and you may struggle with dealing with issues that come up with home. You may not want to spend a lot of time at home, or are unable to for some reason [like working more or travel]. You may spend more time in places that don’t feel very comfortable or supportive, and this can throw you off emotionally, so you need to be more flexible, but may end up feeling more stubborn about it.

​Family or those you think of as family may create some issues for you, and you may have difficulty figuring out what to do about it, or if you even want to do anything about it. You may need to get some space to be more objective, because subjectivity can be an issue during this time. This can be a great period for reconnecting with family you haven’t seen in a long time, going to places you’ve lived before, redecorating or renovating, or living with someone you have before.

If you have children, Ceres retrogrades in the sector ruling your children late March to early May, and your children may be extra rebellious yet also extra needy during this time.You may have less patience for dealing with them, yet need more. Balance may be needed in how you give them attention. Ceres stays in this sector to late June, so you get some time to make things better for them.

But, Mercury retrogrades in this sector late August to mid-September, and this can supercharge their rebellion. You’ll need to find patience anywhere you can get it, and continue to be the nurturing, reliable parent. Mars tours this sector in the middle of Ceres and Mercury, mid-July to late August, and they may demand more attention from you, but you can enjoy giving it to them, and may help them with whatever issues come up, or see them get attention for something.

Taurus 2023 Mental State Horoscope

Mars tours one of the sectors that rules your mind late March to mid-May, and this can give you lots of extra mental energy. You can come up with lots of new ideas, take action with them quickly, put together new plans, and gather new information you need. You can be open with information you have, and want to share knowledge with others. The previous few months may have felt slow, and this can be a time when energy finally picks up and you’re moving more quickly.

Pluto is nearing the end of its time in the other sector ruling the mind, staying until late March, and re-entering mid-June for the rest of 2023. You’ve likely been developing an expertise in something over the last decade, and have gathered as much knowledge as possible so you can become as knowledgeable as possible. You may have spent more time teaching, speaking, or writing, and being more open with your wisdom and experiences. You’ve likely become strong in this area.

​Mercury retrogrades in this sector to start the year to mid-January, and then again briefly mid-December, and this may bring more attention to your beliefs, your opinions, and what you're passionate about. You can get more serious about what you want to devote yourself to, and sort through blocks.

Jupiter is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind to start 2023 until mid-May, and you can explore your subconscious mind, work on old subconscious issues or baggage, and start to understand and move on, or find a way to work with it that is manageable. You can quietly work on setting yourself up so you have less baggage when Jupiter moves into your sign.

A solar eclipse also occurs in this sector April 20th, and this can be super helpful energy for letting go of baggage, releasing karma, and eliminating emotional crutches that have held you back. You can feel much freer, lighter, and positive on a soul level. You can also be highly intuitive around this time, so pay attention to any hits you’re getting.

Taurus 2023 General Horoscope

Uranus continues its movement through your Zodiac sign all of 2023, and you can continue to make major changes in various aspects of your life and personality. You’re likely open to big changes, and to embracing the unconventional, but can go about it in your own way. You can feel more independent, and more true to yourself. Those of you born May 4th - 14th can get a direct impact from Uranus to your natal Sun in 2023.

Mercury retrogrades in your sign late April to mid-May, and you may feel like lots of little things are coming up and throwing you off. There can be a million things for you to do, and you may be overwhelmed very easily. This can be a trying time for anything new, but excellent for second chances and do overs.

Jupiter then moves into your sign mid-May, to stay for the rest of the year, and you can light up. You can focus on new beginnings, new journeys, and new ventures, and can pursue opportunities that are presented to you, of which there may be plenty. You can take the initiative and create what you want for yourself too. This is an energizing time of optimism and big plans, and it only comes along once every 12 years or so, which means, make the most of it while you can!

A lunar eclipse occurs in your sign on October 28th, and it’s the last eclipse in your sign for many years, so this can bring some major endings and culminations in your life. You can see the results of what you’ve done, and may experience major rewards and success, and feel good about where you’re going; or may experience major setbacks and delays, and need to reassess what you’re doing. Your emotions may run a lot higher, and you may need to take some time off to rest, take care of your own needs, and prioritize yourself. 

Venus, your ruler, is retrograde late July through early September, so in addition to it impacting your home and family life, you may also feel off during this time with Venus being your ruler. You may need to go easy on yourself and others, and if you feel you’re getting overwhelmed, try to get breaks or ask for help. 

You can also give more attention to your future and dreams with Saturn moving into that sector early March, joining Neptune who is in that sector all year and has been for a while. Saturn demands you to start pursuing your dreams and turning them into reality, and that you create realistic plans to make them happen, and then work in a disciplined, ethical manner. Without that, you may become pessimistic about your future, and give up on your dreams, but that’s not what Saturn wants. Saturn wants you to have it, you just need to go about it the way Saturn demands, and be smart, do your homework, be practical, and do it right. Neptune helps give you an assist from your intuition when needed.

2023 Horoscopes:

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