Technology topic

IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 - Topic: Technology

Bạn có thể đã biếtvề các cụm từ liên quan đến công nghệ như "surf the Internet" hay"digital editing". Nhưng như vậy là chưa đủ, bạn cầnhọc cách sử dụng các cụm từ này một cách tự nhiên trong bài nói của mình. Để các bạn có thể làm được điều này, chúng tôi đã tập hợp nhiều câu hỏi & câu trả lời cho chủ đề về Technology, cùng giải nghĩa các từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề này.

Hãy cùng Aland khám phá ngay nhé!

One of my most is my laptop which I've nicknamed Sophie. It's a 15 inch black Alienware laptop with a multicolored keyboard which I use it

I believe I've had it for about 8 years now; I bought it when I was in college and I needed something with to run all the programs I was learning to use. It as this was the first big purchase that I made with the money I was from my first job.

It's definitely not the same it was when I first bought it as I've had to and replace several as the years have passed, but it still . I take it with me to work every day and use on everything from writing scripts, to voiceovers to graphic design. Whatever job needs to be done, that I'll be using my laptop for it.

Besides my phone, it is one of my main and I would have a tougher time without it. I also use it as my primary entertainment center at home. I use it to watch my favourite TV shows, put the movies up on a big screen to enjoy and even as a music and karaoke device whenever I . Unfortunately, as I mentioned, it's an piece of hardware, so I need to start as I'm sure I'll need to replace it anytime soon.

Maybe I'll find something a little lighter this time, which is the biggest problem with my current laptop, it is very and heavy. I didn't have too many options when I first purchased it, but now I'm sure I can find something just as powerful and in a lighter package.



quý giá



món đồ

hold a special place

/həʊld ə spɛʃ[ə]l pleɪs/

có giá trị đặc biệt với ai

save up

/seɪv ʌp/

tiết kiệm



màu trơn, màu lì

under the hood

/ˈʌndər ðə hʊd/

[một] bộ máy



[một] thiết bị mạnh mẽ

make modification to

/meɪk mɒdɪfɪˈkeɪʃ[ə]n tə/

sửa đổi một vài chi tiết



phụ tùng, linh kiện

get the job done

/ɡɛt ðə dʒɒb dʌn/

hoàn thành công việc

sure bet

/ʃʊr bet/

một điều chắc chắn

communication tool

/kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ[ə]n tuːl/

công cụ giao tiếp

get through the day

/ɡɛt θruː ðə deɪ/

vượt qua một ngày

have people over

/ hav /ˈpiːp[ə]l ˈəʊvə/

mời bạn đến chơi



lỗi thời

consider an upgrade

/kənˈsɪdə ən ʌpˈɡreɪd/

cân nhắc việc nâng cấp



vướng víu

1. Has [the item you choose to talk about] changed much over the years?

I would definitely say so, in the last 20 years we have seen a on in computer technology. Computers have gone from a piece of equipment at home or work to and parts of our lives, so much so that we until something fails. Computers are now in your phone, in your car, in your appliances at home and in all sorts of devices. It seems every day we see something new being developed to make them faster, smaller and more powerful.



sự tăng vọt






di động, cầm tay



thiết yếu



sự cải tiến

2. Do you think everyone needs to know how to use [the item you choose to talk about]?

Well I would say that now more than ever it is extremely useful not only for professional but also for personal reasons. As I said before, everything has a computer now, so knowing even about computers will help you with the world more efficiently. Of course not everyone has access to computers so that should be a focus too, how to make it more accessible for everyone.



sự phát triển



một tý của cái gì



tương tác



tiếp cận dễ dàng

3. What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home, besides the telephone and computer?

Televisions would I think. We are for entertainment in our and television provides exactly that. With the and of smart TVs, as consumers, we now have even more of the content that we consume and how we consume it. That makes people spend more time on their TVs since they have more content online that they can access through it.



vượt qua thử thách nào, hợp lý với cái gì

on the constant search

/ ɒn ðə ˈkɒnst[ə]nt /rɪˈsəːtʃ/

luôn luôn tìm kiếm



thời gian rảnh



sự đến gần



cải thiện



giám sát

4. What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are commonly used for communication?

Perhaps not an electrical equipment , but the internet is a platform that allows all sorts of devices to communicate with one another and it has definitely got to a point where it has made the world so much smaller and . I would argue that, although intangible, it is an indispensable tool that has almost every moment of our day and you definitely miss when it suddenly does not work.

per se

/ˌpɜːr ˈseɪ/

nói riêng



rộng lớn, rộng khắp



nền tảng



liên nối tiếp



vô hình



không thể thiếu



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