The art of listening article

What Is meant by listening vs hearing because there is a vast difference between listening and hearing. Lets delve into how we understand what we hear and see how it can improve your communication.

Do you have first-class listening skills because listening is the most valuable tool you have? Most of us are not very good at it? Nevertheless, dont take my word for it; read the whole article. Next, check all the links given below and listen to what other people say.

It helps if you appreciate what I am implying when I say listening vs hearing. Hearing doesnt entail words, sounds, or feelings. Its the physical ability to hear sounds, sense someone touching you, taste, sight, and hearing. Listening explained in this article is entirely different.

Even when you understand this, the distinction between hearing and listening can be confusing. This quote might make it more transparent:

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but Im not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant. It isnt clear who is the originator of thisquote

Great quotes are abundant on listening skills, and I like these:

To say that a person feels listened to means a lot more than just their ideas get heard. Its a sign of respect. It makes people feel valued.
Deborah Tannen

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if Im going to learn, I must do it by listening.
Larry King, TV host

You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.
M. Scott Peck

In this article, you will find plenty of information to help you improve your listening skills resume and interpret more accurately what you see or hear.

Listening vs Hearing How Do We Hear?

What is the difference when we say listening vs hearing? We physically hear with our ears and eyes, and the heart is where we feel responses to any communication. Our head interprets what we see, hear and feel.

A problem exists for a lot of people because they are not in touch with their feelings, or they are confused by them. If you are in touch with your feelings, then there is often conflict and confusion between what your head thinks, and your heart feels.

Many factors can come into play, such as circumstances or environment, and its easy to believe our interpretation of what we heard or saw. Therefore, when we fail to validate our understanding of what we thought we heard, the result could be incorrect.

You Can Learn Listening Skills

We interpret what we listen to through our belief system and impacted by our emotions in the moment. How we translate dictates any subsequent communication or reaction. Being aware of this is good news because there are always ways to improve our listening skills. You can begin the learning process by using the millions of references to listening available on the internet. They will help you learn things you may never have considered.

Reading articles or watching videos will increase the effectiveness of your listening skills. Knowing the difference between listening vs hearing is important.

Listening is a Hot Topic

There are 3.5 thousand million results for listening on Google, and this statistic highlights the importance of the topic. Therefore, I have selected some articles and videos from the internet for you to read and watch because it will provide you with a much broader perspective.

Run through the results and repeat those you relate to as many times as it takes for them to sink in because if you do, your listening cant fail to improve.

Listening vs Hearing Be a Better Speaker with More Listening Skills

If your goal is to be a good speaker, then develop your listening skills. Too many speakers fail to connect with their audience, and yet listening is a significant part of how to communicate with an audience. Listening is imperative, and when this doesnt happen, it ruins the whole presentation because there is no connection even when there is a topic worth hearing.

Everyday speakers can add or change content to their material, which will improve the effectiveness of their talks. They can do this through the art of listening alone, but if you fail to relate to your audience, its a waste of time.

Listening vs Hearing -The Role of The Head and Heart in Listening Skills

You listen with your head and your heart. Good listeners have a comfortable balance between both. When speakers can distinguish between what the head believes it saw or heard, and how they felt about it, they make wise choices. Youll recognise speakers who are doing this because they sound relaxed and confident, which audiences love.

Listening Skills Leads to Success through Better Communication

Success in life comes from your ability to listen, and the better your listening skills, the better your communication. Therefore, if youre having difficulty communicating something or problems talking to somebody, listening can help you resolve it.

There are endless scenarios that occur daily caused by poor listening skills, and these are some of them:

  • People dont understand your communications
  • You want a wage rise but cant find the confidence to ask
  • Youre always arguing with the same person at work and dont know how to resolve it
  • Your children refuse to listen to you
  • Finding the right words is a struggle
  • You always let your nerves win during presentations

The answers to these issues come from listening because it gives you the knowledge you need to resolve anything. I cannot say it enough Its important to know the difference when I refer to listening vs hearing.

Links to Articles and Videos on Listening vs Hearing Skills

The following links are so valuable because they always teach me something, plus I often feel inspired and enthused afterwards. Its worth taking your time working through them all because your listening skills will grow quite quickly with new ideas. Improvement happens when you connect with what you see or hear in the videos and articles. You learn new ideas that make a difference to how you listen. Improving your listening skills will make a difference to your speaking. Enjoy your journey and feel free to message or comment on any of the content.

Most of us dont listen very well. Or if we do manage to, were often just waiting until the other person finishes so we can say whats on OUR mind. And thats not listening.


Listening is so critical that many top employers provide listening skills training for their employees. It isnt surprising when you consider that excellent listening skills can lead to better customer satisfaction and higher productivity with fewer mistakes. Increased sharing of information leads to more creative and innovative work.

10 Steps to Effective Listening

In todays high-tech, high-speed, high-stress world, communication is more critical than ever, yet devote less time to listening to one another. Consequently, it helps build relationships, solve problems, ensure understanding, resolve conflicts, and improve accuracy.

At work, active listening means fewer errors and less wasted time. Listening builds friendships and careers. It saves money and marriages.

How to Master the Art of Listening

Listening skills can produce better results with deliberate effort and practice. Here you will find three tips to improve your listening skills and set you on the path to mastery.

The Importance of Listening, and Ways to Improve Your Skills

Its easy to mistake listening as a simple, passive task, but it requires more than just the ability to absorb information from someone else. Listening is a process and an active one.

To Communicate Well, Listen First

Before we speak, we need to listen. And when we do speak, we need to make sure that our audience is hearing us.

Active Listening

A key to active listening is an open mind. Never underestimate the importance of non-verbal communication.

What it Means to Be a Good Listener

Being a good listener is essential for the quality of your social life, and it allows you to expand your horizon.

BetterListening= Better Leadership

Sixty per cent of our communication time is spent listening, and were not very good at it.

Videos For those who prefer watching and listening rather than reading

10 Ways toHave a Better Conversation

A great talk, informative and engaging. How to talk and how to listen.

How to Listen

First, listen to yourselves. Anybody who struggles to absorb information should listen to this video by someone who lost most of their hearing by the age of 12.

5 Ways to listen better

We are losing our ability to listen. Five ways to tune your ears for conscious listening. Yes, lets get out there and teach our children the art of listening.

More Information

These are other articles which can add to the effectiveness of your communication and your understanding of self:

You are always right.Knowing you are always number 1.Your valuesYou listen from your past.Life is full of possibilities?You are always responsible.Being a perfectionist.The personal program.Choices are always available to you.Results you want are available to you.

Take note of all the information available to you. Anything that attracts your attention could be something for you to modify and could increase the quality of your outcomes.

Enjoy reading all the articles and viewing the videos and if you have any feedback or information to add, then please use the comment form.

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