The Google Update service on Local computer started and then stopped

11 Replies

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Ghost Chili


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Jul 18, 2013 at 13:14 UTC

windows + R [opens the run command]

Type in "Services.msc"

locate your service

click "start the service"


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Jul 18, 2013 at 13:18 UTC

CreateITivity is an IT service provider.

RAM. wrote:

windows + R [opens the run command]

Type in "Services.msc"

locate your service

click "start the service"

I have already done that, but when the click "start the service" that is when i get the message which i posted



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Michael J Cooper Jul 18, 2013 at 13:19 UTC

What does event viewer give.


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UJSTech Jul 18, 2013 at 13:23 UTC

If you are looking for a cmd you can put into a batchfile

SC START gupdate

SC START gupdatem

You need to run the batchfile as an admin

You can query and write the results with

SC QUERY gupdate>c:\logs\log.txt

SC QUERY gupdatem>>c:\logs\log.txt


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Ghost Chili



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Jul 18, 2013 at 13:29 UTC

Can I ask why you need it to run all the time? From my understanding the service runs when another software such as Google Earth, or Google Chrome asks it to run.


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Jul 18, 2013 at 13:31 UTC

CreateITivity is an IT service provider.

i really dont need to run it, but it shows up as a nuisance in our monitoring system. personally i have no use for these services


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KS Lawrence Jul 18, 2013 at 13:44 UTC

Why on earth would you have these services running on a server? I cant think of a scenario where I would want any google-related software on our servers.


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Jul 18, 2013 at 13:48 UTC

CreateITivity is an IT service provider.

because we downloaded chrome on that server


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Jul 18, 2013 at 13:54 UTC

CreateITivity is an IT service provider.

i just removed chrome from that server, problem solved :]


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Ghost Chili



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Jul 18, 2013 at 14:03 UTC

so who gets the best answer or helpful posts for this one.....


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This person is a verified professional.

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Jul 18, 2013 at 14:08 UTC

CreateITivity is an IT service provider.

Technically i should :P, but since your the one you replied 1st. I'll give that to you


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Windows could not start the Windows Update service on Local Computer

To fix this problem, you can follow these suggestions-

  1. Check Service Dependencies
  2. Start Background Intelligent Transfer Service and Cryptographic Services
  3. Reset Windows Update component
  4. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter
  5. Edit Windows Registry.

1] Check Service Dependencies

A Windows service depends on other services, and that is called Dependencies of a Windows Service. The Windows Update service also depends on three different services called –Remote Procedure Call [RPC] Service, DCOM Server Process Launcher and RPC Endpoint Mapper. This means that if those two Services are not working properly, then the dependant Service also will not start.

Open the Services Manager and locate these-

  1. Remote Procedure Call [RPC] Service
  2. DCOM Server Process Launcher
  3. RPC Endpoint Mapper

Double-click on each service and verify whether the Startup type for all is set toAutomatic and the Service status is set to Running or not. If not, then click on the Start button. You need to use that option to run the service. After doing that, check if you can enable the Windows Update service or not.

2] Start Background Intelligent Transfer & Cryptographic Services

Both these Services too need to be working normally for Windows Update:

  1. Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
  2. Cryptographic Services – Automatic

To locate them and make sure the Startup type is as mentioned above, and the Service status is set to Running. If not, then click on the Start button to start the Service.

Check if you can enable the Windows Update service or not.

Related: One of the update services is not running properly in Windows 11/10.

3] Reset Windows Update component

If the problem continues then, you may need to reset each Windows Update component manually. This becomes mandatory when you have made a lot of changes regarding Windows Update, and the update service has stopped due to unknown reasons.

Read: Windows could not start the Windows Store Service [WSService].

4] Run Windows Update Troubleshooter

The Windows Update Troubleshooter is probably the best option for you when nothing is working for your benefit. You can run Troubleshooter in Windowsfrom Windows Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot. Here you should find an option called Windows Update. Click this option and click the Run the troubleshooter button. After that, you need to follow the screen options.

5] Remove a value from Registry

If the Troubleshooter fails and you receive a message Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt, then open the Registry Editor and navigate to this path-


If you can find a value called ThresholdOptedIn on your right-hand side, delete it.

Hope something helps!

TIP: More generic suggestions to troubleshoot Windows Services will not start issues.

Windows Search service not starting with Windows Search service on local computer started and then stopped error

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In this article

This article provides a resolution to solve the error that occurs when you try to start the Windows Search Service.

Applies to: Windows 10 - all editions
Original KB number: 2484025

The Service on local computer started and then stopped ,Some services stop automatically if there are not in use by other services or programs

Reason: Event Viewer log files are probably full.


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