This video file cannot be played error code 233011

All errors and warnings relating to the player are returned in a player error object.

{ "code": 104153, "message": "Sorry, the video player failed to load.", "sourceError": { Error object | null }, "type": "setupError" }

code numberIdentifier for the error

Error code descriptions are listed on this page.

message stringError text displayed displayed to the user

This property can be localized.

sourceError object | nullLower level error or event, caught by the player, which resulted in this error
type stringCategory of error or warning

Possible values:

   • error
   • playAttemptFailed
   • setupError
   • warning

An error has the following behaviors:

  • Stops player functionality
  • Displays the code and message to the viewer
  • In log events, displays the code with a link to this document
  • Returns a type value of error or setupError

An warning has the following behaviors:

  • In log events, displays the code with a link to this document
  • May degrade player functionality
  • Does not display the code and message to the viewer
  • Returns a type value of playAttemptFailed or warning

Use the sections below to help you troubleshoot and programmatically handle player-related issues.

These errors prevent the player from setting up successfully; they occur after jwplayer[].setup[] is called, are dispatched in a "setupError" event and prevent the dispatch of the "ready" event.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
100000An unknown setup error occurred.noneSorry, the video player failed to load.
100001Setup took longer than 60 seconds to complete.Setup Timeout Error: Setup took longer than 30 seconds to complete.Sorry, the video player failed to load.
100011Missing license key: the key was not found in the setup config or the jwplayer.key global.Error setting up player: Missing license keySorry, the video player failed to load.
100012Invalid license key.Error setting up player: Invalid license keySorry, the video player failed to load.
100013Expired license key.Error setting up player: Invalid license keySorry, the video player failed to load.
100014License key is not supported in unlimited edition.-Sorry, the video player failed to load.

Setup failed because the player could not load a necessary javascript component.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
101100A component of the player failed to load.Network errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101101Failed to load the jwplayer.core componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101102Failed to load the jwplayer.core.controls componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101103Failed to load the jwplayer.core.controls.polyfills componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101104Failed to load the jwplayer.core.controls.html5 componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101105Failed to load the jwplayer.core.controls.polyfills.html5 componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101120Failed to load the polyfills.intersection-observer componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
101130Failed to load the jwplayer.amp componentNetwork errorSorry, the video player failed to load.
104100A playback component of the player [provider] failed to loadFailed to load mediaSorry, the video player failed to load.
104151 < 8.19.0

As per Adobe, Flash Player is no longer supported.

The provider.flash.js playback component of the player [Flash provider] failed to loadFailed to load mediaSorry, the video player failed to load.
104152The provider.html5.js playback component of the player [HTML5 provider] failed to loadFailed to load mediaSorry, the video player failed to load.
104153The provider.hlsjs.js playback component of the player [HLS.JS provider] failed to loadFailed to load mediaSorry, the video player failed to load.
104154The provider.shaka.js playback component of the player [Shaka provider] failed to loadFailed to load mediaSorry, the video player failed to load.

Setup failed because the requested playlist could not be parsed.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
102000Unknown error. This is generally caused by an unknown XHR error or an exception thrown while parsing the content; for more context we recommend checking the source error.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
102001The XHR request exceeded the timeout argument or the default of 60 seconds.Error loading playlist: TimeoutSorry, the video player failed to load.
102002The browser failed to make the XHR request because it does not support XMLHttpRequest.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
102003An exception was thrown while calling The reason varies depending on the browser, but the cause is usually a malformed URL.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
102004An exception was thrown while calling xhr.send. The reason varies depending on the browser.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
102005An exception was thrown in the XHR requestFilter.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
102006The XHR request failed with a status code outside of the 400 and 500 ranges.Error loading playlist: []Sorry, the video player failed to load.
102007The XHR request of a relative or protocol-relative URL failed because the page is hosted over the file:// protocol. We recommend either hosting your pages on the web, or using absolute paths with defined protocols.Error loading playlist: []Sorry, the video player failed to load.
102400-102599The XHR request failed and returned a valid HTTP status error [eg. 102404 is HTTP status code 404]. Error loading playlist: File not found [http status code 404]
Error loading playlist: []
Sorry, the video player failed to load.
102601The DOMParser could not parse the XML; it must be malformed.Error loading playlist: Invalid XMLSorry, the video player failed to load.
102602The XML did not return a response; it must be malformed.Error loading playlist: Invalid XMLSorry, the video player failed to load.
102611The JSON could not be parsed; it must be invalid.Error loading playlist: Invalid JSONSorry, the video player failed to load.
102621The requested playlist is not a valid RSS or JSON feed.Error loading playlist: Not a valid RSS/JSON feedSorry, the video player failed to load.

Setup failed because an invalid playlist was requested.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
102630Either an empty playlist was requested or none of the items passed our filter for valid files. This includes the browser being unable to play the video, e.g. if the required codecs are not installed.No playable sources foundThis video file cannot be played.
102640The playlist item could not be loaded because it is undefined or missing a valid source.No mediaThis video file cannot be played.
102700When using the player setPlaylistItemCallback method to skip playlist items, all items in the playlist are skipped because the callback returned rejected Promises for each item.-This video cannot be played because of a technical error.

These errors stop playback and display an error message on the player's UI. They occur after the "ready" event is triggered, and are dispatched in an "error" event.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
200001An exception occurred while completing the player's setup.noneThis video cannot be played because of a technical error.

These errors are dispatched when jwplayer[].load[content] is called and the content cannot be loaded or played.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
202000Unknown error. This is generally caused by an unknown XHR error or an exception thrown while parsing the content; for more context we recommend checking the source error.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
202001Request exceeded timeout argument or default of 60 seconds.Error loading playlist: TimeoutSorry, the video player failed to load.
202002The browser failed to make the XHR request because it does not support XMLHttpRequest.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
202003An exception was thrown while calling The reason varies depending on the browser, but the cause is usually a malformed URL.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
202004An exception was thrown while calling xhr.send. The reason varies depending on the browser.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
202005An exception was thrown in the XHR requestFilter.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
202006The XHR request failed with a status code outside of the 400 and 500 ranges.Error loading playlist: Error loading fileSorry, the video player failed to load.
202007The XHR request of a relative or protocol-relative URL failed because the page is hosted over the file:// protocol. We recommend either hosting your pages on the web, or using absolute paths with defined protocols.Error loading playlist: []Sorry, the video player failed to load.
202400-202599The XHR request failed and returned a valid HTTP status error [eg. 202404 is HTTP status code 404]. Error loading playlist: File not found [http status code 404]
Error loading playlist: []
Sorry, the video player failed to load.
202601The DOMParser could not parse the XML; it must be malformed.Error loading playlist: Invalid XMLSorry, the video player failed to load.
202602The XML did not return a response; it must be malformed.Error loading playlist: Invalid XMLSorry, the video player failed to load.
202611The JSON could not be parsed; it must be invalid.Error loading playlist: Invalid JSONSorry, the video player failed to load.
202621The requested playlist is not a valid RSS or JSON feed.Error loading playlist: Not a valid RSS/JSON feedSorry, the video player failed to load.
202630Either an empty playlist was requested or none of the items passed our filter for valid files.Playlist error: No playable sources foundSorry, the video player failed to load.

These errors occur when the player attempts to switch playlist items, either via normal playlist progression [an item ends and the following one loads] or when calling jwplayer[].next[].

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
203000An error occurred when switching playlist items.N/AThis video file cannot be played.
203100A playback component of the player [the provider], required to play the requested item, failed to load between playlist items.Playlist error: Failed to load mediaThis video file cannot be played.
203640The playlist item could not be loaded because it is undefined or missing a valid source.Playlist error: No mediaThis video file cannot be played.

These errors occur when jwplayer[].load[content] is called but the provider required to reproduce the media failed to load.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message
204100A playback component of the player [the provider] failed to load.Could not play video: Failed to load mediaThis video file cannot be played.
204151 < 8.19.0

As per Adobe, Flash Player is no longer supported.

The provider.flash.js playback component of the player [Flash provider] failed to load.Could not play video: Failed to load mediaThis video file cannot be played.
204152The provider.html5.js playback component of the player [HTML5 provider] failed to load.Could not play video: Failed to load mediaThis video file cannot be played.
204153The provider.hlsjs.js playback component of the player [HLS.JS provider] failed to load.Could not play video: Failed to load mediaThis video file cannot be played.
204154The provider.shaka.js playback component of the player [Shaka provider] failed to load.Could not play video: Failed to load mediaThis video file cannot be played.

An error occurred while reproducing content with our Flash Provider.

CodeReasonDeprecated Error Message < 8.4.0Displayed Message

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