TigerDirect refurbished laptops



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JoinedDec 30, 2004Messages142
Dec 31, 2004
  • #1

I visit tigerdirect.ca regularily but I do not currently know anybody that has purchased anything from them. I wanted to know whether people who have bought from them are satisfied with the product that they got in a place other than the website itself [eg. customer reviews]. Also, are refurbished products reliable? Because my dad always tells me, "If its too good to be true, it probably isn't," but sometimes the deals are really good but at the bottom it says the product is refurbished. Thanks in advance.


JoinedAug 1, 2003Messages51,988
Dec 31, 2004
  • #2
I buy almost all my computer products from them. Always had good luck and no problem with returns, either.

"Refurbished" items can sometimes be more reliable than new items. After all, they have usually had something wrong with them, been fixed, and tested more thoroughly than even new items are before being sold. Add to that that there is a guarantee on most of these things, even though shorter then the original, and you usually end up with a good product for a good price.

And, like I said, they have always been good about returns and fixing any problems, so you really have nothing to lose.


JoinedJun 22, 2003Messages2,563
Dec 31, 2004
  • #4
I dont remmeber the details, but last year i talked to a guy i knew who runs a computer buisness...and he had a bad expireince with their return departent. Then i found newegg.


JoinedJul 28, 2004Messages362
Dec 31, 2004
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if you are very patient in waiting for your rebates, go for it. since you are in canada and hopefully from ontario, try checking out and have an estimate on your shipping and find out if it is worth it [including the frustration/s for the rebates] rather than buying from your friendly neighbourhood computer store.


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JoinedDec 30, 2004Messages142
Dec 31, 2004
  • #7
Ok, I'll show my dad this and hopefully he will change his mind about refurbished products, because he would rather pay a little more for something new. But if what you guys say is true, we could pay less for something just as good.
btw: I do live in Ontario. [15% sales tax!!! grrr...]

Thanks guys for being my second opinion!

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