Top Instagram followers

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Instagram is one of the largest and fastest growing social media platforms. With over 800 million users, there are lots of accounts with large followings. Heres our roundup of the top 10 Instagram accounts with the most followers!

The 10 most followed Instagram accounts as of early 2020 are:

      1. Instagram
      2. Cristiano Ronaldo
      3. Selena Gomez
      4. Ariana Grande
      5. Dwayne The Rock Johnson
      6. Kim Kardashian
      7. Kylie Jenner
      8. Beyoncé
      9. Taylor Swift
      10. Neymar

1. Instagram: 278 Million Followers

The official Instagram account has 278 million followers, making Instagram the most followed account on the platform.

2. Cristiano Ronaldo: 153 Million Followers

Famous Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo has a worldwide following, ranking him as #2 in terms of Instagram followers, with 153 million followers at the end of 2018.

3. Selena Gomez: 145 Million Followers

Pop singer Selena Gomez has the third largest Instagram following at 145 million followers.

4. Ariana Grande: 144 Million Followers

Ariana Grande, he singer famous for hits like thank u, next has 144 million followers, placing her fourth in the world for most Instagram followers.

5. Dwayne The Rock Johnson: 130 Million Followers

Famously known as The Rock, this actor and former pro-wrestler has 130 million Instagram followers.

6. Kim Kardashian: 126 Million Followers

Television star, wife of Kanye West, and creator of KKW Beauty, Kim Kardashian boasts 126 million followers on Instagram.

7. Kylie Jenner: 125 Million Followers

Half-sister of Kim Kardashian and owner of her own beauty line, Kylie Jenner ranks as the 7th most followed account on Instagram with 125 million followers.

8. Beyoncé: 123 Million Followers

Queen B, pop superstar Beyoncé has the eighth most Instagram followers at 123 million followers.

9. Taylor Swift: 114 Million Followers

Taylor Swift, famous singer and pop sensation, comes in ninth with 114 million followers.

10. Neymar: 110 Million Followers

Professional Brazilian footballer Neymar de Silva Santos Junior, known as simply Neymar, has the 10th largest Instagram following with 110 million followers.

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