trigger warning là gì - Nghĩa của từ trigger warning

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A phrase posted at the beginning of various posts, articles, or blogs. Its purpose is to warn weak minded people who are easily offended that they might find what is being posted offensive in some way due to its content, causing them to overreact or otherwise start acting like a dipshit. Popular on reddit SRS or other places that social justice warriors like to hang out. Trigger warnings are unnecessary 100% of the time due to the fact that people who are easily offended have no business randomly browsing the internet anyways. As a result of the phrases irrelevance, most opinions that start out with this phrase tend to be simplistic and dull since they were made by people ridiculous enough to think that the internet is supposed to cater to people who can't take a joke.


Trigger warning: If you think this phrase needs to be posted before politically incorrect opinions, you don't belong on the internets.

trigger warning có nghĩa là

Used to alert people when an internet post, book, article, picture, video, audio clip, or some other media could potentially cause extremely negative reactions [such as post-traumatic flashbacks or self-harm] due to its content. Sometimes abbreviated as "TW."


Trigger Warning for sexual violence

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A word that makes me want to pull a trigger [albeit, of a difference sort] every god damn, fucking time it is uttered.


Trigger Warning Urban Dictionary is not a website you want to be on if you are easily offended. If you are: Seriously, what the fuck are you doing here?!

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A warning before showing something that could cause a PTSD reaction. Commonly used as a joke, its meaning has unfortunately depreciated, drawing more stigma to mental illness.


The teacher gave a trigger warning before showing us the rape scene in the movie.

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A trigger warning is a phrase included before a story, video, picture, etc. It's used to warn people of triggering words or pictures. For example, if someone has PTSD or MDD, this could be posted if it uses suicidal thoughts, or a traumatic experience. Some people say this is for oversensitive people, but is actually very useful if the story/picture/video has actual triggering words/scenes/thoughts. Can also be abbreviated to TW.


Trigger warning for rape and suicidal thoughts.

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A warning often found on blogs to warn people who could have panic attacks or other extremely negative reactions to words or situations that these "triggers" will be mentioned in the text/video/alternate form of media. This is meant to prevent said person/people from becoming upset due to PTSD or other mental disorders. A common misconception is that triggers are just made up for oversensitive and stupid people and should not be taken seriously or even mocked. However, this is disrespectful and mocking mental disorders and their sypmtoms is extremely rude and a terrible thing to do.


Trigger warning for mentions of rape and suicidal thoughts.

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A phrase posted at the beginning of various posts, articles, or blogs. Its purpose is to warn people with issues such as PTSD, Depression, Suicidal thoughts/behaviors, past drug/alcohol addictions or victims of things like Rape and Abuse that there is content ahead that may trigger a traumatic flashback or could possibly even make them want to harm themselves ahead. Sometimes, for people who have harmed themselves in the past, just one picture or post about self-harm can make them want to harm themselves again. Trigger warning are necessary before posts that have to do with traumatic events, such as rape, cutting, suicide, drug use, and other PTSD influencing subject matter. They should never be used as a joke or joked about [unless you are around people you know will not be triggered by it].


Before posting a picture of someone cutting themselves, one might include the phrase "Trigger Warning" before the post.

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A cop-out that social justice warriors use to make it seem like they're accomodating people with PTSD. Trigger warnings are usually posted at the content's header in order to keep from acknowledging that PTSD episodes do not stop for anything so long as the "triggering" content is still there and thus avoid responsible conversations about trauma.


"That article about rape made me feel terrible all day. I'm having a hard time putting my life back together."
"But I put in a trigger warning!"

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A trigger warning is when something may make you feel emotional, like mad and upset
So at the start of a text, video, etc it my say 'trigger warning', it alerts the viewer that the content may make them feel ashamed, have a break down, etc.
the moral is that if you see trigger warning, just be prepared that your emotions may escape your mind :]


If a video says trigger warning it may show suicide content, death content, racism, rape, etc

trigger warning có nghĩa là

A cocktail based on the non-alcoholic drink called a Roy Rogers. The drink consist of the classic Roy Rogers mix of cola, grenadine and a cherry. However, it is served with a chaser of high-grade horse tranquilizer.


The designated driver ordered a Roy Rogers, but everyone else was able to have a Trigger Warning and were tripping balls.

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