Ubuntu reload desktop files

Ubuntu How to force Unity reload ~/.local/share/applications/


Let's say I changed/added some myapp.desktop file at ~/.local/share/applications/.
For some time Ubuntu Unity will still show me old applications shortcuts at Unity lens under Ubuntu button. It will take some time [or just a one restart] to get applications list updated there.

How I can force Unity reload ~/.local/share/applications and reflect shortcuts correctly in lens?

Best Answer

A little late, but i stumbled upon this thread before finding a solution, atleast to my problem, googling something related, nearly giving up.

As per this guide help.ubuntu.com, don't just edit or create your .desktop files in /usr/local/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications. Instead, create the file somewhere else and use


to add the file.

E.g. you create ~/myapp.desktop and do

desktop-file-install --dir=$HOME/.local/share/applications ~/myapp.desktop

Existing files of the same name will be overwritten and unity updated, you can use --delete-original if the source is not needed anymore, or

sudo desktop-file-install ~/myapp.desktop

to install it for all users.

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