vietnam war là gì - Nghĩa của từ vietnam war

vietnam war có nghĩa là

Yet another example of France fucking up and the US riding in to bail their sorry asses out. Unfortunately for them, it didn't work out as well as the World Wars and the US got a bloody nose. Statistically the war went relatively well for America, but gross political mismanagement and the mass media's attempts to force public opinion against the war crippled the military's efforts and America ultimately had to pull out. Basically, the Vietnam War was lost in America, not in Vietnam.


The USA could have easily won the Vietnam War by playing fast and hard, but worthless politicians kept them on such a tight leash they could only hope to tickle North Vietnam and only after being punched in the face. Or we could have returned de Gaulle's favor and told the damn frogs to fuck off in the beginning and spared ourselves the whole experience.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

A war where America stuck it's nose where it shouldn't of and subsequently got chased out of the country like crying little schoolgirls.

Also the Americans slaughtered countless innocent women and children under the belief that they were spies and conspirators.


America was defeated by a country with less than 1/10 of their military, population and economic capacity.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

The most controversial war in History.


My Dad was involved in the Vietnam War

vietnam war có nghĩa là

A drinking game based on the war of the same name. Similar to beer pong. Two teams, America and Vietnam, both get 10 cups. America arranges their cups in a triangle [as in beer pong], with the usual amount of beer in them. Vietnam places their cups anywhere they like on their side of the table, but the cups are full. If America makes a shot, someone on team Vietnam has to drink the whole cup and removes it. If Vietnam makes a shot, someone on team America has to drink the cup and refill it. The game ends when all cups on the Vietnam side are gone, or when America gives up.


Hey, wanna play beer pong?" "Nah, I got a better game, it's called the Vietnam War."

vietnam war có nghĩa là

Why Did the USA invade Vietnam?
After the second world war, The USA and The USSR emerged as the world's two great superpowers. However, the two nation's political systems conflicted and a war of words and threat broke out. This was known as the cold war. America became increasingly fearful of the Soviet Union's communist system spreading across the world, one country at a time. This theory was known as the 'domino theory'. When China went communist in 1949, America felt that the threat of communism was very real. As a result, they entered Korea and were partially successful; The ROK [South Korea] remains a capitalist state today. They then turned their attentions too Vietnam, where a communist group known as the Viet Minh had emerged, founded by Ho Chi Minh. France were already present in Vietnam as it had been a colony of their's prior to WW2. However, even after a vast amount of support given by the USA, the French were eventually driven out by the Viet Minh. America's response to this was to help Ngo Dinh Diem to power in south Vietnam. Diem was a ruthless dictator who was cruel to the peasant population of Vietnam, but he was anti-communist, and so the USA helped him. Before long, a new communist militia group was set up called the Viet Cong, again founded by Ho Chi Minh. America began to send military 'advisers' to combat the Viet Cong. This continued for a few year until eventually, in 1965, The USA was fully at war with communist forces in Vietnam.


The Vietnam War was a 'product' of the cold war.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

A war which America chose to lose.


We had the upperhand in the Vietnam War until we pulled out due to the massive anti-war movement in the United States.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

A war that the State Department lost, not the U.S. military. Dumbass liberal college students and hippies trying to turn our country into a communist regime at the same time didn't help, either.


After I got back from the Vietnam War, some hippie spit on my uniform and called me a baby-killing war criminal, so I broke his jaw, just to remind him that it's because of "baby-killers" like me that he has the freedom to express his thoughts, no matter how wrong or asinine those thoughts are.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

The only war the United States has ever lost. After WW2 and the rise of the USSR, North Vietnam became a communist region. The US was afraid that if South Vietnam fell to communism, other small countries would also become communist. At first they sent advisors to the South's army but they needed extra support so US troops were sent. It was a war of attrition, victories were won not by total area gained but by body count. It was a very nasty war, with a lot of hatred by the American public. Over 50,000 american soldiers died, as opposed to the 2 million North Vietnamese killed. A lot of American pilots were shot down and captured as POWs and sent to camps, such as the famous "Hanoi Hilton" that became a symbol of the barbaric Vietcong. Contrary to popular belief, the US never lost a battle in Vietnam. Nixon decided to pull out due to the negative opinion of the war and to secure his reelection calling it "Peace with honor". The State Dept lost the war folks, not the military.


My ROTC instructor was a Huey pilot in the Vietnam War.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

-A good war that was justly fought and justly started. America was right for so-called by dumbass hippies "sticking its nose where it shouldnt have been". America did lose the war but only because a lot of the troops in the war were not motivated and all the media and politics were against the war and troops because they couldn't stand a good war that was started for the cause of justice.

I'm sorry Jane Fonda and John Kerry and others like you for offending you...maybe you should go to a different country if you don't care about America as much as you say you do. :] GOOD RIDANCE ONCE YOU DO LEAVE.


The Vietnam war was a good war, even though dumb hippies couldn't accept justice in their dictionary, the war was a good start to having a more safer world.

vietnam war có nghĩa là

Well, ill start with the Domino Theory. I said that when south vietnam would be conquered, the communism would spread. this was the basis of fighting the war.
I dont feel like going through all of the statistics and stuff, but we basically won militarily. The vietcong was practically annihilated. The North Vietnamese army was crippled. Our estimations of enemy death tolls [the media said were too high] were actually too low. we killed many more.
Effects of war: basically a "warning" so that the domino effect would not occur we may have not turned it around, but we sure as hell stopped it.


the vietnam war was fairly simple, and would have been easily a stunning victory if it had been continued for five more minutes. it was so successful anyway, thanks to G. Warren Nutter, Assistant Secretary of War of foreign affairs. he basically ran the war. --also my grandpa

communism before war--
--- why it seems we lost but....
communism if we didnt fight, the year the war did end -----
--- if we kept fighting -

if you dont get that diagram, dont try to figure it out. its kinda pointless.

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