Want to help someone shut up and listen

After watching Ernesto Sirollis presentation did change my perspective on how to approach others who have different culture. The title If You Want to Help Someone Shut-Up and Listen gets the point of the presentation across very directly. When people try to help others, most assume their way is the best or only way to do something. The people try to help without asking the locals what they want or why they do things a certain way that is different to them. The aid often finds their way does not work. If the people trying to help allows the locals to tell them what they need, and the aid using that to help, good results normally follows.
Sirolli tells a story about how Italian people traveled to teach the Zambian people how to grow food. The Italian brought Italianshow more content
Those three things are confidentiality, committed service, and the true about entrepreneurship. The true about entrepreneurship is the produce you wish to sell has to be great, you must have good marketing, and you must have skillful financial management. I identify most with the financial part of being an efficient entrepreneur. I have always seemed to be handle and deal with money well since a young age, and I see where this is very important in business. I am not surprised that one person cannot start a successful business on their own. No one has every started a company on their own. Its takes more than one person to have the skills required to run a productive business. When someone is trying to help, they need to learn what the people need help with rather than assuming they know what the problems are. A holistic perspective is that no part of culture can be completely understood alone. What does not seem like a normal method to one person from one area, maybe the best way to do something in another area. This is why listening is so important when trying to help others to see what they need instead of

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