What number should be divided by 9408 to make it perfect square?

What must be divided to 9408 to make it perfect square?

`3136` is a perfect square of `56`
Hence, `3` is the smallest number by which `9408` must be divided so that it becomes a perfect square.

Is 9408 a perfect square if not find the smallest multiple of 9408 which is a perfect square find the square root of new number?

The quotient when we divide 9408 by 3 we will get 3136 and the square root of 3136 is equal to 56, so the smaller number is 3 , quotient is 3136 and the square root is 56. So, the correct answer is “Option B”.

What is the perfect square of 4931?

so 110 must be added to 4931 to get a perfect Square. Was this answer helpful?

What is the perfect square of 11025?

Hence 11025 is a perfect square number. 3. ... Square Root by Prime Factorization Example Problems..

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