When you export a query to use in word, access creates a rich text format (rtf) file.

Exporting is the opposite of importingA field's Required property determines whether users must enter a value in the field.When you export a query to use in Word, Access creates a Rich Text Format [RTF] file.You can set the Field Size property for a field with a Short Text data type.You can use a report to enter a record into the databaseAn Append query adds selected records to an existing table.In Query Design view, you enter parameter criteria within curly brackets, as in {Enter department:}.You can modify the lookup settings for a field in Table Datasheet view.A Make-Table query is a type of action query that creates a new table of data.Delete queries delete entire records, not just selected fields within records.You can set Lookup Wizard if the data type is originally set as Long Text.Using MicrosoftExcel, you can open and edit Access data you export as a RTF file.

MS Access database offers several ways to present Access reports on a different platform. Most of which we have already discussed in our previous blogs like convert Access data to Excel, convert Access reports to PDF, migrate data between Access Database & SharePoint, Convert An Access Database To SQL Server, and much more.

Likewise, today through this post you will learn how to convert Access report to word document. Here in this post, we will discuss two different ways to Convert Access To Word.

  1. Export Access report to word with formatting.
  2. Using the mail merge to send Access data to Word.

 So, without wasting any time….!

 Let’s know about each of these methods of converting Access report to Word document in detail.

Fix Microsoft Access Issues
Run a database Scan with Stellar Access Database Repair Tool to repair inconsistent Access database. After the scan is complete, the repair process will restore the database to its normal state fixing all the errors.

By clicking the button above and installing Stellar Repair for Access [14.8 MB], I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy of this site.

Different Scenarios For conversion of Access Report To  Word

There can be so many reasons to convert Access Report to Word. Check out the following user scenarios. Through this scenario, you can get an easy idea of why people want to convert Access Report To Word.

I have designed a report in MS Access 2010 and got it to look in Print Preview pretty much as the user wants it, but I need to export it to Word so it can be printed special [as a booklet] and with some additional formatting that I cannot do in the Design View of Access. So, when I export it to Word to put the finishing touches on it, the solid lines I added to the report not in the .rtf file when I open it in Word.

 If I print the report directly out of Access, the lines do print out in the report. Is there a way I can preserve the lines when the report is exported to MS Word as an .rtf.




hi, all!

It’s a simple question. I’m sorry, but I couldn’d find an answer in this forum

I have formatted several nice reports.
Could you be so kind to help me in VBA to save/export for example my Report1 from DB1.mdb to Report.DOC [I need to save format of pages too: fonts, colors, footers, etc…].

Code/example would be very much appreciated

thanks in advance!
kind regards.



For the conversion of Access report to Word you can make use of the method Export Access Report To Word. You are free to export any Access object such as form, table, report, query, to MS Word.

In the following method, we are going to use the Export – RTF File Wizard for exporting Access objects to Word. When we use Export – RTF File Wizard MS Access makes one copy of Access object’s data in MS Word [*.rtf] i.e in the Rich Text Format file.

When any user exports the Access report, the Wizard exports Access report layouts and its data and keeps it in the word document. The wizard takes complete care of not making any changes in the formatting pattern. It will present you with an exported word document that resembles exactly the same as the Access report.

Method 1: Export Access data to a Word document

Here are the following steps to export Access data to Word document. By following these steps you can easily publish Access report as Word document.

Even after exporting Access report to Word, it’s possible to perform any formatting modifications. All the exported objects of Access reports to MS Word are in RTF [Rich Text Format] format.

  • Make a selection for the Access Report that you want to export into the Word document.
  • Now in the Access application window go to the tab “External Data”.
  • After then get into the Export Group.  Tap to the More option.

  • From the drop-down list of more options choose Word.

  • Now you will see on your screen a Window of Export – RTF File appears opens up.

  • Hit the browse option to assign the location where you want to store your word document.
  •  Tap to the OK option.
  •  If you don’t want to save the export step for future reference. Then hit the Close option present at the bottom of the save export Window.

  •  You will get a message meanwhile the process of exporting Access report to Word.
  • After completion of the exportation process. It’s time to view the document.  For this Access will open the word document after the exportation task gets over.

Or alternatively, you can also manually go to the location which you have assigned in the above step for saving the exported document.

Method 2: Use mail merge to send Access data to Word

Using the mail merge to send Access data to Word is the best way to keep your Access data into work.

Here are the complete steps for making a Word mail merge within the Access application:

  • At first, open the Access database having the addresses which you want to merge with your Word application.
  • If the Navigation Pane is not open, press F11 to open it.
  • Choose the Access query or table having the addresses. But if these addresses fields extend across in multiple tables. Then first make a simple select query with the entire required field that you need. After then using that query for the process of the merge.
  • Go to the External Data After then from the Export group choose the Word Merge option.

  • This will open the dialog box of Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard.
  • Select from the two options whether:
  1. You want to link your data to an existing Microsoft Word document.
  2. Or create a new document and then link the data to it.

  • After choosing any one of the above options. Tap to the OK button.

After performing the above step you will see Word document along with the mail merge pane Mailings tab will open on your PC screen.

  • You can follow the wizard steps by tapping on the  Previous and Next It is present at the bottom section of Mail Merge pane.

  • In the wizard 3rd step, you don’t need to choose the recipient list again. As this was already determined in Access. But if you want to check the final list then make a click on the Edit recipient list. From the opened box of the Edit recipient list, you can easily remove individual recipients from the merge, perform sorting, apply a filter to the list, etc.
  • In the 4th Step of the wizard, you have to write the letter [unless you’re working with an existing document].
  • In wizard 5th step, make use of the Previous [] buttons. This will show how the data will look after being merged or after the printing of the document.
  • In the wizard step no: 6, tap to the option Print and choose the printing options as per your choice.
  • Now it’s time to save and then close the MS Word document.

Still having issues? Fix them with this Access repair tool:

This software repairs & restores all ACCDB/MDB objects including tables, reports, queries, records, forms, and indexes along with modules, macros, and other stuffs effectively.

  1. Download Stellar Repair for Access rated Great on Cnet [download starts on this page].
  2. Click Browse and Search option to locate corrupt Access database.
  3. Click Repair button to repair & preview the database objects.

Pearson Willey is a website content writer and long-form content planner. Besides this, he is also an avid reader. Thus he knows very well how to write an engaging content for readers. Writing is like a growing edge for him. He loves exploring his knowledge on MS Access & sharing tech blogs.

How do I export an RTF file as an query?

Export the data.
On the External Data tab, in the Export group, click Word..
The Export - RTF File export wizard opens. ... .
In the Export - RTF File wizard, specify the name of the destination file..
The wizard always exports formatted data..

How do I export an Access query to a text file?

In the Access Navigation Pane, right-click the source object, point to Export, and then click Text File. You can also launch the Export - Text File wizard by highlighting the source object in the Navigation Pane and then on the External Data tab, in the Export group, click Text File.

What does export mean in Microsoft Word?

In a personal computer application, to export is to convert a file into another format than the one it is currently in. Once the file is exported to the desired format [specified in its file name suffix], it can be opened and worked on by an application that recognizes and uses this format.

How do I export an Access query to Excel?

On the External Data tab, in the Export group, click Excel. In the Export - Excel Spreadsheet dialog box, review the suggested file name for the Excel workbook [Access uses the name of the source object]. If you want, you can modify the file name. In the File Format box, select the file format that you want.

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