Where is the best place to see the total eclipse in 2024?

By most accounts, it seems like getting to the recent total solar eclipse's "path of totality" -- the 70-mile wide strip of land that stretched across North America and offered the best views of Monday's total solar eclipse -- was an equally historic mess. There was obsession. There were scams. There was insane traffic. Bonnie Tyler got involved.

On the other hand, there was also a lot of fun during the once-in-a-lifetime lunar-celestial dance in the sky. Rarely do we get an opportunity to participate in something so unifying and so liberating as a culture these days, even if the damn glasses sold out, so we can only look forward to the next total solar eclipse, which will be visible across a large part of the country on April 8, 2024.

Yes, it will be commercialized. Yes, there will be brands vying for your attention. Yes, the glasses will probably sell out again. But many of us will be together and watch something special, and there's no better place to do that than on the path of totality. Here's what that path will look like in about seven years. Those who followed along this year may recognize Carbondale, Illinois, which will be back for Round 2. 

  • Austin, Texas
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Carbondale, Illinois
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Toledo, Ohio
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Akron, Ohio
  • Buffalo, New York
  • Rochester, New York
  • Montpelier, Vermont
  • Montreal, Quebec

Now may be a good time to start planning your trips and ingratiating yourselves to friends in Rochester or Austin. You don't want to get stuck home waving a spaghetti colander over the ground when it's time to look up again.

Keep in mind that you'll also might find luck outside major cities. The website GreatAmericanEclipse.com has published detailed regional maps of the 2024 eclipse's path of totality that you can use and blow up to high-resolution to plan your route a bit more. Check out three of the maps below, and head over to GreatAmericanEclipse.com for the additional regions.


Make a vacation out of this and spend a few days in Corpus Christi, Texas on the Gulf of Mexico before you head up to the path.

Missouri, Illinois, Indiana

Also, just look at how close Cincinnati, Ohio, is to the path. 

New York

Rochester and Buffalo will be the big cities in the path, but nearby Syracuse and the rest of lovely Central and Western New York should be on your radar.

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Eric Vilas-Boas is a writer at Thrillist and runs the animation website The Dot and Line. Follow him on Twitter: @e_vb_

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The total solar eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, as seen over Madras, Oregon. [Image credit: Aubrey Gemignani/NASA]

On April 8, 2024, plants, animals and humans across North America will encounter a celestial experience like no other: a total solar eclipse.

Earth will experience several total solar eclipses from 2019 to 2021, but the April 2024 event will be the first to pass through the United States since the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse.

The 2024 total solar eclipse will take a grand journey across North America, beginning on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, traveling up through the U.S. from Texas to Maine, and ultimately reaching the Atlantic Coast of Canada.

The sight of the ethereal solar corona, the 360-degree sunset and the collective awe expected across the continent are just some of the reasons scientists and skywatchers are looking forward to the 2024 total solar eclipse. Here is Space.com's complete guide to the epic event.

More stories and images:

  • After 'Super Bowl of Eclipses,' US Looks Forward to 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
  • Total Solar Eclipse of 2024: Here Are Maps of the 'Path of Totality'

A view of the Aug. 21, 2017, total solar eclipse over Ross Lake in Washington's North Cascades National Park. [Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA]

REMEMBER: It is safe to view the eclipse with the naked eye only during totality, when the sun's disk is completely covered by the moon. Otherwise, skywatchers should NEVERlook at a partial solar eclipse without proper eye protection. Serious eye damage — like an eclipse imprint burning into the retina— and blindness can occur as a result of looking directly at the sun, even when it is partially covered by the moon. See our complete guide from 2017 to find out how to view the eclipse safely.

What is a total solar eclipse?

A total solar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the moon appears to block the sun's entire disk in the sky, resulting in dimming and cooling for minutes at a time as the lunar shadow sweeps across a portion of Earth's surface. [Get Ready for 2 Solar Eclipses Coming to the US in 2023 and 2024]

Total solar eclipses are amazing, especially considering how peculiar they are. They're quite a chance occurrence in cosmic geometry: The moon orbits about 239,000 miles [385,000 kilometers] from Earth, and that's just the right distance to appear the same size in the sky as the sun, which is significantly larger and much farther away.

The moon and the sun line up and create total solar eclipses only about once every 18 months. On average, two to five solar eclipses occur each year, but these don't always result in total eclipses. The solar eclipse that will cross the continental U.S. on Oct. 14, 2023, for instance, will be annular, meaning the moon will block only the center of the sun, leaving an outer ring of the solar disk visible. That will happen because the moon will be at a point in its orbit that is too far from Earth to completely block out the sun from our perspective here on Earth. While it will still be a fantastic celestial event, the annular eclipse won't darken the skies the way a total solar eclipse will.

What will I see during the total solar eclipse?

Within the eclipse's path of totality, spectators can expect their senses to come alive. As the total solar eclipse approaches, there will be a gradual dimming of the sky. Viewers will notice a more obvious change if they're wearing protective eyewear: They'll see the moon's round outline slowly block more and more of the sun, at first making it look like a fat banana, and later, more like a ring. As the moon continues to move across the face of the sun's disk, it will get cooler all around. Plants and animals will start to react, and the sounds of nocturnal creatures might start up.

During the few minutes of totality — and only then — spectators can remove their protective eyewear and stare at the ethereal halo of the sun's corona. Make sure to take a moment to look for stars or planets shining in the dim sky, and enjoy the 360-degree sunset that the total eclipse produces. Keep an eye out for lunar mountains and solar flares, too, which may be visible at the moon's edges.

A total solar eclipse will be visible on April 8, 2024, over Mexico, the United States and Canada. [Image credit: GreatAmerianEclipse.com]

Where will the total solar eclipse be visible?

The solar eclipse first makes landfall in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, then travels from Texas to Maine in the U.S., clipping parts of continental Canada along the way. The eclipse finishes its North American journey over Newfoundland in Canada.

Skygazers will have a plethora of options to choose from when selecting where to view totality. According to an interactive Google map developed by Fred Espenak, a researcher at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and an eclipse modeler, and astrophotographer Xavier Jubier, an astrophotographer, the 2024 total solar eclipse will first touch North America off Mexico's Pacific Coast, and the lunar shadow will progress in a northeast direction.

In the United States, totality will first appear in Texas, then Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. In Illinois, the town of Carbondale eagerly awaits its second total solar eclipse in seven years. From there, the eclipse will proceeds over the skies of Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vermont and Maine. Most of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario fall under the path of totality, as well, including Niagara Falls. Canada also boasts several viewing sites, as the shadow's path will sweeps eastward to Newfoundland. [NASA's Best Photos of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017]

Outside the path of totality, skywatchers in Mexico, the U.S., Canada, Central America and the Caribbean will see a partial solar eclipse. Here, the moon will appear to take a smooth bite out of the sun's disk. During a partial eclipse, it is never safe to view the sun with the naked eye.

When will the total solar eclipse occur, and how long will it last?

The total solar eclipse duration depends on the viewer's latitude, longitude and proximity to the center of the totality path. The greatest duration will be 4 minutes and 28 seconds, and will occur within the Mexican state of Durango, according to predictions by Espenak.

The chart below lists the moment when the eclipse and totality begin and end for a handful of locations that lie within the totality path, according to data from NASA and Espenak.

Mazatlán, Mexico 10:51 AM MDT 2:07 PM MDT 2:12 PM MDT 3:32 PM MDT
Austin, Texas 12:17 PM CDT 1:36 PM CDT 1:38 PM CDT 2:58 PM CDT
Dallas 12:23 PM CDT 1:41 PM CDT 1:44 PM CDT 3:02 PM CDT
Hot Springs, Arkansas 12:23 PM CDT 1:49 PM CDT 1:53 PM CDT 3:10 PM CDT
Indianapolis 1:50 PM EDT 3:06 PM EDT 3:10 PM EDT 4:23 PM EDT
Cleveland 1:59 PM EDT 3:13 PM EDT 3:17 PM EDT 4:29 PM EDT
Buffalo, New York 2:04 PM EDT 3:18 PM EDT 3:22 PM EDT 4:36 PM EDT
Montreal 2:14 PM EDT 3:26 PM EDT 3:28 PM EDT 4:36 PM EDT
Fredericton, New Brunswick 3:23 PM ADT 4:33 PM EDT 4:36 PM ADT 5:41 PM ADT

For information on other cities and towns, zoom in on the Google Eclipse Map, and drag a marker to the desired spot.

Do I need any equipment to view the 2024 eclipse?

Anyone planning to view the total solar eclipse of 2024 should get a pair of solar viewing glasses. By using these extra-protective shades, observers can look directly at the sun before and after totality. The following four companies sell eclipse glasses that meet the international standard [ISO 12312-2] recommended by NASA, the American Astronomical Society and other scientific organizations: Rainbow Symphony, American Paper Optics, Thousand Oaks Optical, Lunt Solar Systems [opens in new tab] and TSE 17.

It's important to note that regular sunglasses cannot be used in place of solar viewing glasses. See our complete guide to find out how to view the eclipse safely.

The moon is seen passing in front of the sun during a solar eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017, from Ross Lake in Washington's Northern Cascades National Park. [Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA]

What else should I know before viewing the eclipse?

Make sure to plan for extra travel time, especially on the day of the eclipse. Like the 2017 eclipse date, April 8, 2024, falls on a Monday. So, if at all possible, try traveling over the weekend before the big day, to avoid traffic. [Here Are the Most Amazing Photos of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse]

The U.S. Department of Transportation issued warnings and guidelines in anticipation of the 2017 total solar eclipse, and the department will likely make traffic predictions for the 2024 total eclipse closer to the date. Vehicle volume varied in 2017. Traffic on I-40 was not any worse than usual, according to Space.com reporter Hanneke Weitering, who traveled from New York City to Nashville, Tennessee, to view the 2017 total solar eclipse. But Wyoming fared worse; the state experienced a record-breaking traffic jam, with more than half a million cars on the road, according to The Denver Post.

If you need to arrange a hotel, do so as early as possible. And if camping is a possibility, add some wilderness grandeur to your eclipse experience by checking out any of the national parks along the path of totality, many of which may plan events for the special day.

You can also enjoy the eclipse outside the path of totality if travelling isn't an option. For those who chose not to travel into the path of totality in 2017, many local events at museums and other institutions offered a fun way to view the partial solar eclipse.

While the weather is still uncertain, astronomer Jay Pasachoff told Space.com in an email that Mexico and Texas will probably offer the best viewing spots for the 2024 total eclipse.

This map shows annular and total solar eclipses that will occur between 2041 and 2060. [Image credit: Fred Espenak/NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center]

When is the next time a total solar eclipse will be visible from the U.S.?

The next total solar eclipse visible from the U.S. after the 2024 eclipse will occur in 2044. This eclipse will be visible in Montana, the Prairie Provinces of Canada and the Arctic. The next cross-continental total eclipse will happen the following year, in 2045, when the moon's shadow will sweep across the U.S. from northern California down to Florida.

Follow Doris Elin Salazar on Twitter @salazar_elin. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on Space.com.

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Doris is a science journalist and Space.com contributor. She received a B.A. in Sociology and Communications at Fordham University in New York City. Her first work was published in collaboration with London Mining Network, where her love of science writing was born. Her passion for astronomy started as a kid when she helped her sister build a model solar system in the Bronx. She got her first shot at astronomy writing as a Space.com editorial intern and continues to write about all things cosmic for the website. Doris has also written about microscopic plant life for Scientific American’s website and about whale calls for their print magazine. She has also written about ancient humans for Inverse, with stories ranging from how to recreate Pompeii’s cuisine to how to map the Polynesian expansion through genomics. She currently shares her home with two rabbits. Follow her on twitter at @salazar_elin.

Where can I see the total eclipse in 2024?

Where to See the 2024 Eclipse in North America. The total solar eclipse of 2024 will begin its journey from Mexico and end in Canada. If you live in the solar eclipse's path of totality it means that you'll be lucky enough to view the entire eclipse. The path of the eclipse will be in Sinaloa in Mexico.

Where is the path of totality in 2024?

The solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, will be total in a narrow path from Mexico to the Canadian maritimes and partial to the northwest and southeast. Yellow curves indicate how much of the Sun is covered by the Moon outside the path of totality.

Where will the longest totality be for the 2024 eclipse?

With a magnitude of 1.0566, its longest duration of totality will be of four minutes and 28.13 seconds near the town of Nazas, Durango, Mexico [~6 km north], and the nearby city of Torreón, Coahuila.

Where can I see the next total solar eclipse?

Total and Annular Solar Eclipses - 2021 to 2030 August 12, 2026 over Greenland, Iceland, and Spain. August 2, 2027 over northern Africa, Gibraltar, and the Saudi peninsula. July 22, 2028 over Australia and New Zealand. November 25, 2030 over southern Africa and Australia.

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