Which of the following best defines a group?

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The various options for the question “which of the following best defines organizational behavior?” are as below:

A] It involves the study of groups of people coming together for collective bargaining.

B] It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company’s output.

C] It involves analyzing different people in an industry with independent profit-centered motives.

D] It involves developing exclusively the knowledge of managers and senior-level employees.

E] It is a field that is not influenced by factors in the external world.

The correct answer to this question is option [B] It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company’s output.

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What best defines a group?

In short, a group is a number of people who work together. They have individual goals that they work toward collectively. While groups work toward separate goals, they have a related interest or identity that brings them together. There are two types of groups: informal groups and formal groups.

Which of the following statement best defines a work group?

Answer and Explanation: B] A workgroup interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires a joint effort. A group consists of two or more people, communicating and interdependent, who have worked together to accomplish clear objectives.

What is the correct definition of a group quizlet?

Definition: Group. Two or more individuals, interactin gna dinterdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives.

Which of the following statements best defines a work group Mcq?

B] A work group interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires joint effort.

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