Which of the following mobile apps can build offline-ready apps with data sync?

Azure Mobile Apps

Azure Mobile Apps [also known as the Microsoft Datasync Framework] is a set of client and server libraries for adding authenticated data access and offline synchronization to your mobile applications.

Currently, we support:

  • ASP.NET Core for .NET 6.
  • .NET Standard 2.0 Client - Xamarin [Native and Forms], UWP, WPF.
  • .NET 6 Client - MAUI and Windows App SDK [WinUI3].

To get started, take a look at our documentation.

The following libraries have been archived and can be considered retired [links take you to the archive]

  • Android Client
  • iOS Client
  • JavaScript Client
  • Apache Cordova Client
  • Node Server
  • .NET Framework Server
  • .NET Framework Client


.NET [sdk/dotnet]

The .NET Library uses ASP.NET Core 6.0 and provides stores for in-memory data, LiteDb, and Entity Framework Core. You can download pre-release versions from GitHub Releases.

Released and supported versions of the library will be distributed by the normal NuGet mechanism:



We provide a template for use with dotnet new. The template pre-configures ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, and the Datasync Server libraries. To install the template:

dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Datasync.Template.CSharp

To create a server, use dotnet new:

mkdir My.Datasync.Server
cd My.Datasync.Server
dotnet new datasync-server

The Datasync Server template will be released to NuGet at the same time as the new libraries.


You can find the latest documentation on docs.microsoft.com. Additional information will be added to the repository Wiki when appropriate.


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What is offline data synchronization?

Offline data sync is a client and server SDK feature of Azure Mobile Apps that makes it easy for developers to create apps that are functional without a network connection. When your app is in offline mode, users can still create and modify data, which will be saved to a local store.

What is the advantage of using the Trigger offline data sync build in action?

Place the local entity action in OfflineDataSync action This will enable you to run the sync in the background without affecting execution of the other app processes.

What is the foundation platform on which all Microsoft Azure App Service apps rely?

Azure App Service is a fully managed platform as a service [PaaS] offering for developers. Here are some key features of App Service: Multiple languages and frameworks - App Service has first-class support for ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node. js, PHP, or Python.

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